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Posts posted by TURTLE GIRL

  1. Thank you soo much FreeBird. Your info was a lot of help. It is neat b/c my boss had his in Cobb and is now in Paulding Co. And thanks to you all who responded. Thats why I just love our P.comers. Everyone is so nice and helpful. We all want to be lawful and careful when "packin heat"!! Don't want to get in trouble for it!!hehe

  2. Does anyone know the proper procedures to follow to get a gun permit to carry a pistol in Paulding County? Or where I could go or call to find out w/out running all over!! Thanks for any help!!

  3. I haven't been able to be on here as much as I would like to lately. So I may have missed this. But can someone tell me where to get a sample voting ballot for the upcoming election. My boss and I would like to have one to be prepared. All your help would be apreciated!! :rolleyes:

  4. I found the pillow to work with my daughter. We put one of mine or my husbands pillows that we had slept on for a night or two in with her. We just laid her on it like she was laying on one of us. She slept so much better.

    Just remember love is the strongest foundation in a home. It is also important for you and yours to constantly remind each other how much you love each other and this new found blessing in your life.

  5. Yea it would be neat to meet the folks behind the screen name. Who knows you may even meet a neighbor there. You know folks don't really know their neighbors. Granted sometimes you may not want to but other times you may meet a really good friend.



  6. Wow I really liked that. Plus it is o sooooooo true. We should always hold our true friends dear to our hearts and our other friends even closer. And remember to always tell the ones in your life how special each and everyone of them are!!! B/c in a blink of an eye that one particular angel can be gone.

  7. I have one more website to add to the list. It is www.soldiersangels.com. I couldn't stand the thought of one of our brave men or women not receiving mail and knowing that they are thought of and prayed for on a daily basis. That is a very neat website.

  8. I agree that Collins is a great place to do business with. They are very one on one with you and do not rush like you are not important to them. I have several different items from there and I have enjoyed each dearly and have had no complaints with them.

  9. AS West Metro Realty said they are soon gone!! I lost my mom almost 3yrs ago when I was only 3 mos pregnant with her first grandbaby. So if your mom is still in your life be sure to tell her not only on Mother's day but eveyday how much you love and treasure her. I still do even though she is no longer physically here. So I will just try and to keep it together and celebrate being a mom myself to a beautiful little girl.




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