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Everything posted by OneToZen

  1. thank you. that explains it! My son came home and said his bus passed it, and the truck was "toasted", so apparently it was pretty bad. Just hope no one was in it at the time. thanks for the update, appreciated. Elisabeth
  2. These pics were at the end, before the fires were apparently under control. But there was some sort of explosion behind our subdivision (which is off of ridge road) this AM when the kids were waiting at the bus stop. The black smoke was billowing up in sort of "mushroom" clouds for a few minutes, then I ran in to get my camera and it died down a bit. Was there a bad car wreck? was it on mein mitchell rd or pooles bridge road? does anyone know what happened? I hope everyone was OK. It was at about 730 this AM. Lots of sirens going off at that time. here are the pics I took...what
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