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About tclark

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/12/1972

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City
  1. Mr. Paulding County Pageant - All proceeds benefit the Paulding County Relay for Life Ladies… does your husband, brother, father, son or boyfriend have what it takes to be MR. PAULDING COUNTY!? If you think one of the men in your life has what it takes to be crowned MR. PAULDING COUNTY, enter him today! This pageant is for a great cause, all proceeds benefit Relay for Life. Men will compete in the following areas: Swimsuit, Talent, Evening Wear, and Personality Interview Open to men ages 18 and up! Date: April 10, 2010 Time: 6:00pm Location: Dallas Theater Tickets:
  2. Sara Babb Park will have a new summer day camp this year. Pre-regristation starts this saturday, March 12th 6-8pm, check out website for more info www.cityofdallasga.com
  3. The City of Dallas is starting a new day camp this summer. For more information, check out the website- www.cityofdallasga.com , then click on park & rec tab.
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