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About swd63

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  • Birthday 10/09/1959

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City

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  1. We are still missing Scotty this Christmas! Scotty is spending Christmas with Jesus!!!! We Love you Scotty! Mom & Dad
  2. Please pray for Mom and Dad. We need it. Still missing Scotty!
  3. Happy Birthday, Scotty ! We miss you so much. We love you, forever ! Mom and Dad
  4. Fathers Day just wasn't the same without "Scotty". I still miss him so much! Dad
  5. It's hard to be thankful this Thanksgiving without Scotty and Michelle, but I am thankful that they are in a better place than we are. Still missing you both so bad Love Dad
  6. This is a quote from Scotty Dodd "How do you make a handkerchief dance? You put a little boogie in it!" I'd love to hear him say it in person!! Still missing Scotty! Daddy
  7. Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays are quickly approaching and they will never be the same without Scotty. He was our family and our life. I still miss him very much. Theres not a day that I dont think of him. Love, Dad
  8. It still hurts bad! I miss Scotty so much
  9. Please pray for me and my wife. It's been 17 1/2 month since Scotty left us. We just recently went to the grave with some friend and celebrated what would have been Scotty's 27th birthday. It is still extermley hard to survive without my son. It is only by GOD'S grace that I am able to go each day. I never knew anything could hurt this much. Still missing Scotty DAD
  10. Still missing Scotty!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Dad
  11. My heart is still hurting! I would give my life just to be able to talk to Scotty just for a few minutes. I don't know how long the hurt will last but the memories will go with me to the grave. still missing Scotty Dad
  12. It's been fifteen months since God took Scotty and I still miss him so much!! DAD
  13. There's not been one single day since March 13, 2006 that I've not thought of Scotty! I long for that glorious day when I'll be reunited with Scotty and all my loved ones in my new home. Still missing Scotty, Love, Dad
  14. I'm still missing my son very much
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