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Posts posted by Brenda

  1. We came home this afternoon from work to find that a motor was stolen off of our john boat last night. We live in Ivy Grove neighborhood. Our next door neighbors saw an S10 pick up come out of the neighborhood across the street - Ivy Springs Neighborhood about 10pm last night. There was an individual out by the street next to his privacy fence. The S10 pick up pulled up to the individual & the guy put something in the back of the truck & he jumped in & they left. Another neighbor that I was speaking to this afternoon said that her next door neighbor saw 2 boys ages 14-16 in her pick up at 2am this morning. The boys took off running when they saw him. They called the police of course- but boys were gone. The boys left an new Old Navy shirt behind in her truck- guess they were going to use that as a "bag" to put the loot in if there had been any. She didn't have anything in her truck.

    Just a warning to all- keep your vehicles locked up & keep an eye out for your neighbors- if you see something that looks suspicious, it probably is- call the police. We filed a report also, but the officer said that we would probably never see the motor again.


    Thanks for the information! We also live in Ivy Grove and didn't see or hear anything last night.


    We installed a security camera after the incident of rolled yards and egged cars that happened a few months ago. At the time it was just aggrivating more than anything! I'm sorry to hear that things are being stolen now!


    I'm not sure where in the subdivision the incident happened last night but we've checked our recording from last night and didn't see anything suspicious.

  2. Hope they don't take to many donut breaks...The water company has two speeds slow and dead stop !


    We live off of Ivey Gulledge and our water is off. Hope the remain on schedule!


    I know everyone wants progress but no one wants inconvenience. I'm going to try and remain patient because I drive through that intersection twice a day and a traffic signal is a very much needed improvement!


    I'm sure the first time I drive through without having to stop and wait and stop and wait and stop and wait..... the few hours I had to go without water will be a very small inconvenience compared to the number of hours I spend each week waiting to get through the intersection.

  3. QTee, as soon as you answer the question about the job of you spouse, you will be let go if you do get called.  I don't think they think a spouse of a police officer will give a fair verdict.....sorry.

    I wonder why that is? My husband is an investigator and even though I would love the opportunity to serve I have often wondered if I would be denied the chance to serve because of his chosen profession.....Seems kind of odd to me. And as for giving a fair verdict...since when does being a police officers spouse make you unable to look at the facts?

  4. Call me crazy but I actually want to be called for jury duty! I have lived in Paulding County for 9 years and have exercised my right to vote each and every year but have never been called for jury duty.


    Some of the people I work with that live in surrounding counties have served on jury duty in their counties numerous times over the same amount of years. They often joke with me about the courts here not wanting me to serve....and of course I joke back saying there aren't enough registered voters in their counties so they have to be called up more often.


    This all being said, since being called for jury duty is kind of like the Luck of the draw (or not as some of you would agree) I should not invest in a Lottery ticket since my odds are not looking favorable. :-)

  5. We have had Comcast for about 9 years beginning with Basic service until HBO decided to air Band of Brothers. My husband couldn't get upgraded to digital fast enough.


    We have only experienced one problem with Comcast. Unfortunately it was the night that my son had a WWF party planned and had invited everybody he knew to come over to watch it on pay-per-view. Of all nights for the cable to go out!!!


    About a year ago we added cable modem and have experience no problems what so ever. In a high-tech family like ours with 3 (going on 4) computers it's wonderful!


    My complaint is that the rates seem to rise every year. I understand paying for services but when is enough....enough?

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