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Posts posted by Bade

  1. I'm still a teenager so i don't know what its like to rise one but i do know what its like to be one. I think the best way to rasie i teenager is to set rules and stick by them no matter what. If you raised them right when they were little the should turn out ok. I know we like to do strange things like changing our hair color every other week( mine has been purple, red, black, brown ...) but its just how we express ourselves. I got lucky i have great parents who I can talk to, get advice from and know that if i do somthing wrong I'm going to be in trouble. We learn form our mistakes and thanks to our parents grow up to be great people.

  2. I love reading these and now since we are nearing Holloween i thought it was a good time to list some of the ones that i have gound. enjoy


    Here lies John Yeast,


    Pardon him for not rising.


    When your razor is dull


    But you need a shave


    Think of the man


    Who lies in this grave


    I told you I was sick.


    Here lies Walter Dudley.


    He found out too late,


    Dobermans aren't cuddly.


    In loving memory of Ellen Shannon, aged 25,

    Who was accidentally burned March 21, 1870,

    By the explosion of a lamp filled with R.E. Danforth's

    Non-explosive burning fluid. --Epitaph in cemetery at Girard, Pa.


    Reader --if cash thou art in want of any,

    Dig four feet deep and find a Penny. --Epitaph of John Penny, Wimborne, England.


    Reader --if cash thou art in want of any,

    Dig four feet deep and find a Penny. --Epitaph of John Penny, Wimborne, England


    Lionel Barrymore: Well, I've played everything but a harp


    well there are more but i think this will do if you liked them i got ehm form http://www.geocities.com/draka_dracula/FunEpis.html and http://members.aol.com/Smessin983/Halloween/Epitaphs.html



  3. Teenagers have perfect logic, at least it seems that way to us. Everything seems like a good idea at the time, its after the fact when we reilise maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Like the time i was at camp and i decided i would sweep the platform tent, which is 5 ft off the ground. It wouldn't have been a bad idea if i had just walked faceing the back of the tent and not with my back to it because the next thing i know i'm on the ground, on my back with the wind knocked out of me. So you see we have perfectly good logic it just doesn't always seem that way.

  4. cmorg,

    the reson it is sad is because he died. its not differnt than anyother death but since he was a celeberty he was known world wide. we are jsut trying to show our respect to him just like we do when a family member of a p.com member dies.

  5. All SoapMom said was that he has done a lot for stem cell reserch that doesn;t open the floor for discussion for stem cell resreach all it was, was listing some of the great things he did for ppl.

  6. " But most will remember this sad day as the day the proudest,most noble man they ever knew finally fell. For those who loved him -- one who would call him husband, one who would be his pal, or those who would call him son -- this is the darkest day they could ever imagine. They raised him to be a hero: to know the value of sacrifice, to know the value of life. And for those who served with Superman in the protection of all life comes the shock of a failure: the weight of being too late to help. For a city to live, a man had fiven his all and more. But it's too late. For this is the day that Superman died." -Suoerman #75, 1992 (written by Dan Jugens

  7. I was in the art room for FCAS praying, we didn;t know what had happend yet.

    Then first i heard of it was in first peroiod Mr. Feilds Gerogia History class, but didn't really understand what was going on. Then finnally while sitting in Ms. Buttler's Lit class Dr.Farmer came over the inercome and told us what happend, by this time nearly half of the students had been checked out early.


  8. Uniforms won’t help anything. If you put kids in uniforms it won’t be the end of cliques, it wont stop school violence or any of the other problems that we get to deal with everyday in school. Why bother making us look all the same, what good would it do? We get to express our selves through our clothing, there are already restrictions on what we can wear or not why don’t we just leave it at that.



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