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About sherry.nicholl

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  • Place of Residence
    Other in County
  1. Sadly , This is going on my ever increasing list of crazies to watch out for. I realized long ago way too many folks are off their meds. I see more crazy in a month flying, than most people will in a lifetime, and they just keep coming
  2. I know I cant just accuse the guy. And yes thank you, my dog recovered, But if anyone else has had the same experience, It would be good to document and try to stop it from happening.again. That was my purpose for my posting here. The guy is local and his weird behavior would be memorable. So if it happened to others, it would be enough for Comcast to look into. Thats when I would call. Besides calling them about anything, is a punishment no one deserves.,
  3. I am just asking if anyone with a dog and cable has ever run into this individual and then had a similar situation. I was a waitress , chef, restaurant manager and currently a flight attendant. In 40 years of serving food, I have seen some crazy stuff done to peoples food and beverages. If anyone thinks it doesn't, my advice, stay home, or tip REALLY big in advance. Visine , for one comes to mind, particularly nasty, and it only takes a few drops, (i have only heard) And I never wanted to know what was going on when certain servers took plates in the walk in coolers.
  4. OK be dismissive. I am sure no one has ever hurt animals before, they all die of natural causes, just like people.
  5. Why do you dismiss my concerns so quickly? Like no one has ever abused a animal before? And God knows there are not any sickos running around in the world. How exactly is calling the shelter going to help? I do not keep my animals chained, my dog was inside. This creep came into MY home. I am just trying to see if anyone else has had a similar incident after a cable visit. This guy could not even hide how much he hated dogs long enough to do a service call, my dog was fine, happy health, just being friendly, and within a couple of hours after this guys visit, vomiting and crying in sever
  6. OK, this is one time I really hope its just the voices talking, cause if not, its way worse. I would never want to accuse anyone without actual proof, but this is really bothering me. So before I go there, Has anyone ever had a dog get very sick right after a BLATANT dog hating cable technician visited? or after seeing a truck in the area? I know it sounds crazy, but it was just too coincidental to ignore, and I can't stop thinking about it.
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