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Posts posted by driftofftodream

  1. I also live in this sub-division they are letting people in and out now. The people that live there were carrying guns and other articles out when we came through. The garage area was still burning but the camper and garage are a complete loss and the roof of the house has alot of damage so I'm sure the inside is ruined. I'm thankful that no one got hurt. I live about 6 houses down and we have burnt particles in the backyard and in our pool. My neighbor said that they heard a loud explosion, they think the propane tank on the camper, and shortly after the sirens. Firetruck are still in the sub-division and I'm sure will be for a while.

  2. We went yesterday I had not been in 5 years and was dreading the traffic. But we went down via 92 and didn't hit traffic until we got to the track. We parked in a field in front of the Champion Grandstands, had to walk a ways, but we left as soon as the race was over got in the car about 6:55 and was home by 8:15, I couldn't believe it. We got routed out on to 19/41 and then went 75 and traffic was moving the whole time. I have never been to the races and made it home under 3 hours. We have already decided we are going to the Spring Race...I'll probably get paid back then and it will take 5 hours to get home!! :glare: But the weather yesterday was perfect...I would of loved to seen Jr. win but as long as Gordon or Johnson didn't win I was happy. :D

  3. They said this morning on CNN that it was alcohol. So hopefully that is true and he has not gone back to cocaine. I'm sure one demon at a time is enough. They also said Nicole was by his side...which is a positive. Hopefully he can overcome this, I would hate to see a talent like that go to waste. I love his music.

  4. Two years ago when my sister died I had to fly out the next day to Albany, NY and I found a flight online through Delta and called and told them what I needed and why and the flight was almost 1/2 the price as shown online. When you find out where they need to fly to, I would check online and then call the airline directly and tell them the circumstances. When I checked in at the airport I did have to provide them with my sister's name and the name of the funeral home, but I saved over $500 on the flight.


    I'm sorry about your family's loss.

  5. Gadawkschik07 I responded to your PM and I hope it helps you.

    Yes your employer can tell you not to clock in until 10:00 therefore you wouldn't get paid for that hour that would be his only way of not legally having to pay you. But then you don't have to stay there for that hour either you can leave and come back if you want because you are on your time and not his.

    Definitely the best way to get around all of this is to be on time for sure and believe me I'm a firm believer of that.

  6. How is your time calculated? All of our employees, except for those on salary, clock in and out on our timeclock. We pay them based on that time (to the minute) and they have a right to have a copy of their time card each week if they want it. If that is the case, based on the FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act), which covers most private and public businesses, you have to be paid for the time you work. Tampering with time cards or docking time from time cards can result in fines. Go to www.dol.gov and look under Wage and Hour Laws. If you can not find what you are looking for, I believe you can e-mail them with your question. I have worked in HR for over 15 years and I know you can not just dock somebody's pay because that is what you want to do!! Georgia is an at will state and you can be fired for any reason, but that has nothing to do with paying employees. Hope this helps.

  7. Do you punch a time clock?

    They have to pay you the time you worked. Now they can pay you minimum wage if they decide to do so...but if you have overtime they have to pay that at your regular rate x 1-1/2 they can not pay overtime at minimum wage. You can go on the Department of Labor's website they go into detail about Wage and Hour Laws.

  8. We switched to the $99.00 package for Comcast......... we already had the Computer with them......and very basic cable (something like $8.00/mth.....just local stuff)....... so we switched and got upgraded cable and digital voice........ 2 days later I called to switch back. I don't liek the phone service....... it is echo-y ..... like cell phone service. Also, when the power goes out you only have around 3 hours of phone time before the backup battery in the modem goes dead........ no phone! The digital box they installed locks up........ and I think they misrepresented the cost of the package.


    I called Bellsouth to switch the phone back (will take up to 10 days to get the number back from Comcast).....we will keep Comcast for Computer and basic channels, but that is it. Oh...... and as an incentive, BellSouth is discouting my phone bill by around $9.00 or so per month.


    This is the second time I have not been happy with Comcast's representation of their product....... they are good......no doubt......but someone in sales or customer service needs to honor what they advertise. If they expect me to be honorable and pay my bill on time.........then they should be honorable and offer what they advertise for the price they advertise it at.



    Comcast gave you their $99 package even though you were not a new customer? The lady I spoke to on the phone told me that the $99 deal was strictly for new customers that did not have any services with Comcast. I'm confused.... :unsure: I have had my cable with them for 5 years and the internet service for about 3 and I've been very satisfied with both and was going to switch my phone if I could get that kind of savings by combining all my services...but from what she said that was not the case.

  9. I called this week to inquire about the $99 deal and she said that was only for new customers. I already have Comcast for TV and Internet so I would continue to pay what I'm currently paying for those services. The phone service was $39/month with unlimited local and long distance...we very seldom make long distance calls so there would be very little savings for us to change from BellSouth to Comcast. By the way I live in New Georgia off of 61 and she said that they did offer the phone service in our area now.

  10. I had to be on a jury in Rome once, but it's been so long ago I don't even remember what it was about!


    I hope I can forget the one I was on today that easy!


    Sometimes they tug at your heart strings.


    And O.M.G. the personal questions they ask you as a juror! I'd forgot about that!



    By the questions they were asking you yesterday I was glad I was not chosen for to be on that jury...It was easy to tell what it was about and I'm sorry for you that you had to go through that...I know it must of been upsetting.

    Well I got to work a full today...do you know if we have to be there tomorrow or are relieved of jury duty seeing that you served on this case?



  11. I am having fettucini alfredo with cajun steamed shrimp. It's so easy, fast and delicious!


    I ask the the fish counter to steam 1 -2 pounds of shrimp with Old Bay (Kroger and Publix both offer this service, no extra charge) while I shop. It takes about 5 minutes. I buy fettucini and Ragu alfredo sauce. (one pound of shrimp, one box of fettucini, 2 jars of sauce makes a good batch for 4) While the pasta is cooking, peel the shrimp and heat up the sauce. Drain the pasta, cover with sauce, and top with a hearty serving of the steamed shrimp. Scrumptious! Broccoli or salad makes a nice side to this dish.



    What time were you serving that? That sounds delicious!


    At my house it will be leftovers tonight! :p

  12. About $450 per month. That's for my grown son, my boyfriend, myself and one fat cat. Sometimes I think that's alot for us, but after reading some of the other posts I guess it's not too bad. I'm a coupon shopper and look for Kroger's specials.

  13. I think Kevin will be gone tonight, his performance was not that good last night and personally his "cuteness" is getting old. I usually like Ace and Elliott but they both were lacking something last night. When Chris first started singing "Walk the Line" I wasn't sure I liked it but by the time he was done it wasn't that bad and I gave him alot of credit for turning the song into his own version...I believe he will make it to the end along with Mandisa, Taylor and Paris. :)

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