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Posts posted by Phile

  1. As if this wasn't bad enough already, I got an email from my friend in Australia this morning. Here's what she said:


    Well, I have some bad terrible news. I'm sure you've heard of the South

    Eastern Asia earthquake and tidal waves? Well, my cousin Peter Heppell and

    his wife have lived there in Phuket for 15 yrs or so, and their little baby

    6 mth old girl, Melina, got swept out to sea yesterday morning in the tidal

    waves. It's so horrible and I still can't believe it's happened.


    My Cousin and his wife, Oi, and Melina were walking on the beach when he saw

    the ocean get really low, then before he realised what was happening it was

    too late and the tidal wave was coming. They tried to get Melina out of her

    pram before the water hit, and then got slammed into a nearby shop and the

    water washed them down stairs to the store basement. Peter had Melina in his

    arms still at that point, but the current was too strong and he couldn't get

    her above water, then a 2nd tidal wave came and threw Oi out the window and

    swept Peter and Melina into the high storeroom. He still had her by hand by

    then, but she was still underwater, he couldn't get her up the water keep

    forcing her down. Then there was a 3rd wave that hit,and the water filled up

    more and he felt Melina slip out of her clothes and he lost her. He lost

    her. All he had was her clothes. Then the water rose right up to under his

    nose and he could hardly breathe and he thought he was going to die , and he

    knew Melina was dead, and he thought Oi was. He used his head to butt a hole

    in the tin ceiling and he put a floating buicuit tin over his head to breath

    the air in there. He said he had cuts all over him from debree, and fish

    were biting his legs. He floated like this in that space from 9.20am to 1pm,

    with fish biting his legs. He is lucky to be alive. He keeps saying he

    should have died, and is blaming himself for Melina's death b/c he paused to

    look at the low ocean when he should have realised what it was and got his

    family to higher ground. He is going through so much guilt right now,and I

    don't even know how Oi is doing. I don't think my aunt knows yet. She's the

    one who let us know what happened, although as soon as I heard it I worried

    Peter and family were okay. I had a feeling. then her message came on the

    phone and she was crying and saying Melina got swept out to sea and I could

    hardly breathe I was so in shock at what I was hearing. It was like a horror



    My Aunty and uncle flew to Phuket today to be with him (their son) and Oi,

    and when they got to the airport the camera interviewed them but my Aunt

    couldn't talk for crying so Peter's brother in law talked while crying and

    told what happened and that she was swept from her daddie's arms. It's all

    over the news here, that she's died and so far there's one australian man

    who's died too in Phuket. 5 Aussies are still missing. I can't believe she

    is gone. She was the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen. She was only 6 mths

    old, it's not fair  My aunt never got to even hold her as she couldn't get

    over to phuket before b/c she had leg problems and couldn't fly.  My cousin

    said that based on his body and legs and the way he was cut and bit from

    fish, there was no hope for Melina and she's probably not even in one piece.

    So horrible.  My cousin and his wife are hoping that her body is still in

    that basement, and not washed out to sea, but they don't know yet as it's

    still flooded with water.  They are going to have to wait to have it pumped

    out. They are hoping they find some part of her body so they can bury her.

    It's too sad. I can't imagine what they are feeling. My aunt is absolutely

    shattered. If you hear about a 6mth old baby dying who is australian, that's



    Anyway, I'll keep you updated if I hear anything, but my aunt/uncle will be

    in phuket indefinetely for as long as they need them and they'll be there

    for the funeral. At the start when it first happened and we didn't know the

    full story ,the Embassy was saying to cling to hope that someone had grabbed

    her as she got swept out, but now we know what happened, and she's gone.

    When I saw my Cousin's brother in law and uncle on the news tonight, it was

    just absolutely tradgic.  It's just so awful I cannot believe this. Had to

    tell rest of the family today, it wasn't nice. But luckily we did b/c they

    were on tv this evening and couldn't have them finding out like that.


    I can't even imagine what this is like for the people over there. When you see big numbers, like 23,000 dead, you don't think of the individual tragedy behind each one, but this put a very human face on it for me. Thank you for letting me share.

  2. Thanks for the replies, everyone. One reason why I was so curious about this is because there are three registered voters in our house, but the card was only addressed to two of us - guess which two voted for Glenn. :huh:


    Anyway, it's still nice to get a card from someone important. A few years ago I got a Christmas card from Jimmy Carter...I still haven't figured that one out...

  3. Thanks for the responses. Your answer still doesn't make sense to me, ANG, as I don't quite understand how one can be "cursed" and "innocent" at the same time. I think I understand what you mean by both terms, I just don't see how they go together.


    As far as dreams go, (I know you didn't ask me, but I can't help it!) I'm a psychologist, and while Freud did a lot on dreams, so did lots of other psychologists. The leading theories are, like you said, that unconscious beliefs or experiences that can't be expressed consciously while you're awake (due to societal taboos or personal shame, doubts, etc - don't get me started, I could go on forever ;) ) are expressed in dreams, where your conscious mind has no control. Not all psychologists or dream theorists believe this, but it's the most common belief, I think.


    Now, as for me personally (I know, you didn't ask me again), I'm more in line with dark1 and SoapMom on the demon issue. I don't believe in literal demons and believe that any unethical or immoral behavior one exhibits is the result of that individual's choice - in essence, "bad" is each person's fault, and so is each person's responsibility to change. I don't believe in evil forces or evil people, but I do believe in evil acts and behaviors. I don't believe in sin and believe that human beings come into possessing an agentic will towards goodness. If this will is nurtured, it will come to fruition; if not - if the child grows up under violent, abusive, neglectful, etc. conditions - their will becomes skewed towards immoral behavior. But, this immoral path can at any time be redirected towards morality - it's all up to the individual.


    (This, of course, makes the assumption that there is a universal human morality that transcends the morality of individual cultures, religions, and societies, but that's another topic for another day.)


    Thanks for the discussion, everyone. :D

  4. Dark1, very interesting. However, I am not my own evil. If that is what you are saying. God made me in His image. We were without flaw. Satan being the rular of this world is allowed to roam and wander all over the place.Demons can "hang out" in our showers if they really want to.



    Hey ANG, not trying to be confrontational, but what about original sin? Do you believe in that as well? If so, how does that not contradict the "flawless" nature of human beings?


    Thanks. B)

  5. dark1, your answer makes perfect sense to me. It was very informative. Thank you very much.


    I'm learning, through these discussions as well as my own investigations, that spirituality is really so much more than a deity, a holy text, and a set of rituals. The Pagan understanding of spirituality is very much in line with that which I've cultivated myself: that spirit pervades all things, including us, and that there is a great wisdom behind its movements. I personally wouldn't consider that a deity, and it appears you wouldn't either, but rather a ever-present, ever-changing essence that binds the world together.


    Thank you again, dark1.

  6. I have a question, dark1. You speak often of the Lord and Lady; could you tell us a little about them, who they are/were (actual people, spiritual beings, etc.), and how they interact with you in life (if they do at all)? I wasn't aware that Pagans worshiped deities per se, as I understood that spirit was in everything around us, and assumed everything was like a deity. Please correct me if I'm wrong there. Thank you.


    I'm learning so much from dark1 and SoapMom. I love these discussions! B)

  7. I'm straight and I voted against the amendment for several reasons. One, because the language and content that was on the ballot misrepresented the entire amendment, as others have discussed. Two, because constitutions should be about expanding and affirming freedoms, not limiting or removing them. Three, because people are people, be they gay, straight, Christian, non-Christian, whatever, and all people should be entitled to the same freedoms - marrying who they want, provided both parties are consenting adults, included. Four, I don't believe that allowing homosexuals to marry will bring the downfall of our society; racial integration didn't, equal rights for women didn't, so saying that homosexual marriage will is just another moral panic meant to get people upset.

  8. Thanks for all the advice on my post about pear preserves.  Here's an update...I used the long, seemingly time consuming recipe and it was somewhat a flop!  The finished product is thin and has too much allspice or nutmeg in it.  However, I had my mother taste it and being the sweet, kind soul that she is, she said that it was good!  Soooo, guess who got a jar to take home with her??????  Next time I get some pears, I will use the other recipe.


    And if anyone else would like a jar, we have 40 million of them. I don't what she's planning to do with all of them! :lol:

  9. So, I read on the X-Files mailing list that Frank Spotnitz (writer, producer, etc.)recently said that Fox is interested in making another movie. He said that he and Chris Carter are interested as well and even have an idea pretty well developed. If all goes well, according to him, as soon as Fox commits to making the movie, they'll begin on a script. We could see the movie in theaters in two years.


    He also said that the movie may take place before seasons 8 & 9 - a sort of prequel to the ending of the series. That would mean no new characters or miracle babies, but I don't know how seriously this idea is being considered.


    (Personally, I don't trust Spotnitz as far as I can throw him. Anyway...)


    Dean Haglund (you know, Langly?) recently said at DragonCon (yes, right here in Atlanta, only I didn't know he was going to be there, so I didn't go...grrr...) that the next movie would be "darker than 'Home'" (the fourth season episode about the inbreds and the mother strapped to the board under the bed, you know?). David Duchovny has commented along the same lines in numerous interviews and I believe Carter has once as well. Robert Patrick has also recently stated that he's excited about a new movie - which would mean the prequel idea isn't seriously being considered. I haven't seen any news from Gillian Anderson or anyone else.


    Now, I can't say that I'm particularly excited about another movie or about Doggett's potential presence, but I just thought I'd share. :D

  10. I've noticed the same type of behavior in one of my cats, Quasi. Sometimes, he can sense when I've had a bad day or am just depressed, and gives me extra attention to comfort me. He's a very affectionate cat anyway - he's practically an attention whore! He will not let you go without at least petting him once or he tries to climb up your leg and meows these short little squeaky-meows that sound pathetic and lonely. You just have to pet him!


    Now my other cat, he's a totally different story. He won't hardly let me pet him at all. Not even a little head scratch! He backs away and looks at me like, what the hell do you think you're doing? He likes to be near me, but not with me, you know? Especially when the other cat is around, he won't have anything to do with me - just kind of goes off by himself and lays down. I used to think he was jealous, but now I think he's just shy. He is affectionate with my dad, though. I think he does it just to make me jealous.


    Anyone ever notice this type of behavior? Skittishness when other pets are around? My two are litter-mates and had the same interaction with people as kittens, so no trauma or anything to explain it.

  11. I'm glad so many people have such strong faith in their religious tradition. Really, not trying to be cynical.


    SoapMom basically said all that I would have (again!), but my approach to religious traditions is a bit more...Jungian than hers. ;) I don't believe that the resurrection of Jesus was a real, literal, historical event any more than I believe Moses parted the Red Sea or the Buddha sat under a Bo tree. But I believe in the power of believing in them and I understand the importance and purpose of these stories in their respective traditions. In being figurative truths, they end up meaning more to more people than if they were literal, historical fact.


    And for the record, I'm not trying to get to Heaven. I'm trying to live the best, most meaningful, most helpful and productive life I can in service to everyone - my family, my community, and my world - and I don't expect a reward for it. That's what I meant by self-transcendence.

  12. I actually only recently started reading up on Jung(recently as in like only 2 weeks ago) but ive found it to be really interesting. I found out about him via a band(Tool) which has lots of jungian stuff in their later Cds...( The ænima and lateralus Cds specifically)

    Hey, if you'd ever like to discuss or borrow some books or anything, let me know!

  13. Then here is the question: if we're all on the same "path" but only need to find the one that suits "us the best," is not that backwards? I mean, afterall, if there is indeed a God, would he not distinguish his truth among his creation? The very definition of "god" would cause that statement to be non sequitur.


    Isn't that making God in our image, instead of the other way around?


    The question was why do we believe as we do. The answer is that if Jesus was God as He claimed; & since He claimed there is no other way; then He is exclusive.

    My answer to this would depend upon where one believes the path leads. I believe the path ends at self-transcendence - which is a key insight that all of the many thousands of religions that human beings have ever created for themselves share - and self-transcendence begins within the self. So, when I said that all we need to do is find the one that fits us best, I meant the one that speaks to us at our core being and best aids us at achieving self-transcendence.


    I guess, in this case, "god" would lie within the individual. That is the truth for me. But in believing that Jesus is the only God because he claimed to be, that is a specific and successful path to self-transcendence, so that in itself is also a form of truth for me. It just doesn't happen to be the one that suits me best. If is for you or anyone else, that's great!

  14. Soapmom, you kinda remind me of Jung.  :)

    Dude, Jung is the man! I took a whole class on him last year and I've never, in my entire educational career, learned so much about myself and the world we construct for ourselves. I love Jung!


    Of course, I love SoapMom, too. :D I was going to respond to this thread earlier, but to be honest, everything I would've said, she said. Atheist, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, wiccan, etc., we're all on the same path. We just need to find that one that suits us best.

  15. This is so weird! We live out near EPHS and hear the same thing! My mom was convinced it was thunder, but they weren't predicting rain, so I don't think that's it.


    Could they, perhaps, be extending the Wal-Mart tunnels to connect all the schools as well? :blink:

  16. I know a bunch of us were so excited when they started on the Moe's in Hiram. But what happened to it? They started it months ago and it looks like no one has worked on it in forever! I'm beginning to think maybe the Moe's people changed their minds about opening it here.


    Anyone have any insight?

  17. I was friends with a self proclaimed "Devil Worshipper", and although I tried and failed (He is in prison :( ), I do pray for his soul. His life, due to his family situation and his choices took a radical turn, and because of his religion, he will never see freedom again.

    Forgive me if this is too personal, but how are your (former?) friend's charges related to his religion? I know that some people who call themselves Satanists break laws in their "practices," but I also know that true Satanists are moral people and true Satanic worship and practices aren't against any laws.


    Or is that not at all what you meant?


    Just curious. B)

  18. You're right Joe, your question complemented my original intentions well. I didn't mean to imply that I didn't appreciate your input. I do, we just got kind of off-topic there.


    I also didn't mean to imply that anyone's opinion is "backward." Honestly, it shocked the absolute hell out of me that women think that way about themselves, but there's nothing wrong with that being your personal opinion. Friends?

  19. I honesty don’t know.  I posed the question in hopes that someone could think of a viable candidate in 2008 or thereafter.  What American women, in the political theater, could lead with likes of Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, or Margaret Thatcher? 


    I know there have been strong female governors & senators but names escape me.  Who do you see as a woman that could command the respect of the nation (with the same “respect” as say Bush or Clinton whose respect fluctuated with the economic/world peace of the day)?


    I for one, truly believe that there must be such a person.  The word person being the key word here. 


    I have worked for both men and women and some have received my respect, while others fell short.  It had nothing to do with the sex of the individual; It had to do with their leadership qualities.

    Excellent post, Joe. I agree completely. It's not a question of gender, but of leadership capabilities. Women have had the capabilities to hold families together since the beginning of monogamous relationships, to run classrooms and schools in both public and private facilities, and care for and raise children. If that doesn't show that they're just as qualified to lead a nation as men, I don't know what does.


    I can't think of any current women who I think would be strong enough to lead our nation. Actually, I can't think of any current men, either. But I know there have been women in the past and will be some in the future that are strong enough.


    But, that wasn't the point of this thread. The point was to bring attention to the fact that eighty years ago, women couldn't even have a voice in their government. I thought we'd come very far in our society and collective mentality in that eighty years. Now, I'm not so sure all of us have.

  20. Wow...I'm not sure whether I should be offended by the PMS comments or not. If they were from men, I would be, but they're from other women and, well, it disturbs me that women think that about themselves.


    Not all women suffer from PMS. Most women who do suffer from PMS don't suffer to the degree that it inhibits their daily functioning. Women may have a tendency to be more emotional, but men can be emotional and make spontaneous decisions based on those emotions as well.


    The argument that women are too emotional should perhaps be amended to say that some women are too emotional to be president, but so are some men as well. Women's "too emotional" often equals sadness and sentimentality, while men's often equals anger and vengeance.

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