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Posts posted by FamilyFirst

  1. FYI,


    You can't use PVC for water supply lines. PVC is only used for the drain lines going from the sinks, toilets, tubs, etc...to the septic tank or sewer. Copper pipes replaced lead pipes and is the only choice you have for water supply lines per building codes.


    Installing copper piping is not difficult. If you can install PVC you can install copper, the only major difference in the install process is the connections which you solder instead of glue. You just need a simple propane torch and please use lead-free solder. Unfortunately I am not available to assist for several weeks but I am including a link to a site which gives you about all the instruction you need.


    If you have any questions I bet that there are multiple people at that pretty orange and tan building in Hiram that can walk you through the process quickly.



  2. Ok, since so many people on here talk about how much they love their husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends or whatever, what do you think love is? Why do you "love" them?


    Is love the feeling that you need that person in your life to complete who you want or need to be? Is it love when that person makes you feel good about yourself? Is love mostly about attraction. not just physical attraction, but other aspects as well? Is there a difference between "loving someone" and "being in love" with someone?


    Also, why do more men cheat on their loved ones then women?


    I'm just curious to see how different our answers are on this topic.

  3. 1) I have brought 3 people back from the dead. I couldn't bring the other 247 back. :(


    2) I have skinny-dipped in the Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea, Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico. I don't think I'll ever add the Antarctic Ocean, but you never know with all the global warming going on. :D


    3) I have 5 kids that I know of. I still wonder about a few ex-girlfriends I haven't heard from lately.... <_<


    4) I've learned that if you want someone to chase after you that you ignore them and if you want them to go away you tell them that you think you are falling in love with them and dream about the two of you getting married and raising 12 children. I never had the heart to dump anyone so I figured that would scare them enough to make them dump me....It ALWAYS worked until I met my wife... :o


    5) People have always said I talk too much. But what they don't understand it that allows me to have wild conversations where I LISTEN and learn all kinds of DARK SECRETS about EVERYONE!!! :ninja:


    6) If the government knew half of the things I've done I'd be in jail. If my family knew half of the things I've done I'd be dis-owned. If my wife knew half of the things I've done I'd be divorced. If God knew half of the things I've done I'd be in Hell. Oh wait a minute, God does know, that explains a lot. Is it getting hot around here or is it just me? :unsure:

  4. Why should builders have to pay impact fees now when to the best of my knowledge nobody else that lives in this county has paid them in the past? My family has only been in Paulding since around 1840 so please forgive me if I'm incorrect, but I do believe my taxes, my parent's taxes, my grandparent's taxes, my great-grandparent's taxes and my great-great grandparent's taxes have helped pay for what we have in the county now. Is it really the fault of the builders and the people wanting to move to Paulding that money has been mismanaged and that our local governments have poorly prepared us for the future? I don't think so. I hate it as much as the next person, but if we want to fix the problems we will all have to pay our fair share to do so. Anyone who doesn’t like that is free to sell and move on. I wish you the best where ever you land. For now I choose to still live in Paulding and I’m prepared to help fix the problems, even if I have to pay more in taxes to do so.


    Now, people say our schools stink and we need to throw more money at them. I disagree, our schools are fine. What stinks is our parenting skills. Several members of my family work in the school system and I’ll tell you, either we are creating life with less intelligence or we as parents are failing our children. I’m betting it’s not creating life with less intelligence, but I could be wrong. How many parents whose children are failing in school are helping their child with their schoolwork at least 3 hours each night to help them catch up? I’m betting not very many. Because of this little problem teachers much spend hours and hours going back over material that our children should have learned before but didn’t. This nice little “feature” holds the entire class back. Hey, I have a solution. Let’s separate our kids into different levels based on their current knowledge and learning abilities. Oh wait, that’s discrimination and that’s wrong because we are all equal and exactly the same, so I’m told anyway. We can’t be teaching to the individual, that would send the wrong message to our children. Let’s wait until they go to college to learn that some people are more intelligent than others, that some people run faster than others, that some people work harder than others. That’s been working great for the past 20 years hasn’t it.


    In all honestly, our problems aren’t caused by the society we live in, our problems are caused by our own choices that we make each day. I don’t know about all of you, but I’m not perfect. According to my wife I’m far from it actually. I’ve learned something over the past 10 years or so. I and I alone have to be responsible for the choices I make. Sadly we all enjoy blaming our problems on anyone or anything that we can to escape the most important truth of all, we do it to ourselves. I choose to live in Paulding county. I choose to work 50 miles from home and spend countless hours each day commuting back and forth to my office. I choose to have a larger and more expensive home then I can really afford. I choose to have more than one car. I choose to eat out too often instead of enjoying nice home cooked meals that cost much less but are much healthier. I choose to have my wife be a stay at home mom and home-school our children. My neighbors aren’t to blame for my choices, my teachers from the great Paulding county schools aren’t to blame, I can’t even blame my parents any more. It is all my fault and it is up to me to fix my problems.


    I apologize for getting a bit long winded and for getting on my soap box, but honestly, we have a pretty nice community here, we just need to work together to solve its problems; and it’s a whole lot easier to work together if we will respect other people’s opinions even when they don’t match up with ours. Have a great weekend everybody.

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