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Posts posted by lsquared

  1. I oppose cell phones in school for privacy reasons -- because they are most all camera phones now. I have taught my children from a very early age about internet safety. Not all parents are as careful or as attentive to their children's internet activity. I don't like the idea of a less responsible child taking pictures of my child with their camera phone and then posting them on the internet (MySpace, Facebook, etc.) along with personally identifiable information about my child. It happens. And unfortunately, there are too many predators out there waiting for someone to slip up.


    Without the cameras, I have no objection to cell phones on campus as long as they do not disrupt instructional time, especially for kids who have after-school activities and need to coordinate pick-up times with their parents.

  2. Yes! It does suck when you lose your parents. You think you're this grown, responsible, completely self-relient individual with a family of your own to raise, but when your last surviving parent dies, you suddenly realize you had a "safety net" beneath you all along -- giving you the comfort and confidence to create a life of your own -- and now it's gone. You are now the grown-up; you are now the rock; you are now the safety net for your children. It's a scary, lonely feeling at first, but just like the grief it eventually subsides and whether you like it or not, your life goes on without them. Cherish your father while you have him and make lots of wonderful memories while you can. Those memories are where you'll find comfort when he's gone and are what makes him live on.

  3. I saw a Walgreens commercial just a little while ago that said they would be open tomorrow from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    It was something about having everything you need for Christmas party supplies (snacks, bowls, etc.).


    Hope that helps...

  4. That is a wastewater sprayfield. It is common practice for water that has finished the wasterwater treatment process to be sprayed onto a sprayfield rather than discharging it directly into a receiving stream. It's a way to release the water slowly rather than just dumping it straight into a stream.

  5. so I defeated the monkey but I died at the exact moment he did so I didn't get his boomerrang. what am I to do? I'm stuck in his dungeon and need to "make wind' or so says midna. Also the little chicken guy doesn't work in that room



    I loved Twilight Princess!


    It's been a while since I finished it, so I don't remember the details. Here's a full walkthrough from ZeldaGuide.com:




    You should be able to find an answer there. Good luck!

  6. You parents kill me...I understand that you want you kids to play, but if a coach is losing or even up by a few points he is going to have his BEST players in there to give THE TEAM the best chance to win. PERIOD!


    It's not rec ball anymore...your son is not guaranteed to play in the game or for that matter, no guarentee to play at all during the season. I know you probably think he is better than the others that are starting and he was probably an all-star the past 8 years in rec ball, but that doesn't mean that SPMS head coach has to play him.


    All coaches that I know try their best to get everyone some playing time at some point throughout the season. Please let them do their job and allow them to coach your kids. They are there for a reason and that is to teach your son how to play that particular sport and hopefully teach them some lifelong lessons of becoming a man along the way. They hardly make anything for the long hours they put in everyday...maybe you should be a little more appreciative your son made the team and hopefully he will pick up a few things about becoming a man along the way such as hard work, teamwork, honor, pride, respect, and even humility.


    I know its hard on a middle school, high school, or for that matter even a college athlete to swallow not playing in a game but its a part of life. Get used to it...and if he doesn't like it, work harder to improve your skills and prove that you deserve to start or play in the damn game! And if you're not willing to commit the time to do that, then maybe you should just sit on the sidelines and root on your team.


    Not the most tactful reply, but I very much agree with the sentiment.


    Working hard to improve his skills, to prove his worth to the coaches, and to be rewarded for it in the end is a much better life lesson than accepting mediocrity as a pinnacle achievement and expecting equal recognition for it.

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