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shangri La

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Posts posted by shangri La

  1. If them damned hens dont't stop cackling so long and loud I am gonna send them back to where they came from! Now I have 4 that don't make a sound and 4 that are loud mouths!


    I know which 4 are on P.Com... :drinks:

  2. Change up your routine. Don't do the same cardio work everyday. I like to take it in 4-8 week stints of cycling, running, and whatever else, then move on to something else. It allows me to progress in whatever I am doing, but I still get to change up in 4-8 weeks. You must weight train.

  3. It is considered an "act of God". the neighbor with the damage has to file with their company even though it was your tree. You could take care of it yourself though. that would be the right thing but your insurance will not pay. ;)


    It is an act of God. The only way you are liable if a tree falls onto your neighbor's property is if they have proof they have given you written notice advising of a potential problem requesting that you take action.

  4. THe Saggy Baggy Elephant. :wub:


    Little Golden Books were okay.


    My FAVORITE books were the BABAR series! I had a complete set given to me by a relative, and the font was cursive. I thought they were the coolest things ever. I read them over and over and over!

    I had a small hard cover collection called the Dandelion Library. It had every Babar story. Babar and Zephyr, Babar and Celeste, etc. They were wonderful, I loved them!!!!!!!!!!!!

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