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Posts posted by TJB

  1. They don't teach that in history classes. Learning about this affected me deeply and changed how I see black and white people. We are mean to all non-whites and have been throughout history. The fact that this is still not part of the curriculum in high school speaks volumes about white privilege. It exists and is so part of the norm that white people can't recognize it.

    I guess black people should just get over what is still happening to them today. This is less than 100 years ago, a mere blip in terms of history and if people can't understand the anger in the black community, they do so because they don't care. Plain and simple.

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    You can dress this pig up all you like but it's not that hard to see it for what it is.


    President Donald Trump on Friday became the first sitting president to address the Values Voter Summit, an event sponsored by the Family Research Council, a group known for its anti-LGBTQ views.



    Someone bereft of values addressing the Values Voters Summitt; how ironic, or par for the course.

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  3. Couple of things...

    1-Businesses pay taxes too

    2-Do you as an individual lose your constitutional rights just because you use public roads?

    Your constitutional rights, do not entitle you to take rights away from others; especially if denying service places an undue burden on the customer. Just like it was wrong to deny service to the police, this is equally as wrong.
  4. It has already been stated (numerous times). If you do not like the policy do not do business with them. If there are no public funds involved the owner has the right to hire, fire, refuse service, change business hours, set the price for services, etc. As long as the owner does not violate labor laws (and certain health codes, etc.) he can run his business as he damn well pleases. Liberals really need to grow up, go to work, quit relying on big brother (Feds) to bail them out, get off the federal teat and quit worrying about what everybody else is doing. I have enough on my plate creating jobs and being productive to worry about a damn cake maker or whatever.

    I assume that "private business" uses public roads and utilities, partially paid for by local residents as well as fire and police departments, also supported by local tax dollars; some which are paid by gay people. Therfore, that private business isn't quite as private as it seems and needs to serve all people. What's next, a hospital refusing to take care of gays and minorities?

  5. I've seen the results of these experienced politicians. I'll pass. I'll go with the business man. People love to point out his lack of success and that's ludicrous. He's been ridiculously successful. You're just buying into Leftist spin.

    He's marketed himself brilliantly, but outside some of his real estate deals, most of his businesses failed. You're buying to right-wing bigoted and xenophobic talking points.

  6. Well he is. And he was chosen by the silent majority that's sick and tired of getting screwed. Tired of globalist agenda. Tired of obscene trade deals. Tired of apologist agenda. Tired of watching manufacturing going abroad. Tired of watching tax dollars being taken out of their checks and given to those who won't work. Tired of snotty, elitist Hollywood types who are out of touch with blue collar reality. Tired of the lies and the spin. America can be great again, but it means changing our current course. That means defeating Hillary at any cost. #trump2016

    And for the record nobody cares about silly false memos or ridiculous charts created by Leftist propagandists. But I'm sure you'll post some more anyway.

    If you believe Trump is qualified or interested in tackling the issues you're concerned about, you are sadly mistaken. Just so you know, I'm not enthusiastic about Hillary, but I think she's far more qualified than Trump. No presidential candidate has run with as little experience as Trump is. Reagan was governor of California, GWB was governor of Texas, Bill Clinton was a Governor and attorney general. Trump can't even claim he was a successful businessman. Trump is an elitist snob, playing the working class for fools. I understand your frustration, but Trump isn't the answer.
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    It would not be described as "amusing."


    More like a sexist body shaming violent rape culture hate filled tribute to the misogynist patriarchy...


    It would be an attack on all women everywhere ! ! !


    By Donald Trump himself ! ! !










    Didn't Trump say "It doesn't matter what the media writes, as long as you have a young, beautiful piece of ass." Here's some more things Trump has said about women. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/26/us/politics/donald-trump-women.html

  8. I can promise you that those of us parents who have kids that are neurologically different, worry about their kids being misunderstood by authority figures should the occasion arise. Sounds like you handled that the right way. Kudos.

    I was taken aback by the kid's anger and was prepared to defend myself if needed, but I knew I wasn't his issue; there was much more going on. However, I remember the father was on a teleconference saying what his child did wasn't a big deal and that was more frightening than how his son acted. As a society, if we don't do a better job of protecting and caring for the mentally ill, we will have far more school shootings, massacres, and acts of random violence that will fill our jails with people who need help beyond the expertise of law enforcement.

    • Like 1
  9. I had a student who was bi-polar totally lose it on me and instead of instigating the situation, I let the student vent, stood, a safe distance from him, and sent him to the office. He slammed some doors and damaged some hinges, but nobody was hurt. The following year, he apologized to me and said he wasn't taking his meds. I worry he'll wind up dead someday, especially if he has a confrontation with the police. Perhaps, the police need more training in dealing with the mentally ill or be allowed to carry sedatives to subdue people with psychological issues or be accompanied by mental health professionals on calls where it's suspected someone is mentally ill and dangerous.

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  10. B.B. King was one of my father's favourite jazz/blue musicians. He actually went to see/listen him close up several times.


    Rest in Peace, Mr. King!

    I saw him at Westbury Music Fair on Long Island. The venue has a revolving stage and I was three rows away. My wife got the tickets for me and wound up enjoying it as much as I did. In addition, Ruth Brown and Bobby "Blue" Bland were opening acts. Sadly, they are gone.

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