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Posts posted by Winnie

  1. There is no entrance fee. To go into the cave it is $1 per adult. You can also take water jugs up there and fill them up with water from the cave. That is a popular thing to do. When we go there are people with truck loads of water bottles etc., and they come just to fill them up.


    There is also a pool that is filled by the spring water. It is HUGE!! I don't know how much it is to swim there but it is really nice.

    I have also done this since I was little bitty. That makes it even more special doing it with my own children.



  2. Take Highway 278 all the way to Cedartown. In Cedartown get on Cave Springs Rd. It goes straight there and one of the first things on the right is this park where the springs and cave are.


    cool! Is there an entrance fee? It looks really nice.

  3. Dr. Toth at Dallas Highway Animal Hospital!!!!!


    I cannot say ENOUGH about him and his staff! It's an impeccably clean office, they don't make you sit there with 20 other animals in the waiting area (went once to a well known local vet who did this and never went back), and the staff is as sweet and friendly as can be. Dr. Toth even calls personally to check up on the pet after the visit and he absolutely TRULY cares about his "patients" and their owners. I have a problematic dog and they work me in ASAP whenever I have needed it.


    I never paid attention to the prices because when it comes to my dog's care, it doesn't matter to me. But I've never noticed anything outrageous and he never pushes meds on me that my pup doesn't need.


    My dog has arthritis and Dr. Toth even called when the weather turned cold to make sure that I didn't mix his meds if I had to put him on Rimadyl to relieve his arthritis pain.


    I don't know what I'd do without Dr. Toth!



    That's awesome!!



    And my concern over price is about being reasonable not cheap. ;)

  4. We paid $93. I am sure there are others cheaper out there, but be sure to balance the quality of care with the price. Sometimes cheap isn't so great. We didn't "shop" the price, we just trust E Paulding and the price sounded fair for all they do on the annual.



    I agree that there has to be a balance in price and care.


    Thank you all.


    New Georgia Animal Hospital Dr. Lugar is the best :wub:


    Saw her today with my cat. Her prices are very reasonable. I paid $100 odd something for the visit $15, meds $15-for an infection on her leg and 8 doses of Revolution-they had a kick butt special so I bought enough for 2 times for the cats.


    That's awesome! I love finding sales on flea and tick meds.

  5. A very long time ago, after Jesus finished preaching to a large crowd of people, He came down from the mountain and headed back toward the town of Capernaum.

    As the crowd thronged the streets of Capernaum, a very dear servant lay on his bed, under his master's roof, paralyzed and so sick, he was ready to die. His master, a wealthy centurion sat beside his bed, feeling totally helpless, not knowing what to do.

    Quickly the news spread through the streets with much excitement. People were shouting everywhere - to the ones leaning out their windows above, and over their shoulders to people standing behind them, and far back to those standing at the edge of the crowd who could not see over taller people's heads: JESUS IS HERE! The One Who has healed so many sick people. ...and even raised people " from the dead’. Word of Jesus' arrival soon reached the ears of the Roman centurion. Not wanting to leave his dying servant's side because he loved him so dearly, and realizing that Jesus was the only one who could help him, this loyal commanding officer sent for leaders of the synagogue, which he himself had built.

    As soon as the leaders came to his home, the centurion said, "Go quickly and find Jesus. Beg Him to come and heal my servant." Knowing how very much the centurion loved their nation and how much he had given so they could have their very own synagogue, they quickly obeyed and started out to find Jesus.

    It wasn't easy, for the men had to push their way through the crowded streets. However, the synagogue leaders soon found Jesus. They wasted no time at all getting right up to where Jesus could hear them and immediately started to earnestly plead with Him to come with them and heal the centurion's dying servant. "If anyone deserves your help, it is this man," they urged. "He loves the Jews and even paid personally to build us a synagogue."

    After listening intently to the men, Jesus said, "I will come and heal his servant." He then followed the synagogue leaders through the crowded streets, as they led the way to the respected centurion's home.

    Not far from the home, friends of the centurion arrived with a message for Jesus. "Sir, do not trouble yourself to come to my home, for I am unworthy for you to enter under my roof or even to come and meet you. Just speak a word, and I know my dear servant will be healed," the centurion's message read. "I know how it is, for I receive orders from my superior officers and I give orders to those under my authority. All I have to say is, 'Go!' and they go, or 'Come!' and they come, and to my servant, 'Do this or that' and he does it. So if you just say, 'Be healed,' my servant will be made well."

    When Jesus heard the centurion's words, he was totally amazed. Jesus marveled at the faith of the centurion. He turned around and said to the crowd that was following Him, "Never among all the Jews in Israel have I met a man with faith like this." Then the centurion came himself and Jesus turned to him and said, "Go your way. Just as you have believed, it will be done."

    When the centurion and his friends returned to the house, they found the servant had been completely healed in the same hour that Jesus promised healing.


  6. Scripture can mean one thing to someone today and something totally different to that same person tomorrow.


    Today is a Monday and here is the scripture that made my Monday


    Proverbs 12:20 (New International Version)


    20 There is deceit in the hearts of those who plot evil,

    but joy for those who promote peace.







    Do you have a favorite scripture?

  7. Yea this is catch up day here to. Washing and cleaning and giving hair cuts, cooking so for all day job. Should make living better for next week. :lol: :lol:


    Isn't that the way it goes for us women? :( Work is never done.


    I get to do run 1099's and W-2's!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYY I am trying to hurry and get done so I can go watch football with my husband

    Don't even get me started on taxes.

  8. I am trying to motivate my husband so we can run to the store, library and my Mom's. Guess he is going to miss the first football game because he wanted to go back to bed.

    Dang, he's missing the game to sleep?


    Just got done cleaning my hosue URGH!!! It only took me all day long. :blink:

    It would take me a long time to finish. Maybe when the kid is grown. :rolleyes:


    well hubby and i were hanging out at the house and he had to go to work because the supervisors all have to detail ambulances.......so that sucks but he should be on his way home now and then to the grocery store for us.......ive been cleaning like a mad woman while he has been gone..so at least im getting some of my house work done........ :D


    Good for you!

    So your hubby drives an ambulance?

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