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Posts posted by lilangel

  1. I have an update to the story: Mr. Harley McGatha did not survive his injuries. He died this morning around 7:30 am. So sad....


    Don't know if anyone around here is familiar with his company McGatha Construction Company...I believe they built schools and large buildings.






    They build homes to. I live in Centre for about 4 yrs. My husband has down some sheet rock for McGatha. My kids are friends of the McGatha family. My prayers are with them.

  2. okay if your husband asked u to change the oil in your car or fix a leaking sink what would it look like , I no changing sheets is not hard ,but neither is change oil in a car we are all good at what we learned growing up , I am a single guy and yes i can change my sheets do laundry and even raise my kids on my own .






    I make my bed and I HAVE changed the oil in my car, spark plugs to, and have changed a tire are 2. I do it all well

  3. I did the same thing last week. I bought my daughter some hairbows and hit pay and it was my closed account all pay pal did was use the back up source if that doesnt work you will have a negative balance to paypal, all you will have to do is pay pal back. When you pay through paypal paypal pays the saler and you pay pal. Nothing to worry about. Hope that helps.

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