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Everything posted by M@tt

  1. We just recently returned from the service and the cemetary, just wanted to give an update! The service was beautifully done and quite moving! So many people were there, the church auditorium filled up and their overflow room (connected via video link) also filled up, it was very fulfilling to see the outpouring of support from family, friends and the community! I did not get to personally speak to Leesa, but did see her and she again showed remarkable courage and strength! They had put together a very nice video of pictures of Jonathan throughout his life and had set it to mus
  2. I returned from the funeral home about 7:00 I guess, there were SO many people there, it's great to see how much these two were loved by their community and friends! I must also say, that Leesa Hicks showed remarkable courage and strength!! Having lost her husband on July 5th, and now her son! I just joined this board a few days ago, and the outpouring of help from you people is astounding I must say, and it's great to see a community pull together when tragedy like this strikes. I see how all of you have pulled together for all of the students at EPHS, and it makes me happ
  3. I have been beside myself since I found out. It's heart wrenching! I'm only his neighbor, and barely knew Jonathon. It tears my heart out what his mom must be going through! I am here for her though, ANYTHING she needs, and have told her that. I spent a few moments with her earlier and we cried and hugged. I can report that she is coping, obviously devasted! Keep her in your prayers!
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