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Posts posted by EthersLove

  1. Anyone around the New Hope area experincing spitting coming out of the faucets? Noticed there is lots of construction going on for a Saturday morning, but I hadn't heard/seen anything regarding water.



  2. Does anyone know if the courthouse is open tomorrow on Friday the 23rd?


    I have looked at the website and called in. All it says is that they are closed for major holidays. Is black friday a major holiday?


    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

  3. My husband and I would like to take a one year anniversary trip to Chattanooga. Would some please plan us an itenary including hotel/inn/accomidations for what Chattanooga has to offer? We are looking at maybe spending an entire week in early October. We have been once before when my husband asked me to marry him, but it was only for the weekend and we would like to get away.




  4. Want to know if anyone else has experienced the slow service at Johnny's?


    Our waitress was nice but when some friends came in and sat in her/our section she forgot about us!


    I think I will drive to Acworth from now on --


    The food was good but the service was kinda yucky! Maybe that will change -- Let hope!!!



    Don't forgot they have only been open 1 week. My family makes a rule of going to try a new place when they first open (usually there are discounts/coupons), we then complain about the service and say not nice things. We wait about 3 months and go back and it is like a totally different place. The ovens are working the timing in the kitchen is good.


    Don't give up on them just yet. ;)


    Although the friends thing is always unacceptable. Hopefully the manager will notice

  5. My boys have gone 4 wheeling on thier 4-wheelers I started to go with them LOL


    Ours is not a Harley either, we can not afford one right now:


    Although they are very nice bikes, and I used the word queen as in comfort, not that I meant anything else by it,



    I was strickly referring to comfort as well. I know Harley's are so expensive my Dad's will turn 30 this year. :) (and honestly, it's less comfortable then ours)



  6. I want to be out riding so bad today, but I am home alone: maybe hubby will come home in a while and we will go riding LOl


    we have a bike that is very comfortable, with the seats that are made for a king and queen LOL



    Well, mine are certainly not for a queen, but I'm just happy to have a bike to really enjoy. I grew up on a Harley with my Mom and Dad and this was our compromise. A Yamaha Fz1. So far so good.


    Day's like today I wish we had 3 dirt bikes or something.

  7. My family is driving me crazy. I have spent all week in my house and I want to get out. Any suggestions? Any festivals or anything going on today? It is so nice and they want to go to the movies to see this weeks piece of garbage, ugh.


    No one wants to go for a 'walk' or 'hike' they want to wander.


    Days like today I wish I had a side car for the bike..


    picture sport touring (kinda like a crotch rocket, but comfortable) with a side car. hahaha


    Husband 33

    Daughter 13

    Me 26



  8. This is an awesome post. I am so tired of the negative. Thanks for being an encouragement to me!!

    I would also like to say that Sammy McClure, the BOE chairman is an incredible person. He was also very inspiring to me at the BOE meeting and is a very positive and sincere person. He personally sees to it that the BOE is on the right track and does EVERYTHING in the best interest of the children of Paulding County. Thanks for all you do!!! I pray that from this point forward everyone will be more involved and educated on what is going on in our school system and show up to vote!!! Maybe this has taught us all a very hard lesson.



    Wow.. thank you. You made my weekend. :)


    I agree everyone I have met is truly doing all they can for our children. I hope we can all support them.

  9. All I know for sure is that my family has not been listening at all to me over the past 3 years I have lived in Paulding County. There response is well we shouldn't let them build so many houses with out having the schools. Well, that's really hard, how can you possibly know how many kids or not a neighborhood attracts. There are 8 kids in my neighborhood. The others are all joint custody kids. This does not change the fact that you can only speed up building so much.. you can not make cement dry any quicker.


    Now that I have sent them the "minutes" of the meeting, they are all awake and are screaming how unacceptable this is. Well, they didn't vote in any of the recent elections, they have not gone to the meetings, read the paper nor have they read the fliers that came home. Everyone is so surprised. GRRR. I think our school and school board are doing everything they can. I have faith that something will work out.


    My bonus munchkin is going to EPHS next year.. or EPNPHS. Whatever, we will make it work. The great teachers will make it happen and the education will happen. Perhaps very inconveniently but we will just have to be more supportive of our daughters education and add our own experiences.


    Be involved have faith. If I can come in and get involved when I was just Dad's girlfriend and 22 and make a difference and added my opinion to my bonus daughter's teachers then lets get the parents, grandparents and everyone involved. That way our voice is heard and we can work together not against each other.


    You all helped me be positive during my unemployment so I'm using that good will and trying to stay positive with all of this.



    Stealing from Lowe's or Home Depot...


    You Can Do It... We Can Help

    Happy Weekend.

  10. We live not far from the Sheriff's Dept., so the parking lots in this area are a good gathering place for them to talk. And they like to watch for drunk drivers in the wee hours too.


    Look at it like we do - plenty of security close by.




    Yes we love the added securtiy it just seems odd, never noticed so many before.

  11. Hi all,


    My husband and I have been driving around New Hope all hours of this weekend and have noticed an unusal amount of police. There were 6 cars in the New Hope church parking lot on Bobo Road Friday night around 9, 2 at the plumbing place at the Old Cartersville intersection around 11am Saturday and 4 around 2pm. Then at 2:30am this morning there were several at Publix and the church and then around 2pm this afternoon 2 at the plumbing place.


    Now, I know people run lights and speed, but this seems like more than that. Does it have to do with the shooting? Or us rowdy late night Waffle Housers? We live right behind the elementary school, so we were just a bit concerned or happy to have the patrol. Not sure.



    Happy Sunday.

  12. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. We tried all of those things and unfortunately that was not the problem. The HVAC gentleman just left.. not great news. Okay if I was employed, but as recent circumstances are.. not so great. And to top it off.. my free vacation is being threatened by Ernesto. I'd go back to bed but it is sweaty.



  13. HI all,


    As if wonders never cease. I went into the garage and the AC has leaked everywhere, I turned it off immediately but it's getting hot in here.


    Anyone know anybody who could help us this weekend? Or take a look at it? Our usual folks are out of town this weekend and won't be here until Monday morning.







  14. Thank you all for your help. We are currently with Kaiser and a healthy 26 year old female and my hubby a healthy 33 male. Neither of us smoke or have any health issues. Kaiser want's $500 a month, BCBS $550 and United is looking at $200. I just couldn't believe it. Everything seems to be clean and legal. I just don't want to take any chances with my health.

  15. HI everyone,


    In my mad dash to get DH and my paper work together I have been shopping for health insurance. I just got and amazing quote from United HealthCare/Golden Rule.


    Anyone heard of them? Dealt with them? Is it too good to be true?



  16. My heart is with all of you. I lost 4 friends in high school, sadly one a year. I have been so sad today thinking about everything everyone is going through and remembering how hard it was/is.


    My escape is Twister, the movie. My mom stayed up with me for 3 nights watching and re-watching Twister, because I couldn't sleep. But something about that movie that is just so not emotional, yet holds interest and takes your mind away.


    I can not say that it gets any easier, but I can say that my thoughts, hopes and prayers are with you and all whom are touched by this tradgedy.



    Prayers and Hope.

  17. Well, I'm not so sure if I am even remotely interested in the job, but I have not interviewed in a long time so the experince will be helpful. I think I have a good shot. The interviewer said that they had closed submissions, but when they saw mine this morning they re-opened the position.


    So I'm getting out my suit and we will see what happens.

  18. I'm reading AJobs: How to get a job in Atlanta. That is pretty self explaintory.


    I'm also reading: Elizabeth Cunningham's Passion of Mary Magdalen. I'm not sure how I feel about this book but, I can't put it down. Only 300 pages to go.

  19. Calm down think what the bank gave you back . If you have a stick shift between your seat check in the slot. My sons fell in their once. Check your envelope from bank. Check at your door on ground.Where you parked your vehicle. Hope you find it. I no it scared you not being able to find it.Also if you have any papers on you that it might of gotten stuck in . Hope you find it soon. Good Luck. Let us no if you found it.



    I'm calmish now. Still not found. I am going to go back to the bank and crawl around in the drive thru to see if it hopped into the bushes or something. I think the person behind me in line picked it up, but I wish they would have brought it back to the bank. My co-workers and I tore through my car and my purse, no luck. It will be just fine. I'll go to the DMV on Tuesday and get a new one. Just disappointed that the bank doesn't want to help me.


    The bank only gave me my deposit slip back. I'm just glad the money is in the bank. :)


    Hopefully, it was someone who lives in Paulding and will drop it off at my house on their way home.



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