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Posts posted by peachy

  1. I just heard a call over the scanner regarding this. Somebody said there was 2 teens walking thru their subdivision. Didn't catch the address.



    That was me. I am so glad they are home. I had a confident feeling that because he was so close to home, maybe he was headed there anyway.


    If hubby or the retired army colonel who lives next door would have been home, I would have had the teens confronted immediately. But recognizing my inexperience in what may have been a difficult situation, I didn't want to make anything worse possibly making them run only to hide in the cold all night. So I called the non emergency number. The time was around 1:55 when I placed the call.


    Just to add, I was on my way out and did try to call Psychomom so she could post for me, but I forgot her number. I know her number now as clear as I have for the past 20 years, but it was nowhere in my mind at 2:00 this afternoon. Heck, I bet she would have beat the cops to them.



  2. I want to dye my hair..at home out of the box. I prefer to do it that way. I want the color that is dark brown but has that dark burgundy tint to it...but i don't want red!! So what box color and brand should i be looking for?



    I put a similar color on my daughter's hair yesterday. It is Loreal Feria Deep Burgundy Brown (#36). The sun does enhance the red in the color but she likes it.


    Unfortunately, her little white Maltese who lives under my feet got a drop of color on his side. He looks like he's been shot. I'm hoping tear stain products can fix him. It's always something.


    Good luck with you color I'm sure it will look great.



  3. And let the over-reaction before there's been any sort of trial begin. Do any of you know the difference between charged with and guilty of?


    Sheesh, folks. Give the guy a chance in court before you hang him, will ya?


    As a former member of a jury where an accused child rapist was cleared of the charges, I can tell you that just because they are accused of something doesn't mean they did anything at all.



    I agree with you about accusations. But the cops caught them in some sort of act at a local park.

  4. Some young deputy screamed at me tonight, because I tried to turn in to my own subdivision. He was screaming Hey, hey, hey, what in the hell are you doing?!? Uh, going home, dude.


    You would think that with 30 cop cars and at least 30 cops, they could at least get the damn thing organized enough that I knew that they were having a roadblock. He told me that they were just checking licenses. Whatever the hell that means.


    I just figured that there was a bad accident and the sheriff's department had to call in some GSP.



    Did he wear reflective clothing? Was any one on the scene using a mega phone? I'm sorry, but sometimes I thing high school cheerleaders could run a better and safer show. I'm sorry, but sometimes it's very difficult to determine what's going on in the dark!!!!!

  5. Yep. I went up and discussed it with them. Most of the delta was from an increase in the land value from 46K to 75K, with the rest being the house and the fact that Phase II of the subdivision tended to be much more detailed houses so the couple that have sold pulled the average up. The land value had not been adjusted for 5 years or so.


    Couldn't argue much about the land increase since the few remaining lots are listed at over 100K each. (2+ acres) They are not selling at that... but that's what they are listed for. So I was stuck with it.




    Exact same story here. We must live in the same neighborhood. Or I should say Estate Subdivision. Very nice man in the tax office, he was willing to spend all the time I needed to explain it.


    As for the Estate dwellers at our house, we will drive our old cars to work, come home and cook our beans and potatoes, and pay the tax bill. :closedeyes:




    I found this here:



    which led to this:



    Start reading at page 299 the letters from the Mississippi Beef Plant's attorneys to The Facility Group. The charges related to these letters have been dropped but there does seem to be proof in writing in the other 300+ pages. It is unbelievable.


    Do you think Mr. Cable wrote any letters questioning the extra cost to build our education facilities?





  7. I agree with Melody on this one. I'm sure our local law officers would rather council this lady on the proper way to travel down the road with children than deal with a bad, bad situation after an accident. You could give her a ride today, but she would be walking again tomorrow. Let the pros deal with it AND be familiar when they get the next call. I know that I have no training for dealing with strangers on the side of the road but we have officers on call who do.

  8. I ask my fellow Pauling Neighbor.....What constructive suggestions fo you have for bringing jobs and tax dollars here?


    Please give me something better than questioning the commissioners.....If not WellStar, who should the county court? And how much should the county be willing to contribute?



    I understand it will bring jobs. But taxes??


    Did you read number 13?


    13. The MOU states that the property will be property tax exempt “until such time (it) developed and used for any purpose other than a non-profit purpose.”


    Wellstar is a non profit health care system. I don't understand how the county could ever recover the moneys spent on infrastructure.


    And who pays sales tax for doctor/medical services?

  9. This is unbelievable. I wish the other legislatures at the capital knew that all of Paulding does not worship this man. If they would do their job and vote for a real speaker, we could get some opposition on the ballot.


    Ehrhart Wants Public Vote For Speaker's Gavel



    By Dick Pettys

    InsiderAdvantage Georgia


    (7/23/08) Here’s a twist on the upcoming Speaker’s race among Republican House members in November - - Rep. Earl Ehrhart, chairman of the House Rules Committee and fierce Glenn Richardson partisan, wants a public vote - not a secret ballot.


    That almost certainly means that only the most daring would vote for challenger David Ralston.


    Ehrhart said that’s not his motive. “I don’t think he has 10 votes,” he said.


    Rather, Ehrhart said it’s a matter of making the public’s business more open. “We’ve been talking about changing to public votes for DOT races. I can’t think of any justification for secret votes for anything the Legislature votes for.”


    He said he hasn’t discussed the idea with other ranking members of the GOP Caucus yet but he’s completely serious about the idea. “I’ll make a motion. It’s almost dishonest to have a secret ballot on this or FOT or anything else.”


    As for who will be the next Speaker, Ehrhart said Richardson probably has more than 95 House Republicans solid for him now. “He’s got Jerry (Keen), Mark (Burkhalter), me. I can’t find anybody that has any standing that’s supporting (Ralston.)”

  10. One thing I see that is very interesting. You can pretty well see the total number of people that voted. You can find eliminate the demecrats who voted leaving only those who voted republican. Of those roughly half are abstaining from voting for Richardson. ;)



    I don't even remember Richardson being on the ballot. I did pass over Heath because I didn't have a sex shop finger thingy to touch his name with. That is what he expects of us, right?

  11. Wouldn't it seem logical to download and post the results of today's electronic voting first? This would post the majority of votes quickly and as soon as that was done.....THEN count the early votes and absentee's last since it's apparently a ridiculously slow process.


    Most of us would rather see the results NOW with like 85% of the votes in and wait until morning to find out what the total count was!


    Do we have one horse that does the counting for the whole county by clopping his hoof? Couldn't we get several more horses to help with the counting? It's been 4 hours now....what kind of computer are they using to tally votes (Commodore 64?)



    I believe the votes are cast on a Windows program. You know the old, patch this, patch that, and it's all a risky guessing game. Who knows what the problem is but I'm sure Mrs. Holden and all are doing their best. We are not Florida, take your time and get it right. :D

  12. 1. It took me a few minutes to read that email. Jerry looked at it for about 10 seconds and had no knowledge of it until it came to defending the contents.


    2. I don't know Mr. Pownall. My daughter's BFF's are in the band at PCHS and I am around sometimes and he is there. From what I've seen, I don't think that man would send a belated death wish. I hope Mr. Shearin lives a long healthy life. This is the business of our pocket books AND it's politics. God speed to all.


    3. It is a tax increase. It is a tax increase. Say it with me, it is a tax increase. Would a commissioner come up here and write hubby a check for the increase in our taxes this fall? Please? We don't put Christmas on Visa so we know a tax increase when we see it. Hubby's still tight in December after that dang bill. We will pay more this year. Are the commissioners going to advise us of our increased obligation?


    This would be quite the lesson in a government class in a local college. And the kids would say, "stupid taxpayers".

  13. According to the BOC meeting video, there will be NO tax increase this year. It's on the record this time.

    Jerry got caught in a lie and has to come up with the money elsewhere.




    Don't underestimate these people. It's -on video- and in legal minutes that the board recommended an amendment to lower the age of citizens owing school taxes to 62 and freeze assessments at a certain percent. That information would be dated a few days before the second school bond vote. And they praise Glenn Richardson for being the powerful speaker of the house who can get things done at the capital. What happened? It was a farce. It was a lie. I'm sure there was an email planning it all.


    My first thought after reading about the meeting today was I hope Pat Crook threw an ashtray at Jerry for throwing her under the bus. (Hillary style) She's smart, she knows it's stupid to deny an email. But my second thought was that she did write it. Somethings wrong with that.

  14. I work for Cobb Fire and the way that I interpret this is that the county would lower the fire tax rate by 1/10 of a mil and allow the county to increase the parks rate by 1/10 mil netting a 0% tax increase. ;) Not taking from the fire dept just reconfiguring the tax allocation.



    Well that is a relief! I wasn't questioning Cobb County really. The company I work for is a Cobb Fire vendor and I think it is a great department. No doubt Cobb can afford to move a little money away from their special tax, but it will be several years before Paulding begins to compare. Thanks for the explanation.

  15. As stated above, if the chairdude can tell the lie enough times, maybe he CAN indeed convince himself it is the truth. Only time will tell on the tax increase now.


    Does seem sort of odd, to say the least, that Pat Crook acknowledges sending the email, but Jerry denies having seen it. Says alot about the way the chairdude is running the county doesn't it.


    My take is the Department of Revenue turned down Lani Skipper and Glenn Richardson when they tried arm twisting tactics on those beurachrats. And having dealt with the State DOR at different times during my years of running a business here, those guys are beurachrats in the truest sense of the word.


    If my assumption above is correct, that left King Jerry with a dilema. If they moved forward with the 0.9 mil increase to pay the bond, without having placed the proper ads in the Dallas New Era announcing the increase 60 days prior to September 1st when the tax bills are to go out, then indeed they would have been placing themselves in jeopardy with the Georgia Tax Payers Bill of Rights Law.........flagrantly breaking the law.


    This leaves them with 3 choices:


    1] place the ads detailing the 0.9mil increase for the courthouse bonds in the New Era as soon as possible and delay sending out the tax bills until 60 days later. But this choice publicly shows the errors of their ways and could still get them in trouble, AND it would be fresh on the minds of the citizens who heard the chairdude say, NO TAX INCREASE.


    2] don't place the ads, and be in direct jeopardy of indictment for blatantly denying the taxpayers the rights guarranteed by the 1999 law if they try to collect the 0.9mil increase.


    3] suck it up, tighten the belt, and forget the 0.9mil increase for this year, servicing the bonds out of cash flow and any other money which they can divert to pay for them. Guess its a good thing the fire department's funding, little that it is, cannot be used for this.

    But anyway you look at it, the chairdude got caughj with his hand stuck in the cookie jar and will now have to cover his tracks best he can to save face. Thank you Todd Pownall for standing up to him. I also know what it is like to be insulted and belittled by the pompous chairdude sitting up their in his throne.


    The fire tax money most certainly can be used for something else. After reading an article about Cobb County purchasing park land and paying for the bond with 1/10 of 1 mil from their fire tax, I've had a bad feeling. I guess there is a loophole that allows this. This is the article that I read in the AJC http://www.ajc.com/metro/content/metro/cob...d_0630_web.html

    Loopholes aren't so scary unless your leaders are sneaky.


    At this point, it's just wait and see what the heck they are going to do. But I have a bad feeling and I don't trust them. I'd like to read some more emails ...uhm someone needs to be reading the emails in the BOC office.


    Thanks to Mr. Pownall though, we need to put him in a parade or something.

  16. I'm sorry, but our house went up $35,000.00 in value this year. How can she say the values in the county went down? If they do not advertise in the newspaper, they should at least send a notice of tax increase to the homeowners with increased values. BTW, we have not made any structural improvements to our home.


    Question, if our values go up and they do not advertise a tax increase, can we protest the tax increase? Glenn? Pat? Jerry?

  17. Oh lets see you stated he allowed growth at run a away speed,let's see here. If he had the ability to stop that he would have found himself in court costing more money$$$$$$


    Oh let's see here cheap developments like what Bentwater or senators ridge or the Georgian$$$$


    I don't think many people would mind living in those now would they :D now where do you live???what's the difference about your house???Your part of the problem not the solution now aren't you?? You had the right to park your know it all butt here in Paulding why not everyone else.


    Now your quick to fire how about giving an educated solution???after all no other county has been able to curve it.


    Oh and please let's talk about who is for who and what,for instance. All the people on here me included have no love for the BOE,there the root of all evil right. Well let's throw this in the mix.


    David has a fund raiser$$$ guess who attends his fund raiser???Trudy Sowers yes you know who she is?


    She never attended any of Jerry type greet and meets so read that one :rolleyes:



    Just want to quote you before Jerry calls and asks you to remove the sentence in bold.


    Sammy McClure (Chairman BOE) recently hosted Jerry with the Flemister's at their home. "Get to know the Chairman". Not that there's anything wrong with that.


  18. Does anyone know what was said at the press conference? Has it happened yet?






    Ga. Highlands, Kennesaw State to announce partnership



    Email this story to a friend


    Georgia Highlands College and Kennesaw State University have scheduled a press conference at 4:30 p.m. today to announce a partnership between the two institutions.


    The press conference will be held at the Paulding County Chamber of Commerce. Both Georgia Highlands President Randy Pierce and Kennesaw State University President Daniel Papp are scheduled to attend, along with Paulding County and University System of Georgia officials.


    According to Georgia Highlands, the announcement details “an important step in bringing state higher education to the county, which is not currently served by the system.”

  19. Give them a little credit. I'm sure they can get the courthouse built without a problem.


    The home inspection thing is another story. The builders probably pay off the guys in charge of doing inspections, and something like that is difficult to catch at the lower levels of government. If a person has approved houses and there are problems later on, then that should be investigated and the person should be fired for neglecting to do their job or if they can prove that they looked the other way and took a payoff by a builder. Not all the builders would do that however, we do have some builders that do business with integrity.



    Give the citizens some credit. If county inspectors are being payed off they should be prosecuted. Because of Pcom we know of one home that should never have been approved. Jerry Shearin should have stood up and said to his taxpayers, 'I am firing this person and prosecuting them and we as citizens will have to pay for this homeowner's loss, we do not expect this to happen again'. THEN the sheeze would stop. You can't sweep everything under the rug. Those lumps begin to show.

  20. You have to take the politics out of it. Really you do. Or else I will tell how great our county is because our house is worth $35,000.00 more THIS YEAR?????????? That is good, right?


    I love this county. My husband & I have roots dating back to the mid 1800's. If we couldn't bear these pains, we'd leave. But heck, we've dealt with lots of pains..... you leave what you should, you hang with what you love till it gets better. And we've learned that the hard way in all aspects of life.


    In this county, we are good people. We are cordial, polite, good, good people but we stand our ground. Nothing wrong with that. Fact is, I don't want some old woman that I haven't seen in 30 years telling my Mother at church on Sunday morning that I didn't wave or speak, so I speak to everyone. And the fact is, I like talking to someone at the grocery store who I think is a stranger and finding out that he/she knew me since I was a baby. It's a warm feeling and now we can even relate and share with new people from around the country. They don't know us, but they like us, they really, really like us. We should be proud.


    Paulding is a wonderful place to live. We REALLY don't need bells and whistles to be happy. Just run it right, protect us, and teach our children reading, writing & arithmetic, and we'll take care of religion at home and yes, we will be a big happy family (I swear ALL the natives are not related).


    And no, my husband is not my cousin. He's Burnt Hickory and I'm New Hope. And no, I will not step into the Crossroads Cemetery. Just because he has Great Grandparents in there, & I do too, no, he's not my cousin. You can hit your cousin, right? No, he says he's not my cousin.

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