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Posts posted by Ryanman82

  1. To the family of Trey Brown,


    I can't find the words to express the sorrow I feel as many over the loss of Trey. I can only honor you on raising such a fine person. My name is Ryan Hart. Trey and I went to school as well as church with one another. Never had I seen Trey in an ill mood or anything less than happy. He seemed to share that with anyone that he came in contact with. Trey made everyone feel better. Trey was a great man and that is how everyone will remember him. All of the Hart family expresses their deep sorry that the Nix and Brown family are facing and they will be in our prayers.

  2. To All:


    I apolagize for the drastic name of this bulletin. However, it is written in truth. I was contact at 8pm tonight by a close friend of all Grads of PCHS 01, informing me that Trey Brown and his wife Lauren were found deceased in their home on the night of Monday the 9th. His family is in a deep state of mourning at the moment, and are wanting to make sure that all friends and associates of Trey's are informed of this unfortunate and tragic loss.

    Unfortunately, I do not have any more details at the moment. My friend told me that Trey should be home by 4pm tomorrow, and that they are expecting his funeral to be held on Friday.


    Please keep the Family of both Trey and his Wife Lauren in your prayers.


    I will let all of you know as anymore details are revealed.


    Trey was a graduate and dear friend of the Paulding County class of 2001. He and his wife Lauren were living in Texas where he was stationed.



  3. Congratulations on your victory Don!


    Thanks for being a man of good ethics and morals and for listening to your constituents.


    Most of all, thanks for being a wonderful grandfather to my children and a wonderful father to me. You continually set a good example for us all.


    God Bless You!



    Congratulations to Don Powell,


    True Men are a dying breed. But Don Powell, you have proven through your past term that even though you are out-voted 2-3 & 1-4, you have yet to sell your good name. I know the frustration must be unbearable to see the undertakings that go on within the BOC, but stay strong. The prayers of many are with you and I'm sure their are many out there that the good lord listens to more so than me, but I'm still praying for you too. I do not believe that the "yeah" sayers or "good ole boys" on the board have not understood or not taken any deep insight on ethics, or have even yet to comprehend the true meaning of "conflict of interest;" nor read Plato's "Republic" where he suggests " the true guardians of the city are those hate politics, but love their city more than they hate those that seek political office for personal gain. The only reason the lover's of the city run for political office is to defend their city." I know that is a little cheezy, but is the basis for our political docrine called "Democracy." If we keep those, such as yourself, as representatives for those that call this county "home," this will stay a wonderful place to live. Yet their are career politicians in office that seek only monetary gain from service. Hopefully Don, you will have established a precidence for those around you for honesty.


    For those of you who do not know and will not know because Don is a humble man, but Don Powell was head director ( I do believe) of MARTA, which is not coordinated by the common man's intelligence, but he wants to be viewed as common, yet I honestly believe that is how he sees himself. "Keep the Faith" Don!


    To the Family of Mr. Don Powell, Be proud of that name.


    Men and Women, Young Men and Women,

    Please be praying for Don Powell on his next Term,




    P.S. I do not live in Powell's district, but I have supported him through this time. I know your discouraged with this election, but I hope that I have given you a little admiration that you deserve.

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