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Posts posted by MCroshaw

  1. Great question-- and timely!!


    We're launching a band alumni association this fall! We may have a "special event" for BOG alumni coming up soon! Stay tuned. In the meantime, you can register for the BOG Alumni group by going to our website Band of Gold Alumni. If you register, we can keep in contact with you about band news and events. Any Hiram High band member-- going way back to 1928!!!-- is welcome to join! This is the Band you built! The Hiram High Band of Gold!




    I hope your alumni event will be around the Christmas break since mine won't be flying home from RI until then and I know she would love to reconnect with everyone- esp.since this is the first time she has been away from home for any length of time. I'll try to get her to join the site.



  2. The Band of Gold had a great evening at the competition! Ratings= All "1"


    Best in Class!


    Best in Class Percussion!


    And, drum roll please... (Out of 20 or so band performances) The BEST in MARCHING!!!!


    Nobody marches better than the Band of Gold! So, in west central Alabama, the best marching band is from... Georgia! Hiram, Georgia!


    Great job, Band of Gold!


    Congrats BOG!!!!! I was wondering about the schedule. I'll email my freshman at Providence College and tell her. WE miss you guys and the wackiness of preparing for Band Games and competition! Flutes Rule! Tell Dr. D congrats for us!

  3. I live in the subdivision and there are 5 trucks here. The fire appears to be out and they are letting residences pass. The damage is extensive. There are no ambulances though Fire Rescue is here. Will keep you updated.



    No one was home at the time of the fire. The elder couple had moved out and left their son to live in the house. He had brought home a hunting trailer to clean up for the season. The propane tanks became overheated in the 99 degree temperatures today and blew up. Winds blew the fire into the house and all was gone within 4 minutes. 70% of the home is uninhabitable. The garage and most of the top floor are being torn apart to extinguish all smoldering embers. There is a report of a FF becoming overheated and treated by paramedics. News crews are enroute but discouraged from coming because it's out. Rumor said the neighborhood was on fire, obviously, that rumor is wrong.

  4. battalion requesting third engine respond 10-18


    engine 4 responding


    structure and camper on fire


    engine 10 instructed on where to make entry to residence


    3410 on sceneladder 1 instructed to begin water supply upon arrival

    buses blocking ladder 1's way - put the bumper to them!


    FFs are packed out and in building - continuing interior search



    I live in the subdivision and there are 5 trucks here. The fire appears to be out and they are letting residences pass. The damage is extensive. There are no ambulances though Fire Rescue is here. Will keep you updated.

  5. Two comments 1 if we had all the schools that were on the drawing board for the next five years,if you moved all the kids out of the trailers I doubt there would be one vacant class room Having said that Look at south Paulding high opened this august any empty classrooms there.But there are still kids in 79 trailers and 45 modular units or 124 classrooms that need a kid now.I have never seen freebird post a fine for over building,in either case that will not be a problem in PC for many many years.


    2 we have already reached grid lock Millions need to be spent on sewerage Dallas fined this month for Sewer spill,Five mil Fire tax passed this past July,Another Bond Issue coming up when this one cools down for new courthouse,and who knows after that what is the next Bond issue?The tax and spend mentality of these Officials is insane, I agree with you have a moratorium, you really said a bad word on this post Because I am quite sure you will now be put in the catergory of the bad Guys

    Now that is a good question ;)



    Thanks for correcting my spelling. :) As for my bad word and being a bad guy, oh well. That's nothing new for me in PC. The fact is, the county I graduated from had to face the music and stop before it drowned in sewage and smog. I know the situation is bad with trailer towns and mobile units in all of our schools. I taught at Nebo for a few years and remember having to sit in on discussions of taking away teacher workrooms, placing music on a cart, and using every square in before the county could add trailers after the new wing was opened and we filled the "emptied" trailers the very next school year. It was awful! ESEP kids were placed in our work rooms and it was hard to teach content areas when our music teacher was having instruction with instruments in the next classroom. Our educational settings are in a sorry state and need to be fixed.

  6. Is EPHS the newest high School or Hiram? Hiram is the newest. What amazes me is that my daughter, who is a senior has two of her six classes in the main building- band and computer. The rest of the day, she's in trailer town and her locker is no where near any of her classes.

  7. Hey Free Bird,


    Don't be rediculous, you know that's not what I said....


    Don't we already have zoning laws in effect? If you are so set on total freedom to do what you want with your land then you must also be against restrictive covenants, which are in place in many developments now....


    And yes, say what you will about freedom to do what you want with your land.....I will bet that you couldn't drill a well and go into the business of selling water to your neighbors! Also you can't now build on land you own without first obtaining a building permit, and obtaining a final inspection of the structure before it can be occupied.


    So you see the Freedom you think you have now is not exactly free from Government control now is it???


    So, if the QBE funding model is as you describe, it must be a bit flawed as well....if it is based upon actual classroom numbers after the fact, that just basically makes no common sense....When I moved to Paulding County ours was the only subdivision for at least a 5-8 mile radius....now there are 6-subdivisions on our highway alone....so don't tell me that the BOC didn't know in advance that these developments were coming. If the BOE couldn't make plans for the future growth in the school system these developments would bring, then this is a very stupid system indeed.....


    This sounds like the Government highway construction mentality, wait until we have gridlock before we decide what to do about it...then when the corrective measures are taken the growth has once again outpaced the lag in decision making.


    One big mistake we have made is thinking that Government is smarter than the people..... :wacko:


    I'll be voting against this and any other bond issue that makes no sense.... :p


    I asked the same question about building before the schools are overcrowded and was told what Freebird has said, the school district is fined for overbuilding- by the federal government. If there is one empty classroom, then the government assesses a fine. You're right, this is stupid when we can forcast the growth based upon the building permits but....


    I agree that growth is soon going to outpace the county's ability to meet it with services and something should be done to make growth rise slowly but steadily. In the community I last grew up in, over a period of 15-20 years the growth outdistanced the county's ability to provide adequate roads, sewer, and emergeny personnel until the area around my dad's house was gridlocked most of the day. You could not make a left hand turn out of his subdivision because of the gridlock. The county's only option was to place a 5 year moritortium (sp) until these needs could be met for the present in order to meet for the future. Paulding's heading into this problem if they don't get control soon.

  8. Well Mark, my man....I think you have just answered your own question there!


    If the BOE and the BOC have no control over what the other does, then THAT is part of the problem now isn't it???


    If the BOE had some idea of how many new homes were being granted building permits then they (BOE) just might have a better idea of how to plan for future needs. Just search the internet and there are hundreds of sites with statistical data about averages of # of people/household, average age of children, etc. Even to the extent of how many cars are expected to come with each newly arrived family....


    Now, armed with a little data, it would seem to me that a much better planning scheme could be put into place for future growth projections....and if it results in a few building permits being delayed, or a few zoning applications being disapproved, then so be it!


    But when was the last time a developer didn't get his way in this County???


    We cannot allow this unchecked growth to continue, until the infrastructure (water, sewer, fire and Police services, education, etc) is stressed beyond its capacity, all-the-while placing the burden of payment upon the taxpayers of the county.


    How many more Tanning Salons and Pizza shops do we need anyway???


    When our water slows to a trickle, and the roads are clogged into gridlock, it will be too late. Overcrowding of schools and traffic jams are the 1st indication of growth that is out of control.


    I remember being told my first year working in Paulding County schools that the schools lose money for each new home that is built. According to the statistics a few years ago, the taxes on each home pay for the education of 1 1/2 children yet, how many homes have more than 1 1/2 kids in our schools? I know I do. :blink:

  9. I personally would like to say that I have a child at PCHS and HHS and am very greatful the new dress code is being enforced. It's about time. I am happy these administrators are taking this seriously and not letting the kids get away with their previous attire.


    I teach in another county and we have the same dress code. I've been getting grief about tucking in shirts but I don't see any boxers any more. As the students walk into the building, they are instructed to tuck in their shirts or told their other garments do not meet dress code. We are giving them until the end of the week to not repeat the errors in judgement but next week we are buckling down. Yesterday, we did have several students who had to bring their children a change of clothes because the violation were great. At the beginning of homeroom, we are instructed to conduct a cursorary glance to look for violations and instruct the students to fix the violations. If I feel the child's clothing is inappropriate, the administration backs me up. These are usually very obvious problems like cleavage, see through clothing, and verbage. If I am not sure, I ask an administrator to verify my belief.


    It has been wonderful not seeing a sea of boxers, midriffs, and undergarments every time I look around. Thanks GOd someone was wise enough to take on the issue of inappropriate attire for school. We are preparing the children for the work world and that includes following dress codes which require the "employee" to dress for success.


    I have a kid at pchs and i have made two visits to the school.. if the problems at this school are going to be fixed it will take a while... at least till the students show self disipline as it is right now with the campus is locked down till 8:20 I wonder about how students will recieve tuturing before school.. or when bad weather comes will they be locked out till 8:20 then. my kid has always used the before scool time to contact teachers and work on projects. now with the strict rules on movement in the school there is not enuf time to spend with teachers between class. however there also isn,t time to get in trouble either..

    What I obsevered was that ANY excuse for a student to be out of class has been restricted, It's back to basics.. get your books, go to class, do your work and go home..play time is over..

    Mr Seagars will find that if you live by the rules you must follow them farly with everyone or the rules will choqu the life out of your organization. I wish him well something need to happen, but i think he is doing this wrong and will find himself at odds with the parents. Due to lack of understanding of his methods.



    Beulah boy,


    If your child has an appointment to meet with a teacher or is a member of a before school club- i.e. JROTC Raiders- they are permitted to enter campus prior to the 8:20 time. Have your child get a note from the teacher the day before for a meeting the next morning and s/he shouldn't have any problems.

  10. Well, we (and I say we b/c my daughter started HS today :blink: ) survived the first day. I've been butt kicking busy since heading back to work--preplanning was a nightmare. I'm hoping things will start evening out by the end of this week. I've literally been working 16-18 hour days. :wacko:


    I thought I'd pop in and say a quick "howdy" to everyone here in p.com land before completely collapsing. :)

    I so agree with you. Preplanning was a meeting nightmare. I barely made it to pick up my youngest from ASP last Friday in time because I had to wait for a copy machine and then it kept jamming. I finally gave up and went in early enough to run them this morning. At least today was an easy, calm day for a first day. Only 179 to go! HAHA

  11. As someone who helped you get things going over there with the watch group, that would be a bad idea.


    However, I know what you are saying and it is out of frustration. Trust me, I've been there done that when it comes to frustration. The juvenile system has flaws and those flaws need to be cleaned up but unfortunately, there are no clear cut answers and not many are willing to fix them.


    I can promise you though, the PCSO officers feel the pain you are having because they can only do so much within the confines of the law and of they could do more, they would.


    The key is prevention for all homeowners and to be vigilant and persistant. You may not catch everything, but you sure can help prevent a lot.


    I'll speak to dozment and see what is going on and see if I can help more. Just hang in there.


    Another solution would be to make the YDC a place which is undesirable to live in. Right now it's like a playground. The youngest youth enjoyed his stay there.

  12. My mom and sister were on the scene... the car next to them was hit and they were barely missed. My mom is a retired nurse and my sister said she jumped out of the car and went right to work making sure everyone was okay. She'll be happy to hear that everyone is fine.


    Tell your mom thank you very much for helping. The youth was telling me about your mom checking on everyone and making him lay down because of his stomach injury. We are so very greatful that she took the time to help. I guess the Lord meant for her car to be missed so she could render first aide. I know the youth's first response was to ignore his own injuries and check on the driver of the car he hit. Again, thanks to your mom. God Bless.

  13. Just wondering if anyone out there has these birds. Are the hard to raise? Fun to have?


    No, I don't know anything about birds but I have a friend who recently moved here and has to find a new home for her pet bird because her roommate is allergic to it. The bird is a Blue Crown Conyer. The bird is free to a good home. If you are interested, pm me.

  14. Having lost my baby brother's best friend to suicide a few months before his 18th birthday and losing my brother at 31 to suicide, I know the pain this brings to the family and friends along with the unanswered questions. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's brother's friend. All of you are in my prayers. I agree with LadyRaider "it is a lot harder to get through a death like sucide then a death by sickness." If I could get ahold of these boys, I'd wring their necks after I drag out of them why they feel this was the only option they had!


    As to why, sometimes it is because they feel dead is better off than suffering- theirs or their families. They also believe those around them would be better off without them. Depression is usually a trigger which those who take their lives don't know how to handle or ask for help and those around them can't see the signs or are reluctant to see them. Often, drug usage has interferred with the chemical balance in the user's brain which spirals them into these deep depressions. Depressed people often look for ways to get rid of the pain and may turn to a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Sometimes, the attempt is a cry for help that goes wrong when it ends in death. I have always told my children to tell when someone makes a threat and they have once.


    I hope this helps answer your question about why and that all of you will come through your grief with an understanding that it is not your fault. Best of luck to all of you.

  15. Is this interesting?


    How is it that the County Attorney is the Registered Agent for a major developer who makes application to the Planning and Zoning Board? How is it also that one of the Planning and Zoning Board members is an officer in the developer's companies? And how is it that the developer is also the the CFO of the Chamber of Commerce? And how is it that the CFO of the Chamber has an assistant who is on the Planning and Zoning Board?


    Hhhmmm? Could these be the same developers and county people who have lied to the HHS Band of Gold about their practice field?

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