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Posts posted by tb2023

  1. Ok so I know the lady from Jennifers pet rescue is on here a lot, but I need some advice. A student at my school had 2 puppies thinking that they could take care of it. This puppy looks no more than 3-4 weeks old, after talking to the student I convinced them to let me take it. Ok so I can't keep it because of how young it is and my schedule. So does anyone know a non kill shelter that I can bring her too. I bought puppy formula and a bottle to feed her and she seems to be doing ok. Thank you guys!!!

  2. DOn't want to be negative but you will really need to narrow your search, My degree is also in sociology and a psychology minor and I am now teaching high school special ed. It is really hard without a masters to get hired. Keep up the search!

  3. Sorry if this is not in the right spot. I am a maid of honor in my best friends wedding, and I am throwing the bridesmaid lncheon. We want it to be simple and elegant and relaxing. Anyone have any good recipes they suggest that are easy but still delicious. Thanks!!!!!!

  4. I know today was a hard day for the friends and family of these two precious teens. My prayers are with the parents and siblings if they had any. I lost my brother when I was 13 and the pain I saw my parents go through is still fresh in my mind today even 12 years later. The pain will not go away but every day things do get easier. I know right now the hurt seems unbarable but I pray God will help you through this time and bring your families and friends closer to him. God Bless

  5. Hey-

    I need to get my female dog spayed and her yearly shots. My vet wants about $200- $250 for the whole thing. Is that a good price or is there someplace I can go a lil cheaper? I have heard somewhere about the certificates from the humane society? Please somebody help..I need this done by the end of the month.

    Thanks for all your help.






    Call SANTA it is the Spay and Nueter team of Atlanta. They spayed my dog for less than 100 and she is almost 60lbs. They did a good job and if you get your dog spayed there you can get good prices on heartworm and flea prevention products.

  6. More than likely it is an off duty job that the county allows them to drive the car for. I worked in a jewlery store that the SO worked at as off duty to help with their bills since they don't make very much money at their job. The county does not pay for it the company that needs the security does.

  7. I have 2 bedrooms that I could rent out. I own a 3 bedroom home with a fenced in yard, so pets are welcome. I am in the process of getting divorced so the rooms rented out would be a huge help financially. I am not a partier, I am not here a lot because I teach and coach at a local school. If anyone is interested PM me or let me know if you know anyone. A college student would be awesome.

  8. We got this email at school today from a lady I work with. I wanted to pass it along so maybe some of you would want to participate. Thanks have a blessed day!


    "My daughter has a friend that she works with that has gone missing. His name is Jason Roark an Iraq veteran who has been missing for more than a month now. He worked with her at Texas Roadhouse. Tomorrow night (Thursday) the Texas Roadhouses in Marietta, Snellville, Hiram and Douglasville are donating 10% of their sales to a fund to help the family in trying to find this young man. If you want a good meal and help someone at the same time this would be a good time to do it"

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