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Posts posted by heyward

  1. I did not know him but why is the cause Mr. Smiths death a secret?


    When I hear of anyone this young dying I want to know why, perhaps there is a lesson to learn to extend my own life or those around me.


    No disrespect intended, I have thought about this question many times.

  2. If you like a good dark wheat beer, try the Paulaner Hefeweizen. Mix it half and half with Coke and you get a colaweizen (a favorite drink among my German friends) ... it's actually pretty good too.



    Paulaner is one of my all time favorites and needs nothing added, but I have heard that the Germans like to add sweet stuff to their beer.


    I would hate to waste a Paulaner by adding a coke, but in the interest of science I will give this a try one day.


    Speaking of Dark Wheat... (by the way, Paulaner Hefeweizen is not a Dark Wheat, a "Dunkle Weizen" is.)


    Either way, I tried a Michelob Dunkle Weisen the other day and it was surprisingly good considering the source.


  3. Clarification:


    Guinness on tap requires a secondary air system. Normal draft beers use normal CO2, just like a soda machine. However, Guinness, being the special beast it is, will not properly pour with CO2 alone.


    The problem with that is, with exactly two exceptions in my life, I have never been to a restaurant, bar, or pub, where they have both air systems configured properly to achieve the "perfect pour". You either get a massive head all the way down to the bottom of the glass, very little head, or wrong flavor (if any of you have ever had a Guinness from the tap that had either a "chalky" or "malty" flavor, this is usually the cause).


    I'm a little bit of a snob when it comes to my Guinness, so when I was opening MacFarlane's I talked to the sales rep for Guinness and told them I did not want any variables at all. I wanted the exact same pour everytime. So they introduced me to the new Guinness patented SURGER SYSTEM. Basically, it uses the same sort of technology that is used in women's ultrasounds. The Guinness comes special - a "surger can" label on it; basically it is uncarbonated (not acurate, but I can't think of the exact term). When placed on the special surger plate at the bar and activated, it activates the Guinness and gives it the special life Guinness is known for. So, it is as different as night and day from the "Draught Cans" you can buy at the store or what not. It is something that has to be done with the special equipment, on premise. But, technically, it IS from a "can", so I can see your point.


    The benefit is every time, it is a perfectly poured, perfect tasting Guinness. And I'll take the Pepsi challenge on it compared to the other restaurants in Hiram that have it on "tap". :) Regardless, hope to see all of you soon to try it!






    In my opinion, the Surge System is a low rent excuse reserved for dive bars that want to appear upscale.


    All you need is a separate gas tank with a nitrogen/CO2 blend, coupler, and the proper faucet, none of which is very expensive (I bet the distributor will give you most of what you need). For a couple hundred buck I could have this in my garage (to qualify my comments -- I have had a keg system in my garage for the last 10 years- Homebrew and Commercial, never Guinness, but I do know my brew)


    Sorry to keep ragging on you but I really like the potential of your place and would like to see you do well. I understand that most of your customers would not order a Guinness even if it were available on tap, but think of the prestige if you could get your perfect pint certification.

  4. Our Draught Beers are:




    Sam Adams Boston Lager

    Sweetwater 420

    Sweetwater Blue


    Killian's Irish Red

    Miller Lite

    Coor's Lite




    Our $1.50 House Brew! This is new for us, it is a light American Lager-Style beer, unlabeled for restaurant use. It is $1.50 all the time!









    Let me guess...House Brew = Natural Light (what kind of malarkey is "unlabeled for restaurant use", I wouldn't tell the truth either)


    They would hang you in Ireland for even having this available let alone calling it your house brew.




  5. How many miles were on it (wondering cause I have a 02)


    My friends Suburban just had the transmission go out, and hardy's was going to charge her close to $4k


    Bradford Automotive was going to be alot less...I think @ $2600



    It has ~113K miles, I have a friend with a connection at Day's Chevrolet so I'll go there in the morning for a first opinion. I have also seen other recommendations for Gene's so I may look there after the dealer. I still have some forward but reverse is totally gone, so I'll drive around in the morning until I find a reasonable deal or it stops moving.


    Thanks for the info


  6. Maybe because someone cares?? Imagine one on them being hurt out there... I would hate to be the one calling the parents in case of a death.


    Honk the horn! Tell on them! Post it everywhere, but save our children from themselves!!


    I too was raised in a very tight neighborhood. Wish we had lived in one when we raised our kids too.


    God bless,




    Sorry, I diagree. People spend way too much time in other peoples business.

  7. If you have a daughter or son that lives in the second house on the right after the first stop sign coming from ridge rd you need to check them out at about 6am. Yesterday my husband and I were on our way to work and they were standing at the end of that driveway kissing they looked to be about 15 to 16 yr old. Then this morning they were standing at the end of a driveway on ridge rd close to bethel church rd and my husband had to swerve, they were standing so close to the rd kissing!.....Anyway your kids are sneaking out!!!! or they are sneaking the other one in !!!!


    Just wondering...if they were not standing in the road then why is this any of your business and why would you even care?

  8. Got a 60/45 in Smyrna a little while back, went to court and was given the chance to attend a traffic seminar (About 1.5 Hours) for $20 , no big deal, and this killed the ticket and fine which was similar but don't remember the exact amount because I opted for the $20.


    Always go to court, worst thing that can happen is you pay the fine.


  9. What can be better than Half Off ALL Draft Beers at MacFarlane's Olde Towne Grille in Hiram?


    Half Off Drafts WITH SUBBY on piano!


    Join us tomorrow night for our weekly special with the entertainment of Subby on the piano. We're looking forward to a great night, hope to see you there!






    What's on tap?

  10. There were a couple of hurricanes that did some damage in a place called Texas. Many areas were flooded and without power. Refineries cannot operate without power and even before the hurricane hit, they had to evacuate the area. Refineries cannot operate without power and employees. A few days without power and employees has left production down a little.

    Many areas are now cleaning up and power is being restored, roads are being cleared and production will start back up. We will all be fine.


    We haven't heard the crying from this area, like we did from New Orleans, because this is an area that the people are used to having to take care of themselves and haven't screamed to the media to help them.


    It's kinda sad ;we all had to let the rest of the world where one of our most vunderable areas is located.

    Maybe it will help us all relize how very dependent we have all become on petroleum products. Let's hope so, if it helps us change our habits a little.



    You forgot to add the following line:


    This caused unnecessary panic which caused an irrational run on the gas stations which resulted in the localized shortages that we are experiencing.



    Edited to say...


    I understand that the irrational run on gas stations is not solely responsible as the refineries being off line for a few days did lower availability a small bit and the summer blend makes it even a bit more difficult but without the irrational behavior I am confident that there would not be any local station out of fuel right now.

  11. Everybody go fill up, cause when everybody has a full tank-----no more lines!! ;)


    Regrettably I don't believe most people around here get the sarcasm in this, unless of course you are serious then you can add yourself to the list? ;)

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