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Posts posted by CousinIt

  1. I look at it this way, each boy made a conscience decision to do the crimes, so they need to do the time. Just be happy your friends got caught and are alive! They could have been shot dead or severely wounded during one of their breaking & entering excursions. One thing I’ve learned since living in Paulding County is the residents are armed and serious!


    I have little sympathy toward thieves! I work hard for what I own and if I were one of the victims, I’d be pissed off!

  2. She is a bigger medium sized mutt.( a very hair benji) She has thick hair that mats fast. She looks twice as big as she really is bc of her hair. Maybe I will try those. WIth the one I have the guard just does not stay on. I will be doing it and then it pops off and then there comes a bald spot. :(


    I know exactly what you're talking about! My poor Sheepie looked jacked up for so long. I just couldn't afford to have her groomed often. Now she gets shaved twice a year and it's so easy with those clippers. They were well worth the money. I think I paid $120.00 for them. It's funny how big she looks with all that hair and once she's shaved she looks so lean and long. People actually think she's a greyhound with bangs! By the time fall & winter roll around her hair grows out and she looks beautiful.

  3. What kind of dog do you have? I have a Sheepdog and we groom her ourselves. I went to the local feed store and purchased an Oster Golden A5 clipper with a #10 blade - which is basically horse clippers. It works wonderful. I've gone through so many clippers over the years and had the same problem with the "chunks". I just needed something more heavy duty and the Oster A5 does the job.

  4. Talk about a game changer. This show has always been about Science and Faith. With this past season, we’ve learned about Dharma, electromagnetism, time travel and physics. Now it's turning to a spiritual side – angles & demons – light & dark.


    I can’t wait to see what happens next with the last season. I absolutely love this show :wub: . You have to play close attention or you may miss something.


  5. I bought one from a pcommer. I'm still using it and love it. My daughter has bought several from ebay and had good luck with them. But....when buying anything from ebay or cragislist you have to be careful. I hear horror stories all the time.


    Good luck finding a new phone.

  6. I loved my big wheel & barbies. My big wheel got stolen and my older sister used to tie my barbie dolls in knots and throw them on the roof while yelling "Pretzle Woman".


    I also spent many wasted hours playing with Simon!



  7. I love your avatar picture! Is it an actual photo or one of your drawings? I thought your old avatar was a photo until one day you posted some of your drawings. Anyhoo, it's adorable! :wub:

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