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Posts posted by Iluv48

  1. I voted Yes because it seems that in today's world everyone wants their kids to participate in these sports but no one wants to help keep things running. I have some friends that play baseball at a local park and it's their responsibility to work the concession stand before or after games. NO ONE would help so here is this family that gave up their precious time to not only COACH the team but now they have to pick up the slack from the other parents and work everyone's shift in the concession stand. People are always willing to pay more money but they are never willing to give up their time. The only way to get to them is through the kids. Maybe if parents would step up and do their part then things like this would not happen. Just my 2 cents......

  2. Both of my kids (9 & 6) got a DS for Christmas and they LOVE them. When they get tired of playing they chat with one another. It really keeps them busy in the car back in forth to gymnastics, cheerleading and softball. Not to mention we love playing them too! :D Tell her good luck with her decision and way to go saving up all that money!! :p

  3. luv48; I had two different kitties who did that, took them to the vet to have them checked out, nothing wrong. With both cats, it was protest! The first one would poo outside the little box-- just outside, pretty much the whole 14 years we had her! Changing litter rarely did the trick-- we went through just about every litter sold on the market! LOL! We finally resorted to newspaper outside the box-- and picked it up every day! (And yes, we also scooped every day and the little bugger still pooped outside her box!) And I missed her when she died anyway! LOL!


    The other one peed on rugs! any rug we put down! (BRAT! LOL!) We kept the litter scooped, got the "right " kind, sprayed the air with "feliway" and she'd stop for several weeks. Then she'd start again! AKKKKK! We could live with it because it wasn't all the time-- It DID worsen when we got our puppy--she HATED him!


    We kept her 4 years, then we were going to move form Baltimore down here, and because she has such anxiety in a car ride (loud howls nonstop) we didn't want to put her through the move. We put ads up several places, specifying she neede a no-dog home. We also told the truth about her occasional peeing, and found her a nice home! she's happy, they love her-- and she still sometimes pees outside the box!


    I'm sorry I can't offer any more advice than people have already given--crate the pup often, run the pup often, change the litter often. I wish you success. The one thing that helped with our cats the most was extra attention! And the Feliway stuff does help, too! If you can, give the cats a place that is theirs alone--where the pup is not allowed.


    Thinks for the kind words and the giggles!! I am sure things will get better....I was just at my wits end when I posted. I love them dearly but it is hard because it feels like I have 6 kids (1 husband, 2 kids, 2 cats and 1 dog) and I just can't keep up!!


    Thanks again!!! :D

  4. I would take the cats to the vet they may have an infection. It could also be that you have changed the food or litter. Did they start doing it before or after you got the puppy?

    Also , you said you puppy is part Boxer. Boxers have alot of energy. They get bored if you do not exercise them. You need to take the boxer outside at lease a couple of times a day and through the ball or even take it for a walk. They need you to exercise them and their mind to keep them from getting into trouble. I have to and i can tell in the evening if they don't get out enough. Well now that i have two it is much better because when i let them out they tire each other out instead of me having to do it.

    Good Luck but before placing them in a new home do try different things.



    Thanks for the KIND advice!! :) The cat was peeing before the dog came along, I had a boston terrier that we had to put to sleep after 9 years because he was in conjested heart failure. We got the puppy about a month after that. I had the cat checked when it first started happening but they didn't find anything wrong with him. It seemed to have stopped for awhile but has recently started back within the last 3 months. I guess I will take him and have him checked again.


    I try to let the dog outside as much as possible but now he has learned to dig out from under the fence. My kids usually wear him out when they get home from school. I seem to have the most trouble with him during the morning time.


    Thanks again for the advice and I will try to think of some activites to do with him in the mornings. By the way....LOVE the picture of your puppy!!! :wub: He looks like a sweatheart!!

  5. I am sitting here reading this and can NOT believe I am being attacked for using the words "get rid of"!! I thought that maybe I could log on here and ask some people some advice but I guess I was wrong!! :angry: I have stuck this out with the cats for over 2 years and as far as the dog....I can't afford to replace everything in my home when he feels like he's finished being a pain in my butt!! I know that when I have a problem from now on I will just turn to my friends and ask their advice instead of being ridiculed by a bunch of strangers!


    Thanks to the people who were nice and gave some good advice and as far as the others if you don't like how I worded something hit your back button and move on to another topic!!! :angry:

  6. Thanks everyone for the advice. I am going to try the two litter boxes and see if that works. I have taken the cats and had them checked before and they found nothing wrong with them so I will give this a try.


    As far as the dog....I have him in a crate in the house but I always feel bad because he always seems to be locked up but when he's out he can't behave. I hope he will outgrow this before I outgrow my feelings for him.


    Thanks again..... :D

  7. I am having some serious pet problems. I have two cats that we got my daughters 3 years ago and they have been wonderful cats up until now. I have one cat that keeps peeing in places other then the litter box and then my other cat won't poop in the litter box. He does it right outside of it!! What is going to with them??? I am at the point now where I want to get rid of them and have no pets at all.


    Oh yeah did I mention that I have a 8 month old lab/boxer mix that is tearing up my house too? He has a whole basket of toys and food out all the time but for some reason he prefers eatting all the things he's not suppose to have!!!


    I have never not had an animal but for once in my life that is beginning to sound good!! I love my cats and dog but they are just becoming to much for me to handle. Any advice???? :wacko:

  8. I am currently reading this book!! I picked it up at Wal-Mart and have not been able to put it down all night. I had to put it down because I was tearing up to bad to keep reading, I have a hard enough time hearing the song. I have been very blessed in my life and never lost someone to such a horrible disease but my heart goes out to everyone that has.


    Merry Christmas and I hope everyone has a BLESSED New Year!!! :wub:

  9. Hey guys, I am currently looking for a part time job that I can do while my kids are in school. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 8 years but it's time I do something outside of the home. Let me know if you have anything or know of something. I have always been a administrative assistant but I am willing to work anywhere except fast food. The only catch is that I can't work nights or weekends because my husband is on call 24/7. Any ideas????


    Thanks :D

  10. I am looking for a fun place to have a birthday party. Has anyone ever had a party at Paulding Bowling Center? If so, do I need to speak with the manager to book it or do I just need to call? If anyone has the manager's name or phone number for there it would be great. I wanted to call and get prices, different packages if available, etc.




    I know the manager's name is Kara but I am unsure of her last name since I heard she got married a couple of months ago.....maybe someone else on here will know? :blink:

  11. Hey, I knew I could count on ya'll to give some good advice. I am looking for a place to get married out of the country. This will be my second marriage so I just wanted something quick and easy. Anyone recently married and that could give some good suggestions?


    Thanks..... :D

  12. I need to have some HEAVY bedroom furniture moved from my parents place off Macland Road to my house off Old Cartersville. We can supply the truck we just need the muscle. If you are interested in earning a little extra cash let me know ......

  13. I have tried one by Rubbermaid before and it doesn't seal very good. Seems like nothing compares to Tupperware (a/k/a Tubberware).


    I am trying to clean the house, read Paulding.com and answer that phone that won't quite ringing. I am not the best speller anyway and then add in the other stuff I am bound to make mistakes.


    Are you making fun of my undies? :p


    :p :blush: :p

  14. It's Tupperware Iluv48. I don't know of a sales rep, but how about a link? :)





    I know I realized that I spelled it wrong after I went back and checked it. That's what I get for trying to do two things at once. I did go to the website and picked a rep. close to me and she never responded to my email. Thanks though. :D

  15. Does anyone know someone who sells Tubberware? I am looking for another cereal container and I logged onto Tupperware's website and emailed the rep closest to me and have not heard from her. :blink: Any suggestions? :D

  16. I am looking to change my kids' doctor to someone close by. I live in the New Hope area and I am looking for a Peds doctor around here. Ours is in Lithia Springs and I am tired of the drive. :wacko: Now that they are getting older they aren't sick as much and I figured now was a good time to change. I would like to stay in the Dallas Area....I don't want to drive to Cartersville or Douglas. Can anyone give me some recommendations for some local offices???


    Thanks :D

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