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Posts posted by budderbean3

  1. Hi - just wanted to tell you about the new urgent care center called "We care M.D." It's in the new office buidlings right off Wendy Bagwell Pkwy and 278, past the movie theater. We had to go today, and I was very impressed with the doctor - Dr. Mary Dailey-Smith. She was so kind and thorough. Wonderful and friendly office staff too. I can't say enough good things about it even if I do still feel pretty awful! Hope you found someone to go to today! Feel better!

  2. I still don't hear any discussion about an "all year 'round school". I t really sounds great from what other school are trying. It would be alot better for kids and parents and our teachers. Counties all over Georgia are beging to implement this new schedule and majority of people love it.

    Surely there should be other suggestions here. Seems there are always assigned committees to check into these things and report their findings.

    How 'bout it - what does anyone think about all year school - it has so many breaks built into the schedule - just enough so that being out of school for a shorter period of time would help kids remember what they had learned and not lose it over one long break. Less time "reviewing".


    Oh well, it was just a thought

  3. I've been reading these posts day after day. If everyone is so worried about our children, what other options could we all possibly think about? Someone on another post gave an excellent example of how an "all year round school" schedule and actually it sounded wonderful. No one has hardly mentioned this idea and it seems like it would be one of the best solutions to overcrowding I've heard.


    Since moving here, I have found that this "huge" place is in no way better than a very small town. You have certain people in the "clique" and they make your decisions for you. It seems that there are those who are either extremely passionate about doing the right thing - "bucking the system", no matter how unpopular

    that is or you find the others who just kind of "cowtail" to the "Man" - "Well, there's nothing we can do but just go along. They've already made their decision, etc., etc. " It's sickening.


    Our leaders need to accept responsibility and be accountable. I thought it was bad in a small town, but I can't you how disappointed we have been since we moved here. I think everyone needs to look at all options to help with this problem. And since there are so many counties very close to us who are "begging" for teachers, what will happen if we become like them - double sessions - not enough teachers/parapros/busdrivers? And don't think it can't happen here.





    name='Lady Raider' date='Sep 8 2006, 08:48 AM' post='896866']

    well crapola!


    I knew EPHS was over loaded but I see it is one of the schools for double sessions They have already added 10 mobile units, EPHS leads in the highest mobile units added this year:


    as far as the school of choice being brought up of not being able to school of choice your child if this does not pass, I just want to say this:


    The school of choice has already been discussed of being cut out and not because of the bond issuse it was discussed by the Bus transportation last year at the end of the year, so this something that has already been in the works of being done, because of the lack of drvers in the county, the bus transportauion can not keep up with no drivers!


    so do not let the BOE tell you that it will possible be cut out if the bond does not pass: that is a crock!


    Double sessions will happen with or with out this money, so voting yes will not change NOTHING! we are headed to Double sessions regardless of how you vote, it is to late to change this double sessions, this is something that should have been taken care of years ago, in order to stop what is happening now:


    it is a little to late to do the right thing now! so voting yes will not mean a hill of beans when it comes to school of choice, double sessions,


    as far as the "us loosing good teachers" if the vote does not pass, we have already lost a trendmous amount of good teachers, so that is not even an issue any longer,


    Our Educations system here in paulding is suffering and has been suffering for years now, but it is just being noticed, and now we are headed in a down ward spiral with no brakes:


    If anyone thinks that voting yes will help our childrens education, you are sadly mistaken, it would years before this money would be used, they like for it to sit in escrowe (sp) to earn the interest so it could be 5 years or longer down he road before this money would even be used,


    and where do you think we will be that far down the road?

  4. Just in case you haven't seen it, there will be a Town Meeting at the new Board of Education - THIS THURSDAY - May 4th.....I know they have only given us less than 2 days notice, but if you are a concerned parent and worried about this proposed new time change for our schools next year, I hope that we can all be there. 7:00 p.m.

  5. I realize that for some it will be alright, but how can it be in our younger children's best interest to have them come to school by 6:45 in morning and sit there for 2 hours before school even gets started. Then they will have to go back and sit again after school. I think this is cruel and very little thought seems to have been spent on them. Have our extra-curricular activities at school become that important? Also, don't forget that these teenagers will be getting out of school long before these smaller ones and they will be driving up and down the roads when our elementary children come home. That frightens me. School should not be considered a baby sitting service - it is a place that children want to go to learn - get excited about learning - not dreading sitting at a table for hours - - I think the teachers here in elementary schools do fantastic jobs with the kids and I think they are already helping those students who need that extra "tutoring" help and converse w/parents often. There is A LOT to think about isn't there? Thanks for listening.




    maybe I am one of the few that thinks the change is a good idea.


    sorry it will affect so many in a negative way, but the reasons behind it, from what I read, were to benifit the students.

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