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State Senate Runoff This Tuesday

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Hello to Everyone at PCOM,


I simply wanted to share my opinion on the Upcoming Senate Runoff this Tuesday.


I just like everyone else in our county have heard all the phone call messages and got all the mail regarding this Senate Race and honestly have became sick of hearing about it just like most everyone else I talk to.


I have still payed attention simply because I believe this is an important election for our county.


As a business owner for over 12 years I have gone through alot of great times and alot of very tough times. The economy simply has not been good for small business.


Thanks to a wonderful relationship with my bank and a lot of hard work I have managed to keep my head above water. I take Great Pride knowing I have been able to accomplish this during these tough times. I am sure other local business owners feel the same Pride because trust me, it has been tough for Everyone in the business community.


I have spent countless hours trying to decide which way to vote in this Senate Runoff and I have always found myself thinking the same thing, what has our current State Senator done for Paulding County?


I simply have not came up with a good answer for that question. The plain and simple truth is Now, More than Ever, we need to look out for ourselves here in Paulding County.


No matter if we have lived here our entire life or just moved here, Paulding County is our Home and we need someone who will look out for our Home at the Capital.


That is why I chose to Vote for Bill Carruth for State Senator. As a lifelong resident of Paulding County he is sure to have Paulding County's best interest in mind. As a local business owner he personally knows the struggles we are all faced with each day.


Lets get Paulding County heading in the right direction by electing someone who is sure to watch out for his Home. Elect Bill Carruth for State Senator.


Thank You,


Joey Frey

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Thanks for another vote for Carruth.


You're right, it is a very important election his year, including the Presidential election.


I early voted last week for Carruth.









Countdown to the 2012 Presidential Election

Tuesday, November 6, 2012 8:00 pm [-05:00]


78 days

1875 hours

112521 minutes







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