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All teens and young adults are invited to NO LIMITS - a free outdoor event on Saturday, May 7th from 6-9pm! Pizza will be provided for all who attend!

This is going to be a great night with guest speakers Rick and Tanya Curren, visual demonstrations, live music, and an honest Q & A time. The focus is for ages 18-25, but all ages are welcome! This is a free event and open to the community.


Bring your own blanket or lawn chair, as this will be held outdoors. (In the case of rain, we will announce where the event will be moved. We will have the NO LIMITS event- rain or shine!) This is the place to be - cool, free event & free food....what could be better? It is going to be a GREAT night, so spread the word & invite your friends!


For all information and directions, call Hope Lawrence at :(404) 925 7921. You can also contact Hope on Facebook - "Hope Abernathy Lawrence."


NO LIMITS will be held at the Lawrence's home: 289 Picketts Mill Road, Dallas, GA



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