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It hit the fan this weekend!

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I was out driving over the weekend and as I sat at a red light, I saw a cloud of insects in the air. Soon they were flying in my window, and to my delight, it was termite swarmers. I arrived at a memorial service I was going to and within 45 minutes I had five calls come in from prospects for swarming termites. It is here. I have warned of this for a few weeks now. They swarm by the hundreds and fly very erratically and there wings often fall off in flight. They are black with two sets of wings of equal length. This can and often does happen inside the home. There will be small holes in the wall with dirt around them if your lucky enough to see where they came from. Where you see them is not necessarily where they came from because they always end up near a window or door in their efforts to return to the soil.

If it has happened to you or if you want to avoid having it happen, CALL TODAY FOR A FREE INSPECTION!! Putting it off makes a treatment cost more and you will most likely incur the costs of repairing damages..... If your not protected, there are two types of homes in Georgia, those that have termites and those that will. www.holeinonepest.com 770-708-2945

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