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If you're looking for quick, but high quality service for a fraction of the cost, please give me a call at




Push Mowers, Riding Mowers, and More!!


Call me today for a free estimate & good drop off time to fit your schedule. :)


Shop hours are 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Monday thru Saturday, and some Sundays.


Thank You~

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I can't find the other thread where you were talking about looking for a job, but I read somewhere that Lockheed will be adding something like 400 jobs to their assembly line operations with some new project they have coming up. Don't know time frame, but thought I'd pass it along. I pray that you find just what you need just in time.

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I can't find the other thread where you were talking about looking for a job, but I read somewhere that Lockheed will be adding something like 400 jobs to their assembly line operations with some new project they have coming up. Don't know time frame, but thought I'd pass it along. I pray that you find just what you need just in time.


Yeah, someone sent me a PM about that. I'm putting in my umptennth resume today, and this is one of them. Luckily today's business picked back up, thank God!! ;) So, I'm sitting here chomping down on my lunchtime sandwich while I send in some more app's and resume's. Thanks! :)

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Georgis Pete says hi :pardon: :D


Say I said Hi back, then. Who is that, anyway? :pardon: I was just telling someone about how business was slow, then both phones rings at the EXACT SAME TIME, while 2 people knocked on the garage door, at the same time the phones rang. That was 4 customers in, like, 5-10 seconds. Oddly enough this is how things have been with me since I started the business....either nothing, or all at one time. Very bizarre! :mellow: :unsure:


I sure aint complaining though. It's just one of those things I wish I could record so people would believe me. :rofl:

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I have no idea, I went in that Lost Mountain place to order some mower parts and I mentioned that you ordered me some parts and the guy said to say hello. He said you have another name for him because he is a "northerner" :lol: He seems to know you, cause he talked about how good you play and your bands (Yay, you have a stalker :p :rofl: )

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I have no idea, I went in that Lost Mountain place to order some mower parts and I mentioned that you ordered me some parts and the guy said to say hello. He said you have another name for him because he is a "northerner" :lol: He seems to know you, cause he talked about how good you play and your bands (Yay, you have a stalker :p :rofl: )


That "dang Yankee"!!:lol: Actually he named himself for me one night when we were playing together. He's a great guy, and one excellent blues guitar picker too! :)

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I have spoken with some folks that do what I do (mowers) and said that business was slow for them too, the past month. So, I guess it HAS to be this heat. That's all I can figure. Anyhoo....y'all keep me in mind if I can help you out!....and you decide to brave this heat and cut your grass! :lol:


In fact, I know more people who are interested in getting someone ELSE just to mow their lawns, so they don't have to. It is HOT out there!!

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