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Carpenter Ant Destruction

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After 20 years in the business, I am still amazed what insects can do if left unchecked. I went to a home in Dallas this weekend which had been purchased six months ago as an investment. This homeower called because he saw massive piles of saw dust on his crawl space floor that had not been there a week prior. This saw dust was his floor joists. After a thorough inspection it was discovered that he had a massive nest in the trunk of an old tree about thirty feet from the home, and about ten feet up the tree trunk. This colony had developed a satellite colony within his crawl space and were discovered in between a double beam in the crawl and there were thousands of them eating away. It was an incredible sight.

Carpenter ants are large black ants. They prefer nesting in moist or decaying wood. They do not eat the wood as termites do, but they do damage by tunnelling out the wood for nesting which creates the sawdust/frass material. Do yourself a favor have your home inspected!!!


"Hole-In-One Pest Solutions" offers pest control in Dallas Ga. and all of Paulding County. We are fully insured and licensed and offer 20 years of experience. We offer full repair and retreatment warrantys with our termite treatments. Visit us at www.holeinonepest.com

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