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How many of you have joined a barter organization? I joined one a few months ago and I've experienced an additional revenue stream that I would not have realized if I had not joined.


The way that it works is like this -You join for about a hundred bucks or so. Your product/service gets marketed to other business owners. They call you, take advantage of your product/services and


you get credit (in barter dollar value) in exchange. You can redeem your barter dollars for a wide variety of goods and services, such as healthcare, advertising, vacations, restaurants -- more than can


be listed here! And these are clients/customers that, for the most part, would not be using your services were it not for barter. So it's an extra revenue stream!


In a couple of months, I have about a thousand bucks credit in my barter account. Right now, I'm inclined to just save up those credits to buy something really spectacular (like television ads for next prom season or a vacation in Belize).


Anyway, I can get you specific information about membership for anyone interested. Just PM me if you want to know more.

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