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DCA Workshops for 2010- What would you like to see?


We are currently putting together our workshop schedule for Spring 2010 and we thought "no opinion is more important than our patron's!" We would love to hear what you or your family would like to take a course in. Anything that fits into the cultural arts realm here at the studio is welcome.

-Art, Language, Theatre, Photography, Music-


Need a few helpful suggestions? Lets see....

Jewelry making, Ceramics, Costuming/Dress making, Directing, Screen Writing, French, Sign Language, Making a Band, Action/Sport Photography.... and that's just a few starters.


Let us know what interest you and we'll build our community programs together!

Thank you for you input.

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Maybe your interested in the arts but not sure about a multi-week work shop....

Suggestions for workshop lengths and times a welcome too!

.....Weekend workshop, Mom's Morning Off, Girl's Night, Holiday specific workshops....

We can even put together your own private party!

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Mandarin chinese for adults and children.


Great suggestion- we'll add it to our interest list. We do have family workshops (3+ family member) and that would make a great one.

We can send you our email news letter with the Spring 2010 schedule, email us and we'll add you in.

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