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NOTICE- I am taking this weekend off to spend time with family, so bring them to me by 9:00 Friday...otherwise, check with me next Monday.


You may remember I had to lay off the larger riding mowers. But, I have since got some equipment in to help me manage them a little better. But I can only house 3 per week. I currently have 3 right now, but they should be repaired and picked up by the weekend, so next week is open. First come, first serve...like I said, I can only house 3 at a time, but I generally repair 1-2 per day, so the turn around time is rather quick (as long as major rains don't slow me down).


And of course, all other equipment is welcome as well. Business has been booming, but I'm putting in the extra hours to get in as much as my little shop can handle.


Give me call, and let's get you fixed up!!! Tell me what you have and what the problem is, because I have been able to help people fix their own mowers, based on what they told me without ever having to bring them in. I know it's a loss of business on my end, but if it works, then you come out great on your end. I have no problem trying help someone over the phone, if it will save them some money and hauling their mowers to my shop. ;)


I appreciate everyone's business, and I will do whatever I can to save you all the money I can. How do I do this? Well, for starters, I am a pro at diagnosing problems, whereas, some people will just start replacing things until they get it right. And for another, I will NOT recommend that you replace anything that does not need replacing. Bottom line- it saves you money, builds me a good reputation, and increases my repeat business, as well as "word of mouth" business. So, don't hesitate to call me.


On a side note, if you are not familiar with your mower and you try to fix it yourself and bring me the mower and the gosh awful "bag of bolts" that you couldn't get back together.....well folks.....that's going to raise the price dramatically, because then I have to go in and try to figure out what you tried to do and then figure out where everything goes that I didn't remove myself. Save yourself a headache....just call me!! I will work with you on payments if you're down and out and might need to pay half now and half in another week. I'll do whatever is in my power to help you out. That's my credo, and my promise as a generous business man. :)







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NOTICE!!!! I am taking this weekend off to spend time with the family, so if anyone need to bring any mowers in to me, please bring them by Friday night.....I'll take them up until around 9:00 p.m.

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