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The dry spell gave me some time to rebuild a few mowers (even my own personal lawn tractor project). It's been a lot of fun, but alas, I could use some business!!!! So, just pick up the phone and give me a ring, and let's fix you up quick and RIGHT!!!! There's plenty of pcommers who will vouch for my work, so you know you're in good hands, and you're also gonna save a lot of money by paying less and getting more than you'd expect. Push mower "overhauls" are my specialty, as most people tend to prefer that. A good overhaul is basically, cleaning your carburetor, taking care of the blade(s), pulling the hood, and giving the entire engine a good cleaning, checking your coil setting, cleaning or replacing the spark plug, new filters, the whole nine yards....even pressure washing your machine to make it look as new as possible. Overhauls on most push mowers run between $80-$100, and what you get is basically a completely restored mower, that will run you trouble free for years to come.


All simple repairs are welcome too, but I would take advantage of the "restoration" deals. You simply can't go wrong, and anyone who I have done business with here on pcom will tell you that I back up my work. If anything goes wrong that was a result of anything I did, you get it fixed for NO extra money. I take GOOD CARE of my customers (almost to a fault!). Reputation is everything, and I enjoy the work, as well as seeing the smiling faces on the people who come to pick up their mowers. It's a great feeling to be able to help folks out, and save them LOTS of money that they would otherwise be paying if they went through a major repair shop. I don't cut any corners on workmanship, but I do everything possible to save you as much money as I can (rebuilding carbs, instead of telling you you need to buy a new one, and using parts from my bone yard to save you from having to buy new parts that cost many times more than you (or I) would ever want to spend.


The rain has fallen, and the grass is going to be growing like crazy this week, so don't hesitate to call me. I'll take good care of you and your mower without breaking your bank!! :)






I accept calls from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m., usually 7 days a week.

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Bumped since I posted this too late last night. ;)

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