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Push mower and smaller engine repairs!

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I should be caught up by this weekend, so if you need any push mowers, weed trimmers, blowers, etc. fixed, give me a call. I can get you in at the first of next week with little waiting time. :)





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I should be caught up by this weekend, so if you need any push mowers, weed trimmers, blowers, etc. fixed, give me a call. I can get you in at the first of next week with little waiting time. :)




I was going to see if you wanted to wet a hook, but it looks like you're gonna be busy! Keep them mowers movin'!

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I was going to see if you wanted to wet a hook, but it looks like you're gonna be busy! Keep them mowers movin'!


Man, you don't know how BAD I want to!! If things slow down by next week, then let's do it!!!


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Well, it just came a flood over here.....looks like the grass is gonna go berserk again!!! Woooo-Hoooo!!!! Come get your mowers fixed, folks!!

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Okay... only have ONE more mower to do then I can start rebuilding some mowers to sale!!! I should have another Bolens and a basic Murray ready by Saturday the way things are looking. The heck with the rain....I just decided I would get wet and work in it anyhoo~~~


Glad I did too. I got SO MUCH done today. Yippeeee!! I may even finally have time to get a couple of Snappers going, and put them up for sale. Nice ones too!!!


Incidentally, when I get the 2 Snappers sold off, I may be able to handle some more riders.....say 2 at a time, if yall can bring them over and pick them up.

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By Monday or Tuesday I will have a Craftsman push mower (mulcher) is superb condition. I'll post it when I finish with pics...it's real purty!!! ;)

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