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Siding Claims - I have Monday and Tuesday

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Just a reminder- if you received your letter about siding claims, please call me TODAY if you can!! I am trying to get as many appoinments as I can for Monday and Tuesday evenings (or during the day, if both home owners are going to be at home) as I can before I head out of town for the rest of the week.


Let's get you filed, so you can get your money!!! ;)




Glenn Jiles


Thanks, folks!! :)

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First of all, I want to thank the ones who called and set up appointments today! I really appreciate it. I will be up until around 10:30 tonight, so I would encourage anyone who would want me to write their claims on Monday or Tuesday night of this week to give me a call.


One of my clients I saw on Saturday had received $3600 on a prior claim they made, which still left them another $400 to claim for. So I know first hand that this is truly worth pursuing. All you have to do is call me, or PM me with your address. Even if you did not receive a letter, you still may be eligible for a settlement.


Folks, this is REAL, and the siding manufacturers don't want you to know about it, because when the deal finally shuts down, they get back whatever is left in the settlement coffers!!! It is my job to inform you about this, so you can claim your money before they wind up getting it back. Time is getting short too, so please call or PM me and let's get you all the money we can!!


While this job doesn't pay me very much money, I have really fallen in love with it because I know I am helping people who really need all the money they can get, and most of all, I have enjoyed meeting some really terrific people. I guess all those years of playing in clubs has made me more of a "people person" than I ever thought I was. I just love meeting folks, and I really love helping them get some money (in many cases, people who did not even realize they could get it!!)


I almost feel a little like Santa Claus!! :lol:


So, give me a ring, and let's get you what you have coming! ;)

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