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Posts posted by glassdogs


    That's funny.


    BTW, I think the local conservatives recognize that Trump is not only transactional in mind, willing to boldly lie and considers all this 'a game' that he or others can make money from.



    That is a lie and a highly divisive one at that. Hell its premise is an insult that says people want to lose what economic well being they have. Lying to increase distrust is a hateful act against all.


    As far as concern about winning vs. country ... this is not a monopoly game ... it is not a game at all. It is a conflict between the haves and the have nots and the haves are trying to do what they did in Russia, which is to transfer public goods and property into the pockets of a handful of thieves. While cash, property, companies and the like are being plundered, the biggest crime is the externalization of the costs of fossil fuels.


    Weather related damages in 2018 - obviously intensified by climate change - cost over 500 billion this year while killing in the tens of thousands. Unchecked, climate change will rob not just our children of their future - you can call the criminals in this play nobles and kings - and you can call the rest of us serfs or slaves. That is the endgame of an expanding division of income in this world.


    The plan of right wing governments from Putin to X to Erdogan and MBS was to 'buy a president' who wants to be part of this massive thievery. The president is key part because they believe if they co-opt the president, it removes the threat the US has traditionally posed to criminal regimes since Woodrow Wilson and the Kaiser. the broadly accepted American concern for human rights.


    The real disconnect with what I feel is the overwhelming mass of Americans is not just Trumps coziness with the world's worst dictators but his betrayal of long-term foreign allies ... the allies that we've fought against these sons of bitches for all the 20th century.


    I know that I feel like Trump has betrayed his public trust because the only thing justifying his actions toward MBS, Erdogan, Putin, Kim Jung Un, XI and the idiot in the Philippines are his endless string of lies.


    Those who support this infantile prick, if they prevail in the short term, will be cursed by their children and their children's children for eternity. We don't need a trucking king and a king with the character of Donald Trump will damn us for eternity.





    Well, if posting ignorant crap were a virtue...you are next in line to become Pope.

  2. I’m a member of the other site but I don’t go over there much for 2 reasons. First I like the layout and format better over here. Second I keep wanting Pcom to return to its former glory. Maybe foolish dreams, but I remember the day when Pcom was a political powerhouse that was respected. When something happened, people rushed to Pcom to get the News quick. I remember when you could bet your bottom dollar on Pcom Polls. Today the term PeeCom has a totally different influence in the community than Pcom did.


    Now back to the topic at hand.

    Some Dow round numbers to smoke over.

    18,325 the first closing after Donald Trump won his election.

    19,900 the day Donald Trump was sworn in.

    26,625 high on 1/26/18.

    25,650 closing day after Democrats won the house.

    21,800 Monday’s closing.

    22,210 at 1pm today.


    Wanting Donald Trump to crash and burn is much like being a passenger on a commercial plane and hating the pilot so bad, You hope he crashes and burns in the wreckage.


    I’ve said it before and I’ll bet I’ll say it again. The smart ones study the market and make money. I love what my broker often says “The Stock Market Is The Only Place Where Prices Go Down And People Run Away”.


    Yeah...in those 25 or so months since the 2016 election, the DJIA is only UP 21.2%.


    And down 13.5% since the midterms.


    Funny. Pelosi and Schumer take over, the DJIA falls, and Trump gets blamed.

    • Like 2

    PS: I have to say I get the queasy feeling we've been infiltrated by fellow travelers if not full-fledged Russian trolls. We know they were recruiting from the more asinine ranks of the NRA.


    I used to think that you needed a business advisor. Now I think a psychiatrist is in order. :crazy:

    • Like 4

    First of all thanks for banning me from your right wing love fest. For ages we've heard you complain you were treated unfairly here, that it was different on a site you moderate. So I thought I would see what would happen if someone with opposing views joined.I posted this same thread and all hell broke loose. So I post another thread about Trump's Christmas eve twitter storm.There was nothing hateful or toxic the only rule I broke was being politically incorrect. It was hilarious, calls for banning me rang out, questions on how to block or ignore my post, there was name calling of ignorance and stupidity,. Bottom line was in only 2 threads I disproved your claims that the toxicity you accuse Pubby of would never happen on a site you moderated .


    Perhaps it was a trivial and unnecessary experiment specially in light of the threatening pm's you sent me a couple weeks back telling me you knew my name and address,said you had pictures of my home,that you had 'friends' in law enforcement,that you were in the 'surveillance' business and how I had better watch my step.


    Necessary or not I think we can lay to rest the self righteous claims of you being 'fair, balanced' and noble that you are just as guilty of prejudice when you moderate a website as you say happens here. Bottom line is you still have an account here I was banned from 'your' place in less than 24 hours. I rest my case.

    It's a safe conclusion that a vast majority of those members at the "other" site migrated there to avoid the juvenile nonsense spewed by you, the Postman, and all the aliases of Ryan Hale.


    How incongruent to be wearing getting tossed off a community message board as a badge of honor. That makes Alexandra Occasio-Cortez look like a Rhodes Scholar.. 8)

    • Like 3

    The land commitment for the solar cell farm may or may not be accurate but you have to remember that energy storage is on the brink of a revolution in large-scale storage. For reference though, the city of Atlanta owns 9500 acres -

    double the size of all the land









    Delta is going to put a solar farm at Silver Comet Field!!!!


    They will steal all of Paulding County's sunlight!!


    And everybody in Post 2 will be in the dark! Oh, wait... nevermind. They already are.

    • Like 4
  6. How the heck are they going to get these kids back with their parents? I can't even imagine that there were good plans in place, especially since policy has flipped, again, willy nilly. This is beyond heart wrenching and despicable.


    Why is the stupidity and incompetence of "parents" who bring children ILLEGALLY across our border now our responsibility?

    • Like 2
  7. I never initiate personal insults with you or anyone else so don't create a false equivalency of what we may say to each other AFTER YOU BEGIN HOSTILITIES. I don't start hostilities but I will finish them.


    I didn't mention your wife and child but I'd advise you to take a long walk of a short peer the next time you think about leading a conversation in this direction again. You won't like the results of any such future exchange.


    Most people would take that as a threat.


    That's not it at all Cowa ... dogs knows ... he's been turned down before ... more than once.




    Yep. She saw that Paulding County tag on my car. First thing she asked was "does you know my Daddy? They calls him Pubby out there?"

  9. I don't start anywhere near all the topics there. But the difference between you and me is; I start fun topics and some for genuine discussion. Not just all beotch fest all the time like your topics are.


    See...I'm not criticizing you for your number of posts, just pointing out your anger and bitterness. Seriously...you should get a life. Get out now and then, have some fun. Go drinking with the resident mail carrier. :)


    BTW...you sure seem to lurk an awful lot at the other forum. You know you can post there if you are that interested in it.




    I know! I know! Because he'd get his azz handed to him in no uncertain terms. Because in the other place, ain't no doubt who the mods are and what the standards for discussion are.

    • Like 1
  10. Your forum has become little more than the local left-wing butthurt club, and you and a few others make damn fools of yourself every day. It's no wonder hardly anyone posts here anymore with all the hatred and bitterness you guys spew. Most of the American people are ready to move past the hate and division that the Obama years brought this country. So as long as you perpetuate it, most of Paulding will move past you and your forum too.


    And it must come in handy to have a group of mods who set posts invisible and close topics when the going gets tough for the Pubster. Because that invariably happens.

    • Like 1

    Absolutely I know that the media get it wrong. Media reports have always been considered the first draft of history.


    The lesson from this story is not that the media distorts the facts for its own purposes - initial reporting was factual - but that actors in the society actively exploit and spin some of the facts of the story to bolster their ideological approach. That this story became the poster child for tort reform was based on a very biased retelling of the story by forces that were able to overwhelm the greater truth.


    The real problem is there seems to be a failure to 'reality check' news. I think of it kind of like washing clothes. You have the clothes, they get dirty and who, what, why, when and how they got dirty is the news. That news is 'washed out' in the wash cycle. Then there is the spin cycle. We're spending a lot more time on the spin cycle.


    for proof of that, think of how we're still spending any time on Hillary Clinton at all.


    We actually need reality checks like the piece that started this topic to get our understanding of things back in perspective. We'd all be better off with this kind of retrospective media on a more consistent basis. Instead, we seem to be stuck in an endless spin cycle.




    Just DAMN!!!!


    Did you take a sobriety pill this morning?


    This, coming from the biggest spin-meister around is just mind-boggling.

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