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Posts posted by flamez

  1. "...and please let the 2 chocolate labs out, dear?"



    what does Simon have to do with this???

    IDK, but Im sure you'll see some paperwork from some lawyer about him now.

  2. 'Excuse me, would you please make me a pannini? While you're up, can you grab another bottle of wine?' -- in my best EC snob voice. ^_^

    only works for me, kinda like simon says

  3. I no longer go to this place. The last time I went there I tried to order chicken and sides for 20 people for a meeting. They told me NO. Not that it would take 30 or 45 min., but a flat out no, they refused to serve me. I went down the road a little and was gladly served a superior product. A friend of mine tried their grilled chicken and said it sucked. Don't know myself since I NO LONGER GO THERE, or any other kfc.


    That makes me angry, that manager doesnt deserve his/her job.

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