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Everything posted by DallasRed

  1. I make it as painless as possible. Mortgage and insurance are set up where it is paid auto each month. The rest I webbill it. I rarely write a ck anymore. It is pretty easy to keep up since the only bills I have are cable, cell phone and creditcard.
  2. I bought some genie bras. Waste WASTE of money.
  3. A little humor helps. I would tell you it gets easier but it doesn't. When they get older they give you the silent treatment. My 10 year old was mad at me yesterday because I wouldnt get her a ferrett. Enjoy the book. and its free. http://www.audible.com/pd?asin=B00551W570
  4. WOW you get a +3 for being mean.
  5. Talk about SPIN SPIN SPIN..FOX news I would think to ck Navy times Stars and Stripes. This is nothing new, if your rate is overmanned you can get out or changes jobs, if you have bad evals or are overweight you are out. A more acurate story. “The board will examine the records of all eligible sailors for declining performance, such as documented misconduct and substandard performance indicators,” according to the message from Vice Adm. Mark Ferguson, chief of naval personnel. “These will be the key factors in determining whether retention is in the best interests of the Navy.”
  6. I have them on now, they are denium with a little slit on the side, I don't think they look that bad, I wear them because I wouldn't be able to get away with shorts at work.
  7. How do you figure...Contracts only last so long. And it has nothing to do with being by DC, it has all to do with being by military bases.
  8. I was getting ready to say I am better off, then I thought about how much value my house has lost. But then again, I have a renter paying my mortgage and now I work..If I was in GA I would be sitting at home, making nothing..So with the $$$$$$$$ I make now that makes up the money I lost in my home, so if I'm not better off I am at least breaking even. I really guess it is all in where you live, because the stores and restaurants are packed here.
  9. Buy her a FORD..Problem solved. I leave my keys in the SUV on purpose.
  10. We are in MD. Good luck to your son. All I can say is if he is a NUKE he will be at sea alot. But think of all of the port calls!!! Sea/Shore Rotation for This Rating First Sea Tour: 54 months First Shore Tour: 36 months Second Sea Tour: 60 months Second Shore Tour: 36 months Third Sea Tour: 36 months Third Shore Tour: 36months Fourth Sea Tour: 36 months Forth Shore Tour: 36 months Note: Sea tours and shore tours for sailors that have completed four sea tours will be 36 months at sea followed by 36 months ashore until retirement. How does he like i
  11. DH Reenlisted again. We will come back to GA one of these days I am very proud of him!!!!
  12. I hate shoes too. I am all about the clothes.
  13. Faded W '04 stickers. I just saw another one this morning.
  14. YES that is a good idea. I am now on my 3rd renter, the house doesn't sit empty in the almost 2 years I've been renting it, I just have a problem with them breaking their lease. Property Management is the way to go. Well worth the 120 bucks I spend each month on it. Good luck! Just a final thought, if you don't have to move, what about just adding on to your current house.
  15. Oh don't say that, I'm headed there next week. Cedar Point park and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It looks really pretty up there. And I cant believe the great deals I am getting on Hotel rooms. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/family-vacations-cedar-point-amusement-park-resort-1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tlc.howstuffworks.com/family/family-vacations-cedar-point-amusement-park-resort.htm&h=297&w=400&sz=52&tbnid=9XTTYpZVKdOYkM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=124&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcedar%2Bpoint%2Bpark%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=c
  16. It is impossible for me to cut costs here from GA..Sice right now I'm living in the land of $$$$$$$$. Not to mention I have a son going to college soon and adding another son to my car insurance. At least we make more money so we can break even. Economy bad? You would never know it where I'm living.
  17. I was on the Lincoln Military Housing Website and I noticed some jobs in the area. http://careers.lincolnapts.com/jobs/#/results/filter=(state_province:maryland%20OR%20state_province:georgia)&resultsPerPage=12&showMoreOptions=true&selectedTab=bti-facets-state_province/1,false
  18. Yet again...Classy Yet another attack! REALLY
  19. This is what a personal attack looks like
  20. Looks good! Lady Raider I've been wanting a fried green tomato ever since I saw Bobby Flay make a BLT Sandwich a few weeks ago. BLT's with fried green tomatoes and red tomatoes, that looked so good!
  21. I live in MD, PHOTO GIRL lives in VA, she would probably be a better person to ask. Hope this link helps. http://www.washingtonpost.com/real-estate/neighborhoods/index.html
  22. HAHA..A few days ago I went into a restroom where someone forgot to flush. I was grossed out and then got tired of waiting for the other stall to open, so I said the heck with it and flushed the toliet, wouldn't you know it the little TURD was stuck at the top and wouldn't go down. EWWWE TMI And then today I go into the HEAD at work, NO TOLIET PAPER in either stall, so then I go downstairs where the stash is and bring some up, glad I ck'd before I went.
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