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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. a different perspective of why I like ACE. I used to drive truck and deliver to their dist. center in Gainesville. Had to have an appointment. If you made appointment time, you were unloaded and on your way within the hour heading for the next load and more money. Plus i do like to go into the stores and get what I want and be out of there without fighting traffic or crowds waiting for the 1 cash register that is open

  2. Heard on tv and radio today that if you get a Valentine in your E-mail and you are not absolutely sure who sent it.DELETE it. May have virus in it that monitors your keystrokes trying to find bank acct.#, SS# etc. and transmit back to hacker.

  3. If a company called Waste Management ever comes to Paulding county, tell them to take a hike. They will want to con you into believing they have better service. What they don’t tell you is that they are dictators, and you will pay dearly for their services, because when they get through with all the other trash services they will be the only choice you have.
    They are already here and they took over the company who I was doing business with. I have already fired them and got another local company.


  4. When you think about the cost of an ambulance, maintaining it, wages and supplies----what else would you expect??? They also go out on numerous calls everyday for the county and do not get paid because once there--the patient will deny transport.

    And yes---there are other ambulance services that will cover Paulding---but if it a real emergency---do you want to wait on them when you have one right here????

    My family has used Clark's several times and they have always been professional and caring.

    I may be wrong, but I remember reading awhile back where the county approved a $100k + allowance for Clark

    for those situations.


  5. Trust me as an R***** X Employee who got let go for no reason after 8yrs and never had a write up......

    They suck and r out to just put $ in there pockets and take $ from the little people!!! I would look back all the way through my stmts since AmS**** took over!!!!


    Just an FYI!!!!! 8)

    Well I would go back and check them but I would be wasting my time. UNless the law has been changed it was if the bank makes an error in your favor, they can come after you with no time limits for the recovery. If they make a mistake in their favor, you have only 60 days to notify them or the money is gone forever.


  6. This morning I was checking my accounts with R****** bank on line. Happen to glance down and see a "low balance fee" of $15.00. I went back another month and the fee was there also. I never let my accounts go negative, so what was this.

    . I called R*******and asked what was this fee for.

    . When Amsouth and R****** merged they had 79+ types of accounts. They whittled that down to five and supposedly sent letters out to their customers and asked what account would they like to have. I did not receive said letter.

    . One of my accounts was rolled into their Preferred Plus account. This account needed a min. of $10K of combined IRA, CD and deposit or you were charged a low balance fee. I keep a fair amount in that account but not that much. This type also pays interest on the balance.

    . I had them change me over to the 50+ Life green checking which is free if you are over 50. But I did have to give up the 40-50 cents interest each month from the other type account.

    . They reimbursed my account for the last two months fees also.

  7. chippie on the go does awesome work. They are moble pet groomers. 678-758-6330
    We have been using for about a year for the wife's Peke. Excellent work and because dog has had spinal problems in past, she is very careful with him. Cost wise not much more than taking to a shop. probably if you add expense of taking and retrieving from shop, cost would be about same.
  8. If you adopt adult dogs (or cats), you know what you're getting, too - in *appearance*. Temperament is another matter altogether. ;)
    I steer clear of older dogs even the purebreds, some of them have habits they just won't let loose of no matter what you do. I would rather train them as I want, then I only have me to blame if there is a problem.


  9. Many years ago I got what was going to be a certain type of dog and it turned out not as advertised. One was supposed to low maintenance (short coat) and it looked about like an old english sheepdog. Another time I wanted a larger dog to kind of watch the house, I was heading overseas. Turned out about the size of a beagle. Don't worry they led a good and long life with me. But now I stay strictly with purebreds so I know what I am getting

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