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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Who is the mayor up there now and why isn't he doing something to get these sort of things fixed? People are laughing at Dallas almost as much as they laugh at -- is there a town that gets laughed at more?
  2. It wouldn't be frivolous. Civil Rights violations invite the EEOC. I would beg you to PLEASE encourage your employees to file the lawsuit since you don't believe in the Constitution regarding free speech. Please do that tomorrow and keep on until one employee does it.
  3. Just like the judges that told the Muslim women to remove their veils in the courtroom were wrong and had to apologize, this judge violated the lawyers civil rights. No judge can violate the law, even in his own courtroom.
  4. We find more and more intermediaries every year, meaning more and more links that show the pattern of evolution from the great apes to the humanoids. That's right. 2 million years ago. Since these were children, there was also a mama and a daddy and families for each of them, and other kids too. A whole bunch of them evolving from on the family tree that further separates man from the great apes.
  5. Hold on. That ruling as been interpreted without question to also apply to all Americans regardless of where they are or age or anything else. The judge may no more demand the guy stand for the pledge or leave, than the judge could demand the lawyer have the same choice over a prayer before the proceedings. Court rulings have to be applied with common sense, not a search engine. Common sense says the 1943 ruling would apply to EVERYONE.
  6. I think you did miss his point.
  7. Good lawd. What an idiot. If Baptists are that shallow in their faith, they need to become something else.
  8. Or do things seem much more civil now that those few posters that dominated the political forum have (for practical purposes) stopped posting over there? The whole place seems nicer. Those people dominated that forum and slapped each other the back while agreeing with each other. They ran everybody off that disagreed with them. Now they've left as there is no one to disagree with any more.
  9. What sort of colorful language was used to mark such a momentousness occasion?
  10. I'm certain you will find this article both entertaining and as a cyber high five to your already keen sense of punctuation. National Punctuation Day
  11. It happens. People have always gamed the system, whatever system there is. Even the Church has been played the fool for centuries by people who see fast money. This is not an example of how things are today or our "system" or anything else: it is an example of human folly and greed. That is something that has been around since the first human realized he was smarter than his ape-like cousin and could play Cheetah whenever he wanted to. Chalk it up to human nature being manipulative at times and down right evil at other times. It just happens.
  12. My husband showed this one to me today (even though I'm nowhere near the content of this song). Still a great performance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDhP4jtrF58
  13. Uh, hmmm, no. I wasn't talking about secret operations but the truth about things like Pat Tillman. I mean, couldn't they tell the truth to his family about how he died? No one is looking for state secrets but I damned sure am not looking for a propaganda machine like they have in Iran either. Wouldn't you agree that we need a government to be forthright instead of hiding information simply because it would make it look bad politically?
  14. Yeah. I figured you would take that route. Paulding Voice just not giving you enough action, eh? I'll wave my flag too. Still get to vote just like you. The best you can do is tell me to find another flag to wave? Still falling back on your Fascism. How's that working out for ya with the prostitution thing too?
  15. So it is either agree with you and your version of patriotism or leave? I think I'll follow the Constitution that allows for other views to still be considered American. If you want to continue in your Fascism, you leave. That's what they do in North Korea of Iran so I think your ideology would be quite comfortable there. What? Is Paulding Voice not big enough a sand box for you so you have to come here to get a little action? I think that is called prostitution.
  16. Tells me that there was complete incompetence when we first went in. Also says that we really can't trust the government to tell us the truth about it's military operations. Yet we wave the flag and think that whatever they tell us is just fine. WMD, anyone?
  17. The ban on gay couples adopting children in FL has been struck down by a judge. Unanimous ruling. Other states will likely follow and begin allowing gay adoptions before facing their own court challenges. CNN on line article.
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