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Everything posted by eym_sirius

  1. I think that LPPT was saying that they used gourds to funnel alcohol up the posterior.
  2. I know! I hear people "mess use" words and phrases all the time!
  3. ARGGGHHHHH!!!! One that gets me is imply and infer. One implies when he makes a subtle suggestion. One infers when one hears something said and develops an opinion based on what was heard.
  4. I have always been a usage Nazi! It's something that I've learned to control (most of the time). Here's one: "I like to have died!" "Set down over here, Gipper Girl!"
  5. Did you see this part? ["This is definitely not just girls," Thomas said. "Guys will also use it and they'll insert it into their rectums."And that's not all. "Using a beer bong rectally is the same concept as a vodka soaked tampon," Thomas said. Rather than the traditional beer bong you'd find at a college party, kids are sticking the tube elsewhere to get wasted. They're calling it "butt chugging."] I had heard of people getting drunk on their ass......
  6. I saw rotation in the clouds - definite rotation but way up. Strange that leaves were flying at 50 - 100 ft.! The worst of it seemed to be (oddly) missing KSU and Town Center. A rotating cloud was south of that area. Never materialized into a touchdown, though.....
  7. Sirens just went off - I'll let you know what I see. Sirens just went off - I'll let you know what I see.
  8. Should be near the Ave W. cobb now.
  9. I have the opinion that the interest of a House Representative, even if he is a Republican, is to represent his constituency and THEIR interests. Those SHOULD be HIS interests. So when he takes a position contrary to those interests for the purpose of representing the interests of the banking establishment, his association being made clear by his involvement with the bank in Hiram, there is a clear conflict - to wit, the banking establishment vs. the constituency. I don't know what constitutes a "formal" interests conflict, but it seems that he has chosen an interest clearly at odds with t
  10. Google Search Gingrey Ethics Violations. Gingrey is on the board of a Hiram bank. And this proposted legislation is on behalf of -- Banks. I'd call this a conflict of interests. I'd also call this a typical indifference to the sensibilities of his constituency.
  11. You're right, Pubby. This is about interfering in the normal lives of regular folks! Regarding Gingrey - He will vote on this before anyone in Paulding votes against Tom Graves, so it would be appropriate to contact him regarding opposition to the bill. You may not have the opportunity to vote against Gingrey, but you can shine a light on the issue that he won't be able to explain his support to his constituents. So let's not have to go through this again - Interruptions by businesses time after time - I don't think so!!
  12. Everyone should know that Phil Gingrey goes by "John Gingrey" in Congress. Here - click on "Co-Sponsors" and then click on "John Gingrey" to see for yourself. Robo-Calls? I'll be in Gingrey's face at the next town hall meeting about this one. Pubby - you may want to get this on video - It'll go viral!!! http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h112-3035
  13. Lucky64 - Would you like for me to dispatch the animal for you?
  14. Yes, TC! You understand the essence of the case perfectly! The possibility exists that Paterno reported a child rape and Curley was the one who wanted to downplay it. In that case Paterno is guilty of just not following up, which appears to be more of a moral shortcoming than a legal one. The other possibility is that the three of them that met to discuss the alleged incident could have all agreed that downplaying the incident would be in the best interest of the University and the football program. That would explain Paterno's lack of following up on the investigation.
  15. If I had witnessed it, at the very least I would have gone right to the police, so that THEY could collect evidence. If I lost my job because I did the right thing - no biggie. It's not that great of a job! Sandusky, by the way is saying that he's innocent of all charges.
  16. It's true. Here's the article about it. http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2011/11/jerry_sandusky_autobiography_t.html
  17. Which of the 40 counts of felony sex acts against a child are you talking about? I'm talking about victim #2 where there was no police report, according to the Grand Jury findings. The only sanction for the child rape of #2 was the former coach being required to give up his keys to the locker room!
  18. I'd consider Coach Paterno's report one that would put him in the category of "accessory after the fact". When he went to the athletic director, he essentially reported a lesser crime instead of the felony of child rape.
  19. Three things - First, you're saying that if this had been a beating or a stabbing, that Coach Paterno should have waited until the Athletic Director was available before he said anything to anybody? He shouldn't have also told the campus police about the beating or stabbing? And you're saying that the graduate assistant, if this had been a stabbing or a beating, shouldn't have called the police, but instead he did the correct thing, as well, by calling his dad first, and then seeing Coach Paterno the next day? And then, you're saying that it was appropriate and lawful for Coach Paterno
  20. His, the pedophile's, goose is cooked! We're talking about 200 years in prison. He will get his! Day in court that is. Then he will get his -- come-uppance, so to speak, in prison. From the Grand Jury Report: Re: Victim 1 "Sandusky took the boy to restaurants, swimming at a hotel near Sandusky's home and to church." Regarding Paterno, what he did was inexcusable! The graduate assistant, observing the anal rape of victim #2 reported the incident to Paterno and described exactly what his saw. Paterno - THE NEXT DAY, contacted Tim Curley, the athletic director and Paterno's imme
  21. GB - There were THOUSANDS of Penn State Football supporters in the streets after Paterno was fired. The ones NOT engaged in destruction were encouraging and cheering the destruction. Look at the videos! That's what I'm talking about! It's this culture of deifying sports programs - You are modeling it quite effectively, thank you very much. Did I see the prayer at the center of the field? You think I'm going to watch Penn State football? Really??? Again - Why didn't Paterno fire the coach? It's not like there's nothing that Paterno could do. He could have made it so that the pe
  22. Now, why was it that Paterno didn't fire Sandusky?
  23. GB - What you see going on at Penn State, the culture of deifying athletes and coaches and placing the football program on a pedestal -- this is the set of circumstances under which the Penn State personnel found themselves unable to act on behalf of what was right and fair and in the best interests of all concerned. They were thinking, "What will this do to my career and to the football program at Penn State"! You see the response from thousands of Penn State faithful - "Those children - Who cares about them? We got us a FOOTBALL GAME TO WIN - YAHOOEEE!! Bring back PATERNO!!!" This episode br
  24. Let's say that Obama was on stage with the others. He's been on stage sufficiently to be able to pit him against the others. Of those in the Republican field, he would be the best retail politician, except for Herman Cain. The rest of the lot are either bland or they don't seem to be very likeable. On the debate stage, an abrasive personality can score debate points, but not necessariy win over voters. It;s a reason that NEWT might appear to be a good choice and why it might SEEM that he could do well in a debate against the President. Newt has worked out a system that is rather predictab
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