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Posts posted by highcreek

  1. What D***A** votes themselves a tax increase????? Especially in the middle of a reccession????? I guess the same people that after witnessing the the Obamma, Pelosi, Reed and the democratic congress that followed and supported them in lockstep fiasco the past 20 months can still vote for a Democrat... Harry Reed??? Are you kidding me?? Who voted for that guy??? unbelievable... Roy Barnes?? How did this guy get even one vote???

  2. With the exception of his name, Casey Cagle, in the story you've linked to there's not one single fact in it. Even at the end of the story the "reporter" or not much of one, probably just some whiny liberal hack, states "Not sure if this story is true..." .Not defending the guy, however maybe you should use a little bit more reliable sources.

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  3. clearing out unused and unneeded stuff

    1500 watt dc to ac inverter 3 outlets with cables and inline fuse. $50.00

    queen size bed rails new in box post-8419-127610855221_thumb.jpg$20.00

    expand it tree trimmer/ pole saw ( fits ryobi or toro brand expand it model weedeaters. new chain. $50.00

    700 watt ge microwave barely used. one scratch on front one year old.$40.00

    craftsman 6.5 pushmower looks rough runs and cuts good. $50.00

    weight bench incline leg and curl attachments.and cast iron weights 40.00

    temporary power pole used as a motor home base connect.$100.00

    troy built pressure washer 6.75 engine good. pump needs work $40.00

    Atlanta Stoveworks Homesteader wood heater. great shape $400.00


    Dallas, Ga. 770-272-2211

  4. While I agree she is smoking hot, her racing record isn't exactly "stellar". She's only won once in the four years racing indy cars.I'm sure the novelty of it will be a boost for a while. But she had better start winning and winning big or it will be all for naught. Nascar is doing anything it can to expand its fan base since the past few years declines. Only when it loses some of its' favortism and biases and go back to actually running "stock cars"( which is in the name of their organization) will the fans start to return.

    FYI.. she won't have to do much to outdo Jr....

  5. just as a side note to this Pubby...My father,who manages properties for a group of investors in Raleigh,N.C.,witnessed a judge dismiss a foreclosure with predujice because the mortgage holder could not produce the orignal paperwork. The foreclosure rate is very high there and this homeowners loan had been sold numerous times and original paperwork could not be produced in court by the foreclosing attorney.. The judge was very irate at the sloppiness of the procedings and dismissed their foreclosure case. He also informed the homeowner the procedures to follow to become the legal and sole owner of the property. crazy world..

  6. Totally in agreement with you. I might add that the prerace show is now a music video or one of the new "pretty boy drivers" surfing or some crap like that. No more interviews in the garage, no more in depth coverage of the actual race cars themselves. Road courses do not belong in Nascar. Generic cars with the engines setup by only 2 or 3 companies is the norm these days. Pretty boys with no fear and who look good on tv are brought in to get a rise out of the female fans. They do great , might even win a race,until they flip it end over end a few times, realize "Hey, I could die doing this!", then their moment of glory is gone when after that they tend to race conservatively. . Gone bye is the "run what ya brung " days. About the closest to real racing these days is still on the dirt tracks in the area. There's a northeast ga. town that has a 1/4 mile D track that brings them in from all over. 125 miles an hour down the front stretch from some of the unlimited drivers is truly a sight to see. True competition!

    Nascar Sucks! Just goes to show Yankees can ruin anything .!!! ..lol

  7. NEVER, NEVER vote yourself a tax increase. 1st: No matter what the original intent of the "special tax" is for, it almost always ends up misappropriated. 2nd: Taxes are ridiculously high enough and there are too many programs already. If there's not enough money, cut spending. Go back to basics and start from there. Police , Fire and Schools. Fund those first, then finish your budget.


    But NEVER, NEVER, vote yourself a tax increase. For all those who disagree, it is your right to volunteer more of your own money to any government or school you wish. Or simply ask the school what items are needed, and buy those for them.

  8. Definitely get the the 1080 you CAN tell the difference. And, use the "MAN RULE" . there is no such thing has having too big of a television. For all the bad mouthing of Walmart I personally price shopped and read reviews for 2 months before buying mine and Walmart beat them all as far as price and warranty. I have a 52" panasonic 1080 I've had for 2 1/2 years and never had one problem with it.I have Directv Hd and the picture I have at home rivals or is better than the displays you see in stores. When I bought it for an extra 75 dollars I extended the warranty to 4 years this includes the bulb.


  9. How come neither Obama or McCain are saying very much about alternative energy sources? I mean, I get it, drill, cheaper oil yada yada, but thats really only a temporary fix and just staves off an inevitable problem. Whats up with alternatives other than saying "We're looking into it?". It seems like it would be an important issue to those who arent already paid off, but niether is saying much....

    What do you mean " only a temporary fix"??? It seems as though oil and gasoline have worked pretty well for 100 years. And despite what the environmentalists and global warming wackos try to preach (preach is the operative word here) oil is natural and more is being made every day. You can't legislate techonology and the technology just isn't there. So far the only thing the government has done is drive food prices out of sight by their ethanol mandate. And all this other nonsense wind and solar. Common sense should tell you the wind doesn't blow all the time. And unless you just want to charge a couple of AA batteries you can forget solar as well.

    I agree it would be nice to find a cheaper and better way to acheive energy. But "Let's dance with the one that brung us" Oil drives our economy. Most people don't realize that everything, EVERYTHING, in your world is made from petroleum i. e. plastics or it took petroleum to get it there. You can complain and bemoan the energy companies and their "outrageous" profits. BUT, your govermments, Federal, State and in some cases local, take their cut of fuel sales too. And the goverment does nothing to put one drop of gas in my tank.

  10. I prefer "Beaners" but wetback will do. It's pretty simple. Come here LEGALLY. Pay your own way. And learn some English. Oh, And get some insurance before you drive that crappy car with no license , Oh, And learn the rules of the road. Oh, And don't clog up all the emergency rooms with your kids colds because you don't want to pay a clinic. And, stop breeding like rabbits, one "anchor baby" is enough. ......

    Any one who doesn't think we need better border control is an idiot.


  11. In fact, most all of the prisoners in Cuba should have been shot by a firing squad on the battlefield for fighting as a terrorist out of uniform. Nevertheless, for all of you who think so well of them and worry about their conditions, perhaps the government will release them into your custody. And after they rape and torture your family in front of you and just before they kill you, maybe then you will realize that many cultures in the world are all together different than the culture we have here. There are people in this world that will kill you just because you are an American or a christian or just because they don't like you. And they will not give you a trial or care much that you get decent treatment before they behead you.

    Thank God you have leaders that know these things and have guts. They take steps to prevent more Americans being killed despite all the rantings of whiners and liberals that believe everyone around the world is just like us. " We need to set an example for the world." Nonsense. It is in the best interest of the U.S. to show the world we will not tolerate attacks on our citizens or allies. Then maybe we won't have another 9-11.

    Go ahead, ask for custody so YOU can treat them humanely, I give you an hour to live, maybe more, depending how long they spend on your family.

  12. Isn't it funny that all the liberals have such a big problem with the government using so-called"spy"programs to protect the people, "There spying on us!" "Invading our privacy!" Taking away our freedoms", but have NO problem invading our wallets, taxing Americans more for social programs. Strange isn't it?? Freedom doesn't mean much when your dead.

  13. Are these the same people that predicted 5 hurricanes would hit this past year? And as far as records go, about how far back in the history of earth do you think these records were kept accurately? 100 years? Maybe, I doubt even that. It seems ridiculous to think this is going to be the hottest year in hisory when's there is no idea past a century ago what the weather from year to year was.

    This global warming nonsense has gotten completely out of hand. When they can accurately predict, not just guess, what the weather is going to be a week from next Tuesday, then I'll listen. How ridiculous it is to think that we insignificant inhabitants of this planet can control or alter it's climate. If that were so then we could put a stop to all that snow in the midwest. When hurricane season arrives, we'll put a stop to those as well. 20 years ago we were supposed to be in a cooling stage of the earth. School textbooks showed record snowfalls in the north rendering a quarter of the U.S. uninhabitable. Too often all these studies show is how successful some study group is in obtaining a grant from the government to study these things.

    Pollution should be kept in check. No one wants burnt motor oil poured in streams or trash not disposed of properly. But our day to day lives need not be altered to keep the earth's climate in check. The Earth is alive and well. Tell me exactly what the weather is going to be a week from next Tuesday, Then you got my full attention.

  14. Why is it so many people think it's the government responsibility to provide them healthcare, a new home, food?? Shouldn't those be individuals basic priorities in life? I realize there are many who really and honestly need a helping hand and freely should we provide that. However, those who have cable, internet access, dvd players, can afford lotto tickets, and many other comfort items too often spend, spend, spend, without care. Only after the fact ; i.e. Katrina " Hey,you live in below sea level. (Buy some insurance)Hey, get out a hurricane is coming " then it's "where's the government at?" True, a lot is being rebuilt by those who thought ahead. Those who choose to sit and wait for the government to come along and take care of them are far behind. Republican or Democrat no matter who is in power in government. It is still inept and inefficient. No one should rely on government for a need especially as important as their health or their home..

    Besides, John Edwards should have looked ahead, with Hillary and Barrack O'bama, he doesn't have a prayer. He should go back to chasing ambulances, suing medical providers, insurance companies, and drug manufacturers. And you wonder why your healthcare is so high .....

  15. I have hostas,, irises, ferns, a few daylilies, and blueberry bushes. for trade or sale. From my experirence though, these plants split better in late summer and fall. I am looking for shrubs, azaleas, crepe myrtles, and some pecan and pear trees.

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