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Posts posted by chainey1

  1. The pain we all felt in our hearts is still the same the day we heard. It angers me to know that the people responsible for this still walk the street. However I do find peace that they will serve punishment for eternity. I miss his beautiful eyes and his silly laugh. He was a wonderful person and I am glad I had the chance to know him. Love you Shad

  2. The business, to my knowledge, was not "kicked out of Texas", but had their membership with the Texas BBB revoked due to the company's practices.



    I would like you tell me where I can go to look that up because earlier you said they were kicked out of Texas. Show me that too. Just saying you apparently go on someones word without your research so since you did so much looking. Hook me up with the websites. Other than the scam.com sheeze. Not being rude

  3. Hey, if anyone knows a DJ that is available on 1/26/08 to do a wedding. It will be at the church no music with cussing. The reception will only be for a few hours. Please let me know ASAP

  4. There Are No Words



    There are no words ...what can I say?


    At last her sweet soul winged its way


    To peace and freedom in the sky


    Where never again will she suffer or cry.



    It's all part of God's great plan ...


    Which remains a mystery to man.


    We cannot understand His ways


    Nor can we count our earthly days.



    But who are we to question and doubt?


    God knoweth well what He's about;


    He knew she longed to "go to sleep"


    Where only angels, a vigil keep.



    The pain of living grew too great


    No longer could she stay and wait;


    She did not want to leave you, dear,


    But she had finished her work down here.



    So she closed her eyes and when she awoke,


    These are the words the Master spoke ...


    "Welcome, dear child, you are Home at last,


    And now the burden of living is past."



    "There's work for you in My Kingdom, dear


    And you are needed and wanted here."


    So weep not, she has just gone on ahead,


    Don't think of her as being dead.



    She's out of sight for a little while,


    And you'll miss her touch and her pretty smile,


    But you know she is safe in the home above


    Where there is nothing but Peace and Love.



    And, surely, you would not deny her peace ...


    And you're glad that she has found release.


    Think of her there as a soul that is free


    And Home at last.......is where she is to be....



    ~ ~




    omgosh lb that is beautiful, it is hard not to shed a tear for this beautiful girl as it is always painful when we lose someone we love.


  5. This just breaks my heart. She was so funny and nice. I just can't believe it. Prayers going out to the family....



    She will be missed; my heart goes out to this family.... I am so sorry for your loss my prayers and thoughts with you. We love you girl may you rest in peace.....

  6. WEll that is your opinion....


    I know that my aunt let my cousin try things .. she was to lazy to finish them b/c she changed her mind about doing something she really was in everything .. quit and started something else ..


    Now she is 24 still lives at home with her mom ... cant keep a job or a major in school and she is lazy!


    SO good luck to that strategy!




    I would have to agree with you on this very good point. No one tries hard anymore.

  7. thats bull$hit.... sorry but it is.... when does a kid just get to be a kid and do things they enjoy..... If my kid just decides they don't want to do something after they have committed to it such as gymnastics and it is just because they find something else to do on a whim, I make them stick with their original committment, but making my kid stay in something because an adult can't keep control of his mouth.... AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!





    That is your opinion everyone has one. I just think that coaches have to push some kids other than others. It isn't fair to the kids that are working hard to be the best for the softer kids to slack off because there parents don't want them to be yelled at. You pop off at the mouth when someone is not doing what you want. That is life!

  8. I appreciate everyones views and input on this. I would like to take a minute and give my input. I can tell you that the hardest thing about coaching is that you are being entrusted with the is the most important thing in the world to someone,Their child Many coachs teach in different ways (and yes there are some bads one out there) Some parents like a stern coach and some parents dont. Some kids respond to a stern coach and some kids dont. I think alot of they way a child responds in developed in the way their parents are. You have those who are harder and those who are softer. Niether is better or worse than the other just different. Our goals with this program is to offer something for the little guys that gets them involved with other kids and developes a love for the game of football. I feel sometimes their are differences in views of what a coach should do and shouldnt do but I can promise you that we WILL ensure that these children are not mistreated in any way. I hope everyone has a blast with this it should be fun to watch. I encourage any of you with questions or concerns to pm me at any time. Thanks guys for the time you allow us with your children it has been one of the greatest gifts I have been bestowed with over the years. :D




    You guys are doing a great job. You are completely right about some parents being softer than other. But football is not a soft sport. I can't think of a sport that is soft.

  9. Well I am sorry you feel that way, I know that know one asked your opinion but you have a right to it. If you don't like the parents are the coaches then you shouldn't have your child in any kind of child. I am defending the coach because he did nothing wrong and he wasn't jerking them around he was placing them where they were suppose to be remember 3 and 4 year olds have to be told the same thing over and over till they get it. My child was ready for football and he completely understands that it is hard but he also knows that he has to try hard because that is what I teach him. My 13 year old wants to stop playing for his school team because it is hot. I will not allow him to quit because I will not raise a child that gives up because it is hard. There was not nothing I saw that was out of line!

  10. Well you might be right about the coach and him. I do think you should have given it another try because the way you put it on here was not the way it was. Granted he was firm with the kids but they are 3 and 4 that is the way you need to be with your child sometimes. It take a village to raise a kid and I am sure that sometimes you get a little firm with your child. Personally I feel that you are setting a bad example for your child. Teaching him at a young and important age that when it is hard it is okay to give up and move to a easier team. There again you have a right to your feelings and your decision for your child. Just remember you can't always fix things for him he has to learn something on his own. Ultimately I agree with your husband on this one.

  11. I am a mom on the same team. I had no problem with the way the coach was handling the kids. My kid got knocked down by another kids and he cried the coach picked him up and loved on him. I told him to put him back down and told my son to get back in there because it is football. I am not saying you don't have the right to feel the way that you do. We all look at things differently. If you are concerned talk to the coach and if it cont. then pull your son out. You are allowed on the field during practice the coach said that form the beginning, if your son just started then you wouldn't have known that.


    These are boys and as a mom we can't protect them all the time. We have to let them deal with somethings on there own. I understand that they are 3 and 4 and we are here to protect them, but this is his 1st year playing let him keep trying and see how he likes it. My son didn't like it the 1st time because he thought they were playing football. I explain it to him now he is waiting at the door to go to practice. I am a good mom and care about my son with all my heart but if he isn't hurt and is just crying because he got knocked down are didn't get the ball I am here to teach him and guide him that you don't quiet when things are tough. You get back in there and you practice harder.

  12. I think that this is great that people can really come together in a time of need. The mom and dad i'm sure or feeling bad and anything that we can do to help make this a little eaiser is great. i could not go through this alone and it is nice to know that there are still great people in this world that will help evan if they don't know you. I would just like to take the time out to say thanks to everyone you is going to donate. So thank You!

  13. this is so very sad! Prayers and thoughts are with this family.


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