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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. You've obviously never met Sophie! We're having leftover ribs for dinner - if you think you can find her ribs - well, good luck to you! Her favorite pasttime is eating, second only to sleeping, and she's an indoor cat. You tell me how lean and mean she is. But she's in there laying on my bed about to help me fold towels, i.e. scoot under the towels and not let me fold anything I'm trying to fold, bless her heart. (It needs it, she's way too fat).
  2. No, the leftover sauteed mushrooms won, and Frankie is right here with his stuffed tiger, which is as big as he is. The cat on the other hand.............................Sophie, Soph, come to Mommy!
  3. I know it's dinner time for most, but hubby's not home yet, I haven't eaten all day, and I'm about to at least knosh on something lurking in there. I know I've got some leftover sauteed mushrooms (cooked with butter, garlic, sherry and soy sauce) as well as some "tots". Maybe just a chip or two, or a piece of bread. I'm not into sweets, otherwise I could do a Little Debbie Oatmeal thingy. I don't want anything big - actually, I've got a small dog here - Frankie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Well dang, and now I'm missing my Grandma's roast beef and gravy. I don't know if it was just because I was a little kid, the fact that they lived in the Midwest, the fact that they could get beef before all the additives, or just what she added to it, or not, that made it taste so much better than you can get today/make today/etc. A treat for me was just to have some of the gravy poured over broken up bread. Good stuff, I swear! OK, who's making the biscuits - homemade or Pillsbury? I've been craving pizza for months now, and yes, we have beer.
  5. I do love my trees. Right now we've got our tomato and pepper plants in the only really sunny spot in our yard in pots (it's actually part of the extended driveway). I just can't get rid of any of our trees right now - all hardwoods, but if they ever decide to turn on us (LOL) we're in big trouble!
  6. Crap, I was thinking I was doing well with leftover ribs and going from there! Any invitations from any of you? Do any of you deliver? Or would you like to get together for pot luck?
  7. We've still got the giant oak outside that prompted my husband to try to cut his leg off laying out there. Giant old oak, and we've got many more close to the house. Thank God that one was not close enough to hit the house, but it dang near cost him his leg (27 stitches). I just want rain! I do appreciate the wind, but within reason if you know what I mean.
  8. We've got leftover ribs - I'll go from there.
  9. A nice summer breeze is good, but I'm getting afeared (don't you love that word, afeared) of all this wind with all these giant trees that we have. What's going on in your neck of the woods?
  10. We were at the old one, original Paulding County bowling alley. Bless his heart, that's what my husband wanted to do for Father's Day. We do thi Wii thing - bowling - here at home all the time, and I can actually beat my husband (we're talking bowling here). My strapping son can take the ball and just palm it, which amazes me, because he can do so well just throwing it that way, or rolling it, or whatever. His Dad still ended up beating him (at bowling), and DIL and I ended up sitting out the last couple of games. I still think he had a great Fathers' Day in spite of the fact that I c
  11. Same place I found most of the bowling balls I tried to throw yesterday - straight into the gutter! I'm a whiz at the WII - now take that and turn it into something else
  12. My fingers are actually kind of small - and my DIL was having the same problem, although she was doing a heck of a lot better than I was. My thumb actually got stuck in the 9 lb. ball - the only ones that seemed to fit were the really heavy man sized balls ( dirty minds stay away ). OK, now I'm laughing at myself - but seriously, it kind of ruined the whole outing. I guess I need a custom made ball (Dirty minds, again, get back to your gutter).
  13. Why don't they supply bowling balls for women who have normal women fingers and at a weight (the bowling balls) that your typical woman can handle? I.E., an 8 - 9 pound ball with finger holes that are bigger than an 8 y/o child can handle? Next time we want to go bowling I think we'll just stay home and use the WII.
  14. Well, the dead horse could care less, hell, he's dead, but what about all the residents/taxpayers/etc. that would appreciate and bring revenue to a live horse?
  15. Apparently there's somewhere off the historic area of downtown Dallas that you can buy crack. Sorry, take off from another thread. We've got a problem with a crack in the brick underlay of our screen porch.
  16. Our "weather alert" radio went off hours ago telling us this. I just want a little rain to help with the tomato plants and to cut the heat. We'll wait and see.
  17. We're getting no rain, the temps have heated up, and I'm afraid that people are going to go back to not using water sensibly. Your thoughts.
  18. Pointing out even deader places than Dallas doesn't help to improve Dallas. I could mention a number of cemetaries around here that are deader than downtown Dallas - at least I think they are.
  19. When I think of a fun time in a small downtown area, Dallas is not what I think of. When I think of going out for a nice dinner in a small town atmosphere, Dallas is not where I think of. We've lived here for almost 20 years and I've been "downtown" numerous times. The closest thing to "night life" was Bandido's, and now it's gone, apparently. Want a drink with dinner? Go to Hiram to one of the chain restaurants, or drive to Marietta for atmosphere, something other than a chain restaurant and maybe to the square and browse the shops that are still open after five and listen to a conce
  20. Some of the prettiest ones are what we've always called Garden Spiders. They build the prettiest web towards fall. They're black and yellow and just form the prettiest, most perfect web you'd ever want to see. They only seem to eat insects, flys mainly, but we never tear down their webs. OK, laugh all you want, but I don't like killing anything that doesn't want to kill me first. And I know their not spiders, but I always try to make sure that crickets get out of my house safely, and if I see a common worm wriggling on my driveway, I try to make sure that he's made it to good shady gr
  21. I'm not trying to poke fun at the OP, I can't stand spiders either. But there are some that I'll actually go out of my way to save because they're harmless - Daddy Long Legs to be exact. On the other hand - Black Widows and Brown Recluses - whole 'nother issue. It's like snakes - some are completely harmless - garden snakes, etc. - they don't mean any harm - rattlesnake, etc. - whole 'nother issue.
  22. I'll try it - thanks!
  23. I knew they were going to be bad this year with all the rain, but even the expensive Frontline stuff is not helping. Anyone else with this problem, and any ideas? I've been doing baths, expensive spray stuff and the expensive monthly application stuff. Any ideas on what else to do? (And I'm talking about my animals here, not me.)
  24. OK, AGG - I watched the MB video you posted. Now I must go pull out my CD and sing to my cat. She'll love it! You have fun tonight! I'd love to kid, I really would, and I'll do my best to make good on that offer!
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