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Posts posted by acorns123

  1. Well, I'm sad to report that my sweet panther is dead. My son found him in our next door neighbors yard. Under a tree. I can't tell what happened to him. He's decomposed so bad that I'll never be able to know. My husband is getting the remains and we'll bury him. Thanks for the encouragement.

  2. I actually don't know which neighbor did it. The vet gave me the bullet and I could probably find out that way. It's been about 6years ago that this happened. It caused him to lose his leg. He's such a sweet and lovable cat. Since that happened to him he has never left our yard. I let him in at night and let him out during the day. He usually never leaves my front porch. I just hope that someone has got him in their house taking good care of him. I just couldn't imagine him out there all alone. Being handicapped puts him at a disadvantage. I'm just sick with worry.

  3. I'm missing a black 3 legged cat. His name is panther and he's been missing for 3 days now. He never leaves my yard and that's why I'm so concerned. He was shot by one of my neighbors when he was a kitten for getting into garbage. Since that time, he's never left my yard and is very skiddish around people except for me. Please, if anybody has seen him let me know. I live in the ShelbyOaks subdivision off of Austin Bridge rd. (Ridge Rd. and Kroger area) We love him very much.

  4. What I want to know is why is CARRINGPARENT defending this other person! Can this person not WRITE for themselves?? I laughed to aberdeen! What a joke this person is! If you don't PASS THE TEST YOU DO NOT GRADUATE. If you don't graduate you do not walk. Simple as that. Why question it anymore??????

  5. Did you say sandy blond hair with dark clothing RRR? I almost hit a guy on a bicycle fitting that description Monday night on Ridge Rd. It was almost 9:30 pm at the time! I even made a comment to my husband that this guy either doesn't want to be seen or just wants to be hit! I had to shine my brights on this guy to see him. If it wasn't from the little reflecter on the peddle.... Could this be our guy???

  6. POETDON you said,

    "I refuse to allow Mr. Turner to run the show, when the show is not all about what he wants." HOW VERY DISRESPECTUL! I would be ashamed of writing those words. You may have a good GPA but you will not get anywhere in life with that attitude. He is still the principal! He is in authority OVER you and the rest of the school. If this is your attitude, then your class will suffer. Your only hurting yourself. Step up to the plate and act like an honor student! Others will follow.

  7. :blink: OH BROTHER! You parents are worse than the students! Why blame the principal? The kids need to look at themselves. I'm sure he had a perfect reason. If cooler heads would prevail, why not have another chair ceremony??? My goodness! This principal has done good things for this high school. Paulding County ROTATES the principals around every few years. So, I am told. It's so funny to see how our society has SPOILED these kids. What the students did by "forcing" the ceremony was to show ALL OUT DISRESPECT for authority. As parents, are we teaching them by example??? If your boss suddenly changed his mind and told you something different, would you REBEL against it? Probably not, you'd get fired. The only way to handle this situation is thru diplomacy. You might even have a BETTER ceremony, maybe even start a new tradition in the chair ceremony. I feel that this would deserve a ceremony ALL BY ITSELF. Your not going to get the result you want by running to the Board. They have more important issues to deal with. Use your head! People are always calmer and in a BETTER frame of mind a few days later. Lets use some wisdom!
  8. Sun Valley beach in Powder springs has summer camp also. www.sunvalleybeach.com

    It runs all summer long. You can choose one week or more. It's up to you. I'm not sure about the cost. It's on the web site. Give them a call. Good luck!

  9. Well, After reading everybodies opinion, I have to put my two cents in. I will not watch the video, what I saw already was enough for me. I do believe in our First Amendment right. The media has the responsibility to "tell" the news, not necessarily SHOW it. What ever happened to old fashion reporting? Are our writers for the media that bad now? That we need to have a picture or video displayed for every story? Yes, we are dealing with horrendous people. We do not need to forget 9/11 or the recent atrosities that we've seen on our television or more lately, on the computers. We also need to remember that a lot of this in our media has to do with our political enviroment. The democrats are crying for Rumsfield's resignation over all the hoopla of the "mis-treatment" of prisoners. WHATTTT is going on here???? Get real. We may have a few "ROTTEN" eggs in the bunch, that did this. I don't condone what they did. The democrats could have planned that fiasco anyway... Just my opinion. The soldiers are saying that they were ordered to do this. That they were just "following orders." I believe that. Any way, this whole mess has backfired. Now, because of those pictures being shown, one of our civilians was murdered, horrendously! A tip, don't just listen to 'one' particular network. Some networks are pro democrat and some are pro republican. Watch several and you'll get "the whole picture" in a nutshell. I support my president and our troops. We need to do whatever is necessary to bring that country to some level of order. Pub is right about the culture over there. What we see as barbaric, is a part of there culture over there. Well, I could go on, but I've wrote enough. I had to vent a little myself. We need to get them %$#@*! We didn't start this war, they did! :angry:

  10. They can very well put handicapped children on the bottem floor! All classes that are special ed and at least one class for each grade that a handicapped student is in. There are ways of getting around the issue of multi-level schools. It just needs to be explored more by the county I think. Our county is getting bigger each year and something has to be done. :unsure:

  11. Let your daughter form her "own" opinion of her dad. All you can do is be supportive and the loving mother that you appear to be. I wouldn't try to push the issue with the father, let him dig his own grave. When he eventually "grows up", he may then see the importance of having a father-daughter relationship. Good luck.

  12. I agree with pub, this is a political year. Everyone has there opinion on what they read. I didn't believe this post when I first read it. To obvious. Our law enforcement is not SLACK in any of their procedures... well, that's just my opinion, not an actual fact. ;) I "believe" our county law enforcement is doing a great job. Any one else out there agree with me?

  13. MANNNN! I'm tense also from reading this! Publisher, you are doing a GREAT service to this community. I am also a paying member because I believe in this forum. I'm glad I missed the original posting. Publisher is right, you have to be REALLY careful in what you write, when using names! Keep up the great work Pub!! I appreciate your time and energy to this web site! :)

  14. I have a question for my neighbor aberdeen. :) What is the difference between math 65, 76, and 87. I know you teach math, so what better person to ask? I also wanted to let you know that you don't have to defend yourself on what time you post your messages while in school. People out there need to know that teachers DO get a little down time, I must say that it's not long enough in my opinion. Some teachers cannot even go to the BATHROOM when they need to. I like saxon math also. The lessons are easier to explain. My son loves math, to bad he didn't get you aberdeen for math this year. Could you please tell me the difference in the three? Thanks. :)

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