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Everything posted by Riograce

  1. Hahahahahahahaha! Like that's up to you! I have never known a single grandparent who got to *choose* what s/he was called - the CHILD has always been the one who decides. And believe me, whatever it is, you'll love it!
  2. I have locked my keys in my car *once*, and that was close to thirty years ago. Ever since then, my keys are either in my hand or in my pocket (I rarely carry a purse) when I close the car door, and I'm one of those people who literally *looks* at the keys or pats my pocket before I close that door. I'm with the folks who said make her work it out herself the next time it happens, provided she's not in great personal danger. MAYBE that will finally motivate her to create her *own* solution to the problem.
  3. I suspect that the difference lies in the fact that TWO people intimately connected to Lynn Turner died under peculiar circumstances. If Casey loses another child - God forbid she should *have* another one, but **** happens! - I can almost guarantee that she'd have a lot harder time getting away with it.
  4. I plan on saving a fair amount of my outrage and disgust for those who are willing to PROFIT BY or PURCHASE anything she produces for sale.
  5. I agree wholeheartedly. Children deserve to be cherished, not tolerated - or worse. Maybe if we as a society would quit glorifying pregnancy and motherhood/fatherhood and portray it as the hard job it is, more 'accidental' parents would be willing to give up their children for adoption to people who *know* that parenting is hard and want to do it anyway.
  6. Agreed. But if you look at this case dispassionately - as I tried to do in my earlier posts - you have to accept that there WILL be people who are willing and able to visit their outrage on Casey Anthony once she goes free. Speaking pragmatically, if Casey doesn't leave Florida and change her name, she's an even bigger idiot than I think she is.
  7. If she doesn't leave Florida, I think you're right: she'll be found dead in a ditch somewhere. There are too many people out there who'll be ready to mete out *their* form of justice on her.
  8. Like it or not, the prosecution could never place anything directly in Casey's hands, whether it was chloroform, duct tape, or the bag holding Caylee's body. I am disappointed in the verdict but not surprised. Those of us who believe in a higher power know that justice will be served someday to whomever was guilty of this crime.
  9. I think she'll be found guilty but *won't* get the death penalty. The evidence was damning but not 100% definite. And that juror with the trip planned will be able to leave on time.
  10. Yeah, I can't get on it under my primary account, but my gaming account is OK for now. I found this under the Help section:
  11. I didn't listen to your 'audio link' because I prefer to get *my* information from the source - that is, the actual bill under discussion: (Bold text added by me for emphasis) ( http://www1.legis.ga.gov/legis/2011_12/fulltext/hb87.htm )
  12. Amen to that. Remember Sean Connery's line in 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade': 'We named the dog Indiana.' There's a lesson there.
  13. I know you already have one child, but if you can get your hands on a copy of 'Every Child Should Have a Chance' by Dr. Leila Denmark, I think you'll find lots of helpful tips on how to take care of your young ones. If you can't find a copy in the library, I *think* you can still order a copy from Dr. Denmark herself - she lives in Athens. A web search using the book's title should turn up her address. Best wishes for an uneventful pregnancy and healthy babies!
  14. Sadder that his parents set him up for just this scenario. Best of luck to him!
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sudden deaths are hard on those left behind, but I truly believe they are a blessing on those who are actually suffering. My mother lost her dearest childhood friend in much this way - she was diagnosed with cancer in May and passed away about a month later. Mother is taking it pretty hard, but she knows that it was probably for the best. May God be with you and yours and give you comfort.
  16. I disagree - I think he was trying to impress on the young genius that he was in a COURTROOM, not a TV audience. They just said the guy is 28 years old - *waaaay* grown enough to understand where he was and how he should behave.
  17. His parents and his employer (TGI Friday's) must be so proud ...!
  18. I don't know, but it drives me crazy. The whole Anthony scenario is bizarre enough without Nancy Grace trying to attach her self-created label to it.
  19. I hope for all of your sakes that Dad can see what a tremendous opportunity this would be for your/his son and get behind the idea 100%. I hope, too, that Son will be enthusiastic about living in England for a year, but just remember that if he's not, and Dad is amenable, Son can stay here while YOU go abroad to take advantage of this chance of a lifetime. I never have believed in allowing *children* to call the shots when grownups have an important decision to make. If it affects them, they should be allowed to say their piece, but ultimately what you do is up to YOU. Good luck!
  20. Just confirms what I've known since I was a child: math teachers ARE terrorists.
  21. I've been wondering the same thing.
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