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Posts posted by zekat

  1. I had an Ultimate Baby Wrap that I used a lot the first 9 months. I'd put him in it to do things around the house and while he was nursing, I could adjust it so he could nurse in there and I could have one free hand (and be up moving around). Of course it wasn't always worth the hassle, but it did come in handy when I needed it.


    I've also heard great things about the Maya as a PP mentioned.

  2. So exactly how much is 250 gbs? I mean, what does the average internet user use per month because I would definitely be 10x with all the photos I upload to my website every month. Is there a way to check and see how much you use?


    I might need to seek out a new internet provider. I hated Bellsouth/AT&T when I had them... are their any other options?


    250 gbs is something we will NEVER attain. I'm pretty sure the article goes on to say that average users utilize about 3-4gbs a month. Additionally, they are not charging anyone for going over. If it's the same article I read yesterday, you could download 4 fulllength movies a day for a whole month and still not exceed the bandwidth. All in all, it's not that big of a deal and is the biggest cap out there. Other companies have smaller caps (like 5).

  3. I think it's probably because there are so few blondes who care. If there was a large group or something and they were able to organize and get the word out that it's just the same as any other discrimination, then there might be some changes. Just as you mentioned in your other post - you find disabled people funny if the circumstances are right. So, regardless of how one is raised or what we have been taught, EVERYTHING is funny in the right context. But, if there are few constraints on laughing at a particular stereotype (blondes) then people will find it more accepting to do so.


    However, it's just a series of jokes. I'm trying to imagine an Association of Blondes for Change or something, and not sure what their large complaint would be. Stop making jokes? It's not like blondes are discriminated against in the work force or anything. I just don't think blondes have suffered at the hands of discrimination in the same ways gays, blacks or disabled people have. Not even a comparison in my book.

  4. I recently had af friend name her baby Landry, which I loved. My mom swears it's a boys name, but I find it suites the little girl perfectly. I also like Molly, Eliza, and Sicily. All strongish names, I think. I also like Natalie which feels a bit softer to me.

  5. Glad to hear it seems ok. My first thought was sciatica since it can cause leg numbness at times, but I wasn't sure if it was the front or the back of the leg. Either way - not much they could do for numbness, really - unless there were other symptoms. It wasn't like he was bleeding from his ear, foaming at the mouth or complaining of chest pains. I like to assume the best in people and figured if there were other, scary symptoms going along with the numbness that you wouldn't have fooled with posting. Hope it goes away on it's own and all is well.

  6. "They didn't explain to the parents that this was an experimental vaccine, and a lot of the parents who signed consent forms were illiterate," said Marchesse, a pediatrician who heads the Health Professionals' Labor Association in the northern Argentine province of Santiago del Estero, where she said seven of the 14 children died.


    This has been an interesting conversation, but in the spirit of full disclosure, this article did go on to explain "The natural infant death rate in those countries from pneumonia is 4 to 5 of every 1,000 live births — more than four times the rate seen in the study, Alspach said." There were over 19,000 children in this study. When you hear that number, 7 deaths is not nearly as big of a number.


    I decided to alternate the vaccination schedule for my son, but ultimately he received all of the typical vaccinations. In my opinion, it's not a bad thing for drug companies to make money from vaccinations. I do not believe in some huge conspiracy to inject our children with terrible chemicals just so big pharma can make a profit. I think drug companies offer a valid service to our society by vaccinating us against many diseases which, in the past, caused great pain and suffering (and occasionally death). I think it's great that people are educating themselves on vaccinations and making their own choices. Either choice we make, we take a risk. Po-tay-toes, po-tah-toes.

  7. It's also possible she sold her or gave her away to someone. That would explain her not being nervous or anything. It is all just very bizzare and I'm blown away the investigators can't piece more of it together. Or maybe they are and just aren't saying. It's sad all the way around.

  8. We use Comcast for our internet, DirecTV for our cable and Vonage for our phoneline. We get all the bells and whistles with Vonage (local, long distance, three-way, call waiting, call block, ect.) for $15 a month for 500 minutes. You can get unlimited for $25. We LOVE it and have had it since it was first available. We also have played around with Dish/DirecTV and Comcast Cable and have found that we enjoy DirecTV the most. Since becoming a customer, we have called them twice and gotten good deals on receivers. At one point they were offering receivers to new customers for $50, so I called and asked if we could get the same deal and they said yes. We did the same thing with our DVR.

  9. So basically they did nothing you couldn't have done yourself (weight & height) and now are gonna collect $ for a service fee for it - THEN get to bill again next month. I think I'd call PeachCare and see if you can get them to deny the payment. Not even sure how that works, but I'd probably try.


    I would be ticked off too!

  10. I'm all about personal freedoms, so I certainly think a teacher in their offtime should be able to enjoy themselves how they see fit (within reason, of course :) ) BUT, I also believe a person should stand by the choices they make. She obviously isn't comfortable being a bar, so she should probably explore why and either not go, or decide she's willing to stand by her choice if confronted.

  11. I first want to say that I totally agree with JetMan's earlier response that unchecked corporate profit leads to greed and a general uncaring attitude on part of the corporations (I think back especially to the early part of the 1900's). I do think American corporations have come a long way and I also think that part of what government should do is regulate and watch. However, I do not think they should penalize corporations for smart business practices (high profits). It's not the governments job. I also have problems when the government gives big incentives to corproations to go into certain fields. I just think LESS government is MORE for the people. And we are, after all a country for the people, by the people.


    As far as individuals and offshore jobs, it's really the same argument. People (individuals) want profits too. At this juncture, Americans are highly skilled and full of information. We are rapidly moving away from the farms and manual labor into a more highly trained and technical work force. Why not outsource jobs that Americans do not want? Why not outsource jobs that most Americans are too highly trained for? It only forces us to get smarter and better trained which leads back to higher innovation.


    I just don't see how illegal immigration and offshore jobs has hurt Americans (outside of the loss on taxes which the Fair Tax would take care of nicely :) ). While the media is having a great time talking about the jobless rate in America and how it's climbing, it's still actually a pretty remarkable rate. Only 5.7% of our society that wants to work is not working. That's really a very low number. Sure 4.9% would be better but I dont' think illegal immigrants and offshore jobs have anything to do with this small increase in the jobless rate in the US. They can't take jobs that Americans don't want.

  12. If this is based on how much income they have, then why shouldn't the top (richest) pay the most? They get the most income.


    I would actually like to see the fair tax system implemented someday. From what I have read about it.....it actually seems the most fair to me.


    It's a deterant to innovation. Profit is a great motivator. If profits are undercut by taxes, then where is the incentive to make money? As a society, we complain because the rich are too rich, but at the same time, we enjoy the very lifestyle those rich people provide us. Drugs for high blood pressure, AIDS, and diabetes? They are produced because the companies that produce them realize they are big money makers. Why is it such a dirty word to be a capitalist? It's how our country works. Ipods? Capitalism. Profits. Good stuff!! Toy cars for my son? Same thing. Cute shoes? My favorite coffee? Consumers have to be responsible enough to spend within their budgets and not take on more stuff than they can afford. But at the end of the day, profits are THE motivator in our society for innovation. Without profits, we would lose our choices and our individuality of those choices. Maybe the greater question is if individuality and innovation are all that important. If not, then big business is clearly bad. However, if innovation and individuality are important, then big businesses must make profits.

  13. I am sooooooooo not a doctor, but I second the motrin/advil/ibuprofen. It's the season for junk like this - tree & grass pollens are pretty high and tend to affect us all differently. Hopefull you'll feel better real soon.

  14. In fact, I just checked again and there are no tornado *warnings* at all in Alabama - just severe thunderstorm warnings (as well as tornado *watches*). I know when I first woke up that several counties in Alabama were under a tornado warning. Of course, this doesn't mean we are out of the woods, but it does make me feel just a tiny bit better :)

  15. I'm awake too. A bit neurotic when it comes to tornados. And I swear I heard the sirens go off in Powder Springs (I live off 92/Brownsville) right before the first little storm hit. I've been watching since then (about an hour ago) and while I don't know if the storms are getting weaker, I do know that a lot of the tornado warnings in Alabama have expired and they are now mostly covered by severe thunderstorm warnings. That's something, right?

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