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Everything posted by WHITEY

  1. BeachBum There you go again calling people classless for posting true facts,And twisting my message. Just so you know I voted for Karen Handel in the primary race, and she was supported by Mrs Tea Party herself (Sarah Palin) She was bt far the best candidate in the primary, I also openly campaigned for Todd Pownall, And David Barnett in the Primary election, Two very fine Conservative candidates You should know me by now that for years I have supported both Republican and Democratic Candidates. I have no allegiance to either party, I try and vote for the person who best represents what
  2. Were you for the tax increases that she voted for while serving eight years on the school board? Are you okay with all the meetings and votes she missed? Are you okay with building a fancy building to meet in while our kids were in trailers? Does this represent the Republican Party of Paulding County?
  3. Well if Paulette refuses to debate that is okay with me. So..... That only leaves her arrest records, Bankruptcy records, And her record of eight years serving on the school board, To ascertain whether she is a conservative or not having said that would you care to point out which one of those makes her a conservative?
  4. Then try and get Paulette to DEBATE
  5. here is a link http://www.cobbda.com/PretrialDiversion.htm This is pretty clear to me that a person must admit guilt to enter the diversion program in Cobb County. So I guess there is a difference in PLEADING GUILTY And ADMITiNG GUILT, Or is there a difference???
  6. HEY............I started this thread about a debate,not the BS you raise start your own thread
  7. Hey pigpen,beachbum,nature girl,Did you read my post above and get down to the red wording? whatcha about that?
  8. You know all of these could easily be answered if you could just get Paulette to DEBATE Why all the interest in this race if you live in Cobb?????
  9. Pigpen I am no lawyer but I can read ... From the Cobb County DA web site. PRETRIAL DIVERSION PROGRAM District Attorney’s Office Cobb Judicial Circuit GUIDELINES The Diversion Program was created pursuant to Official Code of Georgia Annotated §15-18-80 as an alternative to the prosecution of offenders in the criminal system. The Diversion Program is designed for first offenders who have committed crimes that did not result in injury to a victim, are ot
  10. This is all the more reason to have a debate LET'S HAVE A DEBATE
  12. HA HA I thought you did a pretty good bashing job on Representive Stout During the primary election. I guess you have forgotten the bashing in the Austin vs Shearin race,Or the Braddock vs Kim Cobb Race of course there was a difference since it was Republican bashing Republican in those races. Since when did a persons voting record become dirty politics?Should Paulettes voting record while serving on the school board remain un challenged? Was itt dirty politics when you and Golden raised Stouts past? Gimme a break Madea,This race is no different than past races here in Paulding
  13. Why are you continually attempting to label Will Avery as being a Obama Democrat,Nothing has indicated that in any of his comments. Here is the true facts, If Will had qualified as a Republican, He would now be the DARLING OF THE LOCAL REPUBLICAN PARTY. Will Avery is among the top five candidates to run for public office in Paulding County in the past several years, I have stated many times on here why I support Will Avery, He is head and shoulders better than his opponent. Many Republicans have chose to support Will Avery during this campaign,Because of his open stance on the issues f
  14. Well if you think Paulette is a conservative, Just take a peek at her voting record while serving on the School Board for eight years, Nothing but tax and spend for the entire eight years
  15. Will you explain what you mean in the above quote?
  16. Here is the information click on two day report http://ethics.georgia.gov/Reports/Campaign/Campaign_Name.aspx?NameID=6430&FilerID=C2010000028&Type=candidate http://ethics.georgia.gov/Reports/Campaign/Campaign_ByExpenditures_RFR.aspx?NameID=770&FilerID=NC2006000177&CDRID=22289&Name=MMV%20Alliance%20Fund&Year=2009&Report=June%2030th%20-%20Non-Election%20Year http://atlantaunsheltered.com/tag/mmv-alliance-fund/
  17. heck I am more concerned with some of Paulette's supporters such as Ithey or GOP rules etc.
  18. Oh..I almost forgot,was up at the barbershop today and heard that Paulette had..... Ah never mind you would just take up for her
  19. I have really been nice and sweet during this campaign
  20. I thought you supported Paulette in the run off?
  21. I first met Will Avery prior to the Republican Primary, shortly after he qualified to run for District 19 House seat, and I was impressed with his knowledge of the problems facing Paulding County and the way that he expressed his reason for running as a Democrat, Knowing that Paulding County was a Republican controlled County. Will was asked point blank that day about his past and whether or not there was any skeletons in his closet that would be brought out during the course of the campaign, As it has turned out he has proven to be squeaky clean, furthermore Will has attended all forums tha
  22. But..........You opposed Daniel in the Primary???
  23. This is just my observation of this race; there are only two viable media outlets in Paulding County, P.Com and the Dallas New Era. P.Com reaches more people and reaches out to all the candidates regardless of party affilation P.com has interviewed all of the candidates that are running for the local races, and have covered every major event where the candidates have met to discuss the issues, and has an open door policy to any candidate who wishes to be interviewed. Any candidate who chooses can use this media to advertise their platforms here or to participate in discussions in this foru
  24. I thought it was in writing on the BOE web site,Am I wrong?? I know the slide show presented at the chamber had it up there
  25. Over the past several years I have been strongly opposed to the way that the BOE and the school board have raised our property taxes, and spent our tax dollars. Since the $125 million dollar school bond was crammed down our throats in 2007, I became very leery of anything that the BOE or the school board attempted to do, and, have been very vocal of some of their actions. In the July 2007 primary election the citizens of Paulding County spoke loud and clear about the tax and spend habits of the School Board, And. elected three new school board members. Since that time I have seen a complet
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