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Shallow Hal

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Everything posted by Shallow Hal

  1. Way too long to read and care what you have to say, but can tell after reading your first sentence you have no clue.
  2. I attribute it to being raised in a 2 parent house and being taught right from wrong.
  3. Yeah, I've heard that. . Sometime you've got to dig a little deeper and accept responsibility. Blaming others doesn't fix things.
  4. You used to be like me...... Until you lost sight of what was important and got divorced?
  5. Did the people in the marriage or the government make relationship unhealthy? I'm not up for the government telling me to do anything. I'm tired of lazy people taking the easy way out and not raising their children.
  6. Dad's involved in the child's life is much different than a 2 parent home. Dad's that don't make the effort to make the relationship work took the easy way out. I've got friends that are divorced dad's and it seems mighty easy to stroke that check and come to a ball game once a week and claim to be involved.
  7. I've got better things to do than stop and record police officers. And honestly, if you're getting beat by the police you likely deserved it. I don't put myself in positions where that's going to happen to me by them.
  8. I haven't followed/read the whole thread, so this has probably been said, but seemingly if they had released this info from the beginning it may have prevented some of the aftermath.
  9. So if the parents had worked to resolve/fix their differences and keep the children in a 2 parent home this wouldn't be an issue. I realize not all divorces are avoidable, but many are. I have no sympathy for whiney divorced parents that should have resolved their issues. When the children are the focus from the beginning divorce isn't an issue.
  10. I understand and agree 100%. Just like any other occupation there good and bad employees. Healthcare is no exception.
  11. When a family member is concerned, being objective can be difficult. Sometimes perception of care given is much different than the actual care given. Which can go either way. A super nice, seemingly attentive, provider can give the worst care and the rude provider can give good care. Or what you may think is slow could be ok. Hard to say. I would ask to see the House Nurse either way and calmly explain your concerns.
  12. Well, when Maury Povich is your primary news source, you are bound to get some misinformation.
  13. I agree. Amazing how that works. I had read your post wrong the first time.
  14. Statistically, I'd worry about a lot of other things before spending too much time on this. But, why anyone would voluntarily travel to that region is beyond me.
  15. How do you figure? I should clarify, I assume you mean if Brown respected the law a little, it may have saved his life. I agree.
  16. There is not a 300 calorie limit. There seems to be a lot of misinformation regarding this. One of my kids came home blaming Obama. I researched it and found the facts. I would encourage a little research and reading. http://www.fns.usda.gov/school-meals/nutrition-standards-school-meals
  17. Oh, so I didn't actually read what you were saying and just posted nonsense?
  18. I'm sorry your husband is a fat pig.
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